Pep Gimeno "Botifarra" - Jota Vella de Moixent - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pep Gimeno "Botifarra" - Jota Vella de Moixent

Jota Vella de Moixent
Jota Vella de Moixent
Les fadrines moixentines
The maidens of Moixent
Les fadrines moixentines
The maidens of Moixent
Totes van de cinc en cinc
All go in fives
La una li diu a l'altra
One says to the other
Que ganes de novio tinc
How I long for a boyfriend I have
Que ganes de novio tinc
How I long for a boyfriend I have
Les fadrines moixentines
The maidens of Moixent
Pepiqueta guapeta
Pretty Pepiqueta
Fa botifarres
Makes sausages
A pesseta la guitza
At a penny a pound
Totes cucaes
All baked to perfection
I sa mare li deia
And her mother said to her
Monyo sorongo
Silly girl
El tapó de la bassa
The stopper in the well
Serà el teu novio
Will be your boyfriend
Quan passes per lo raval
When you walk through the town
Quan passes per lo raval
When you walk through the town
Tots et diuen ravalera
Everyone calls you a streetwalker
No hi ha xica més templà
There is no girl more compliant
Si no és la santanera
If she is not the saint
Si no és la santanera
If she is not the saint
Quan passes per lo raval
When you walk through the town
Lliguardeta la tonta
Silly Lliguardeta
No pessetes
Has no money
Que se les gasta totes
She spends it all
Comprant cintetes
Buying ribbons
I sa mare li deia
And her mother said to her
Que no jugara
That she should not play
Que el novio que tenia
That the boyfriend she had
Ja no el ara
She no longer has
Des de que tu te n'anares
Since you went away
Des de que tu te n'anares
Since you went away
L'hortet ja no s'ha regat
The garden has not been watered
La bona herba no creix
The good grass does not grow
I el julivert s'ha secat
And the parsley has dried up
I el julivert s'ha secat
And the parsley has dried up
Des de que tu te n'anares
Since you went away
Deu i deu que són vint
Ten and ten are twenty
Vint i vint quaranta
Twenty and twenty are forty
Ara ton pare pixa
Now your father pisses
Ta mare canta
Your mother sings
Ta mare canta
Your mother sings
I ton pare també
And your father too
Al clamor d'esta casa
At the clamor of this house
Per setze galletets
For sixteen cookies

Writer(s): Pep Gimeno, Traditional

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