Pede B - Brænder Op - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pede B - Brænder Op

Brænder Op
Burning Up
Ene og forladte
Alone and forsaken
Går vi mod bakkens top
We walk towards the top of the hill
Det sveder, jorden drejer rundt
It's sweating, the earth is spinning around
Mens vi brænder op
As we burn up
Indse det Pede, hun kommer ikke tilbage igen
Realize it, Pede, she's not coming back
Blok de tanker ude og prøv at holde vreden hen
Block those thoughts out and try to hold the anger back
Jeg troede virkelig det, troen den er knækket nu
I really believed in it, my faith is broken now
Alt der ikke udvikler sig dør, hvad forventer du
Everything that doesn't develop dies, so what do you expect
Alle siger du nok skal klare den, men hvad ved de for helvede
Everyone says you'll make it, but what the hell do they know
Kaptajnen bliver vel uanset hvad skibsdækket
The captain will always stay on the ship's deck, no matter what
Jeg tror det' forudbestemt at jeg skal smile lettet
I think it was predetermined that I should smile with relief
Mens jeg lukker øjnene og går igennem minefeltet
As I close my eyes and walk through the minefield
Den ene fod foran den anden, vader op ad bakken
One foot in front of the other, wading up the hill
Selvfornægtelsen er din ven, men du burde holde dig fra den
Self-denial is your friend, but you should stay away from it
Indse det, kom nu Pede for helvede, indse det
Realize it, come on, Pede, for God's sake, realize it
Du kradser skorpen af såret, pisset ik' ka' hele
You're scratching the scab off the wound, so the piss won't heal
Som om smerten som det sidste minder dig om
As if the pain is the last thing to remind you
At pladsen ved din side, den engang ikke var tom
That the space by your side was once not empty
folks råd giver dig lyst til at slå smilet af dem
So people's advice makes you want to knock the smile off their face
Det' sikkert derfor at du ikke kan sove en skid om natten
That's probably why you can't sleep a wink at night
Ene og forladt mens jeg ligger her I nat
Alone and forsaken as I lie here tonight
Tingene inden I min skal gør jeg tripper som besat
The things inside my head make me trip like crazy
Der' ingen grund til panik
There's no reason to panic
'Ey, hvem fanden sagde det?
'Hey, who the hell said that?
Det' bare mig, jeg kommer til dig når det hele er stressende
It's just me, I come to you when it's all stressful
Hvem fuck er du?
Who the fuck are you?
Jeg' ham der var der alle de gange de råbte af dig
I'm the one who was there all those times they yelled at you
Når du kun kunne kigge ned I jorden som en fucking spasser
When you could only look at the ground like a fucking buffoon
Jeg gav dig energi når vejen var svær
I gave you energy when the road was tough
Og lærte dig det at give en fuck det ikke var kræfterne værd
And taught you that giving a fuck wasn't worth the effort
Den eneste ven der siger tingene som de rent faktisk er
The only friend who tells it like it is
For alle vil have en bid af dig, når du' I lampernes skær
Because everyone wants a piece of you when you're in the limelight
Lad være og lyt til ham
Stop it and listen to him
Tro mig, du' tæt
Trust me, you're so close
De ting han snakker om, dem bliver du stærkere af at gennemgå
The things he talks about, you'll be stronger for going through them
Du ender som du-ved-nok-hvem, bare vent og se
You'll end up like you-know-who, just wait and see
Du klarer det langsomt bedre, og det' vigtigt du ikke glemmer det
You're slowly getting better, and it's important you don't forget that
Hvem er du?
Who are you?
Jeg' ham der er der når du mærker
I'm the one who's there when you feel
At livet ka' være hårdt, men hvad der ik' dræber dig gør dig stærkere
That life can be hard, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Jeg ved du godt ved, du burde holde op med
I know you know you should stop
At tro du kan, for vejen til Helvede er skabt af stolthed
To think you can, because the road to Hell is paved with pride
Nederlag kommer altid tilbage igen som et omkvæd
Defeat always comes back again like a refrain
Det ville være bedre hvis du bare droppede det og solgte fed
It would be better if you just dropped it and sold drugs
Okay, hold nu op Pede, din musik er din beskyttelse mod tomhed
Okay, stop it now, Pede, your music is your protection from emptiness
Hvor'n det?
How's that?
Folk snakker om dig, din musik er skoldhed
People are talking about you, your music is hot
Okay, hvor lang tid har du rappet?
Okay, how long have you been rapping?
Okay hvem tæller mer'
Okay, who counts more
Det' kun grund af Fight Night de ved at du eksister'
It's only because of Fight Night that they know you exist
Plade efter plade, hvornår indser du det ik' er nok?
Album after album, when will you realize it's not enough?
En taber 27 med et fucking deltidsjob
A loser at 27 with a fucking part-time job
Det at du kan klare dig deltid er pissegodt
The fact that you can get by on part-time is fucking awesome
De fleste folk I dansk musik kan ikke engang spillejob
Most people in Danish music can't even get gigs
Du' aldrig tilfreds, lige meget hvad du opnår
You're never satisfied, no matter what you achieve
Og giver dig selv skylden når problemerne de opstår
And blame yourself when problems arise
Du hundrede procent skør, hvis hele det her projekt dør
You're a hundred percent crazy, if this whole project dies
Men jeg kan ikke beslutte det for dig, det du selv gøre
But I can't decide that for you, you have to do it yourself

Writer(s): Kim Sæther, Steen Toft Andersen, Stig Kreutzfeldt

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