Pep Sala - Jo No Sé Ballar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pep Sala - Jo No Sé Ballar

Jo No Sé Ballar
I Can't Dance
Puc veure el teu perfil
I can see your profile
Que es dibuixa en la nit
Drawn in the middle of the night
Ensenyant les teves mans
Your hands gesturing
Que m'apunten i em conviden... i em conviden
They point at me, they invite me... they invite me
Tu esperes molt de mi
You expect a lot from me
I no què et puc donar
And I don't know what I can give you
Quan em mires i em somrius
When you look at me and you smile
I bellugues el teu cap... el teu cap
And you move your head... your head
Com un ocell sense ales
Like a bird without wings
Que no es pot enlairar
That can't take off
Tu segueixes el teu ritme
You follow your own rhythm
Però no ballar
But I can't dance
La imatge del teu cos
The image of your body
Movent-se en l'obscuritat
Moving in the dark
Em provoca el meu desig
Stirs up my desire
I m'altera la sang... m'altera la sang
And turns my blood on... turns my blood on
Amagada en la foscor
Hidden in the darkness
El teu cos es fa mirar
Your body demands to be looked at
Puc llegir el teu pensament
I can read your mind
I bellugo el meu cap... el meu cap
And I move my head... my head
Com un ocell sense ales
Like a bird without wings
Que no es pot enlairar
That can't take off
Tu segueixes el teu ritme
You follow your own rhythm
Però no ballar
But I can't dance
Com un peix fora de l'aigua
Like a fish out of water
Que no pot respirar
That can't breathe
Tu em demanes que et segueixi
You ask me to follow you
Però no ballar
But I can't dance
Però no ballar
But I can't dance
Els teus ulls em travessen
Your eyes pierce me
I començo a dubtar
And I begin to doubt
El teu joc em fa caure
Your game makes me fall
A les teves mans
Into your hands
És difícil dir que no
It's hard to say no
Quan tu ja ho has decidit
When you've already decided
Que la dansa acabarà
That the dance will end
Entregant-nos a la nit... a la nit
Surrendering to the night... to the night

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