Pekado - El Retiro - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Pekado - El Retiro

El Retiro
The Retreat
No voy a pedir nada que no puedas darme, nada que no merezca
I will not ask for anything that you cannot give me, anything that I do not deserve
No hay nada que me calme, nada que no me pertenezca
There is nothing that calms me, nothing that does not belong to me
Por eso en la distancia corta, ya nadie me engaña
That is why at a close distance, no one fools me anymore
Me siento un lobo que bajo de la montaña
I feel like a wolf that comes down from the mountain
Piensan que estoy quedando solo como Gran Bretaña
They think I am becoming alone like Great Britain
Perdiendo mi juventud, encerrado, Montserrat en Musarañas
Losing my youth, locked up, Montserrat in Musarañas
Yo ya dejé de demostrar cosas, de pedir cosas, de ganar cosas
I have already stopped showing off, asking for things, winning things
Tengo sangre y callos en mis manos, a parte iguales
I have blood and calluses on my hands, in equal parts
Yo ya aprendí que el mundo no se rige por mis ideales
I have already learned that the world is not governed by my ideals
Estoy compartiendo un café con mis rivales, pero
I am sharing a coffee with my rivals, but
No siempre fueron buenos mis modales
My manners were not always good
Perdí los nervios, no así mis principios
I lost my temper, but not my principles
El opio para el pueblo, yo estoy limpio
Opium for the people, I am clean
Escriben crimen y violencia en la ciudad de dios
They write crime and violence in the city of God
La eterna conquista a la lista de los ídolos
The eternal conquest to the list of idols
No me sienten, no saben lo que es luchar
They don't feel me, they don't know what it's like to fight
No me encuentran, piensan tienen libertad
They don't find me, they think they have freedom
Si me olvidas, otro ocupa mi lugar
If you forget me, someone else will take my place
Aun no es tarde, aun no es tarde
It's not too late, it's not too late
No es tan importante el talento como el sacrificio
Talent is not as important as sacrifice
No están cavando una tumba, están cavando un precipicio
They are not digging a grave, they are digging a precipice
El mundo ha cambiado, mis ojos han cambiado
The world has changed, my eyes have changed
La música ha cambiado, las reglas han cambiado
Music has changed, the rules have changed
Por eso yo no comparto mi vida con suicidas
That's why I don't share my life with suicides
Por favor diles a todos que me despidan
Please tell everyone to say goodbye to me
Yo ya no tengo tiempo, para todas sus mentiras
I no longer have time, for all their lies
Están robando el aire que respiras
They are stealing the air you breathe
Y tengo claro que es imposible que no me guarden rencor
And I am clear that it is impossible for them not to hold a grudge against me
Es inevitable hacer camino sin dolor
It is inevitable to make a path without pain
No me juzgues tan terrible por darle un poco de amor
Don't judge me so terribly for giving it a little love
Y que si para ti soy un traidor
And that if you are a traitor to me
También hay pactos sin razón, con desazón, sin corazón
There are also pacts without reason, with unease, without heart
Como mirarte al espejo y no poder decir este soy yo
Like looking in the mirror and not being able to say this is me
Durante un tiempo fuimos cómplices
For a time we were accomplices
Me sentí Alberto Ammann en Celda 211
I felt like Alberto Ammann in Cell 211
No me sienten, no saben lo que es luchar
They don't feel me, they don't know what it's like to fight
No me encuentran, piensan tienen libertad
They don't find me, they think they have freedom
Si me olvidas, otro ocupa mi lugar
If you forget me, someone else will take my place
Aun no es tarde, aun no es tarde
It's not too late, it's not too late
Jamás podréis matar mi obra, fusilado como García Lorca
You will never be able to kill my work, shot like García Lorca
Necesito tiempo, para volver a creer
I need time, to start to believe again
Para mirar donde otros solo ven
To look where others only see
Me siento un niño, en el Faro de las Orcas
I feel like a child, in the Lighthouse of the Whales

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