PeCaDor feat. Baserdon - Todo Sigue Igual - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction PeCaDor feat. Baserdon - Todo Sigue Igual

Todo Sigue Igual
Everything Remains the Same
Manifiesto descontento contra los que reprimen
I express my discontent against those who repress,
Los que causaron miedo en tiempos de régimen
Those who caused fear in times of the regime,
Aquellos que hoy en día se reparten el poder
Those who today share power among themselves,
Y a los que no ven al anciano envejecer
And those who fail to see the elderly grow old.
Y parto señalando todo lo que me afecta
I start by pointing out everything that affects me,
Eso que impide andar tranquilo por veredas
That which prevents me from walking peacefully on the sidewalks,
Que no tenga pa comprar lo que el negocio venda
That I don't have the means to buy what the businesses sell,
Algunos de mis dardos van hacia la moneda
Some of my darts are aimed at the currency.
Si hubiese gente honesta gobernando de verdad
If there were honest people truly governing,
La cosa sería distinta partiendo por la igualdad
Things would be different, starting with equality.
Que el rico es mas rico para mi no es novedad
That the rich get richer is not news to me,
Se que el futuro es nuestro lo podemos cambiar
I know the future is ours, we can change it.
Veo que mi pueblo está hundido en la pobreza
I see my people sunk in poverty,
Y tu mente egoísta solo piensa en la riqueza
And your selfish mind only thinks of wealth.
No te pesa ver a aquellos niños sin certeza
Doesn't it burden you to see those children with no certainty
Que mañana comerán un pan en la mesa
That tomorrow they'll have bread on the table?
Y si es que tienen mesa, no me cabe en la cabeza
And if they even have a table, it doesn't fit in my head,
Pero a tu presidenta eso no le interesa
But your president doesn't care about that.
Se preocupa solo de su clase, mantenerla obesa
She only worries about her class, keeping it obese,
Y que el resto del país se pudra en su realeza
And letting the rest of the country rot in her royalty.
Corrupción, desigualdad, acostumbrados estamos
Corruption, inequality, we're used to it,
Engañados por la caca que nos vende el estado
Deceived by the crap the state sells us.
Y es que no compramos, la protesta damos
And we don't buy it, we protest,
No soy un comunista solo soy un ciudadano
I'm not a communist, just a citizen.
Vivimos dia a dia esta realidad
We live this reality day by day,
Somos prisioneros de babilonia
We are prisoners of Babylon.
Mi sociedad se está de a poco destruyendo
My society is slowly being destroyed,
Y el empresario a mi pueblo está comiendo
And the businessman is eating away at my people.
Y no entiendo, y no comprendo
And I don't understand, I don't comprehend,
Que mi país de a poco se esté vendiendo
That my country is slowly being sold off.
Y no entiendo, y no comprendo
And I don't understand, I don't comprehend,
Que mi país de a poco se esté vendiendo
That my country is slowly being sold off.
Y hablo como tal, es anormal
And I speak as such, it's abnormal,
Que dia a dia a una persona la traten como animal
That day by day a person is treated like an animal.
Todo esta mal
Everything is wrong,
Y es que le pido a DIOS que cuide a mi gente
And I ask GOD to take care of my people,
Y que al rico le cambie esa asquerosa mente
And to change that disgusting mind of the rich.
Demente, sin tener el mínimo conciente
Demented, without the minimum conscience,
Diganme que esperan, que mi voz reviente?
Tell me, what are they waiting for, for my voice to burst?
Y así es, lo que ves no es como lo pintan
And so it is, what you see is not how they paint it,
La gente está muerta pero hay quien la reviva
The people are dead, but there are those who revive them.
Y aunque nos tengan hacinados
And even though they have us crowded,
Serán nuestras manos las que destruyan el estado
It will be our hands that destroy the state.
Nos preparan pa' la guerra a los 18 años
They prepare us for war at 18 years old,
En caso de entrar en conflictos monetarios
In case of entering into monetary conflicts.
Porque soberanía para que defenderemos
Because what sovereignty will we defend,
Si USA nos domina con un solo dedo
If the USA dominates us with a single finger?
Y hablo de ese crédito y la beca de bachelet
And I speak of that credit and Bachelet's scholarship,
Una solución parche pa que todo luzca bien
A band-aid solution to make everything look good.
El dinero pa matrícula lo pago en arriendo
I pay the money for tuition in rent,
Ya que en mi pais el hogar no es un derecho
Since in my country, a home is not a right.
Babylon, abusa del poder poder
Babylon, abuses power,
Babylon, injusticia es lo que puedes ver
Babylon, injustice is what you can see,
Babylon, nos quieren desaparecer
Babylon, they want to make us disappear,
Babylon, tu egoísmo no permitiré
Babylon, I will not allow your selfishness.
Babylon, abusa del poder poder
Babylon, abuses power,
Babylon, injusticia es lo que puedes ver
Babylon, injustice is what you can see,
Babylon, nos quieren desaparecer
Babylon, they want to make us disappear,
Babylon, tu egoísmo no permitiré
Babylon, I will not allow your selfishness.
Vivimos dia a dia esta realidad
We live this reality day by day,
Somos prisioneros de babilonia
We are prisoners of Babylon.
Mi sociedad se está de a poco destruyendo
My society is slowly being destroyed,
Y el empresario a mi pueblo está comiendo
And the businessman is eating away at my people.
Y no entiendo, y no comprendo
And I don't understand, I don't comprehend,
Que mi país de a poco se esté vendiendo
That my country is slowly being sold off.
Y no entiendo, y no comprendo
And I don't understand, I don't comprehend,
Que mi país de a poco se esté vendiendo
That my country is slowly being sold off.
Babylon, abusa del poder poder
Babylon, abuses power,
Babylon, injusticia es lo que puedes ver
Babylon, injustice is what you can see,
Babylon, nos quieren desaparecer
Babylon, they want to make us disappear,
Babylon, tu egoísmo no permitiré
Babylon, I will not allow your selfishness.
Babylon, abusa del poder poder
Babylon, abuses power,
Babylon, injusticia es lo que puedes ver
Babylon, injustice is what you can see,
Babylon, nos quieren desaparecer
Babylon, they want to make us disappear,
Babylon, tu egoísmo no permitiré
Babylon, I will not allow your selfishness.

Writer(s): Freddy Fresko

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