Pavel Stratan - Peștișorul de aur - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pavel Stratan - Peștișorul de aur

Peștișorul de aur
The Golden Fish
Stau pe malul iazului si prind
I sit on the edge of the pond and catch
Pestisori de aur si argint
Gold and silver fish
Numai ca de aur nu prea prind.
But I don't catch many gold ones.
Ori carciocu-i fara rama
Either the hook is without bait
Ori ca rama se farama
Or because the bait is crumbling
Da ceva se-ntampla, dau garant.
But something is happening, I guarantee it.
N-ar fi rau sa fie bine
It wouldn't be bad if it was good
In carcioc sa se anine
To hook on the hook
Pestele cu ochi de diamant.
A fish with diamond eyes.
Numai nu termin sa ma gandesc
I barely finish thinking
Cand ma uit in apa ametesc:
When I look in the water, I get dizzy:
Pluta mea cu pielea goala
My float is bare
Ba se culca, ba se scoala
It goes to sleep and then gets up
Doamne, cred ca ii balaur
Lord, I think it's a dragon
Ori ii pestele de aur.
Or it's the golden fish.
Dac-ar fi sa fie cum am zis
If it were as I said
In primul rand, imi fac vecina miss
First, I would make my neighbor miss
Si-i ridic vreo trei palate
And I would build her three palaces
Toate pline cu de toate
All full of everything
Si-i fac viata de regina,
And I would make her life a queen's
-Nu te supara, vecina! .
-Don't be mad, neighbor! .
Nici de restul fetelor nu m-as feri
I would not spare the rest of the girls either
Toate ca vecina ar pati .
All the same would happen to them as to the neighbor.
Si sa vezi din tari straine
And then you would see from foreign countries
Toate cum se-ntorc de maine
All of them would come back from tomorrow
Ca de bine cred ca n-o sa
Because they probably won't
Fuga nimeni de acasa.
Run away from home.
Dar pentru veselie si umor
But for fun and humor
L-as face tanar si nemuritor
I would make him young and immortal
Inca zece mii de veacuri
Still ten thousand centuries
Sa ne povesteasca bancuri
To tell us jokes
Cu masajuri si cu cuscri
With massages and with matchmakers
Sa traiasca Gheorghe Urschi!
Long live Gheorghe Urschi!
Iar pe taranii care muncesc la sat
And the peasants who work in the village
Pe fiecare l-as face imparat
Everyone would make them emperors
Da-n jurul casei ca furnicii
But around the house like ants
Sa lucreze veneticii
Let the foreigners work
Las′ sa stie si strainii
Let the foreigners know too
Cum e rau, nu n'ma cum bine-i.
How bad, not how good it is.
Da ultima dorinta care-o am
But the last wish I have
M-as preface-n Sioma Marian
I would pretend to be Sioma Marian
Si pe toti din jurul casii
And everyone around the house
I-as trimite-n la mama masii.
I would send them to their mother's dick.
Vad ca undita se-ndoaie.
I see the rod bending.
Ce zici, peste?
What do you say, fish?
Da-i bataie!
Go for it!

Writer(s): pavel stratan

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