Pepet I Marieta - Alguna Cosa Està Canviant - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pepet I Marieta - Alguna Cosa Està Canviant

Alguna Cosa Està Canviant
Something Is Changing
Quan la llum del món s'apaga
When the world's light goes out
El cel se torna un gran mural d'estels
The sky becomes a large mural of stars
El silenci de la nit m'atrapa
The silence of the night captures me
Dormiran les dos princesses
The two princesses will be sleeping
Que m'han fet un home diferent
Who have made a different man out of me
Que ja no coneix l'estrés ni presses
Who no longer knows stress or haste
I ara penso en los colegues
And now I think of my colleagues
Que estaràn fent lo gintoniquet
Who will be making a gin and tonic
I de ben segur faràn les tantes
And they will certainly party late into the night
Per més que hi penso ja per res no canviaría el meu present
But no matter how much I think about it, I wouldn't change my present for anything
He canviat de pensament
My thinking has changed
De sobte bufa un altre vent
Suddenly, another wind blows
Alguna cosa està canviant
Something is changing
Alguna cosa està canviant...
Something is changing...
I ara que el neguit descansa i ja no vull sempre, més i més
And now that the anxiety is gone and I no longer want more and more
Men adono que la pressa mata
I realize that haste kills
Buscant sempre la manera de sobresortir damunt la gent
Always looking for a way to stand out from the crowd
Se m'escapa lo que val la pena
I miss out on what is truly worthwhile
[?] dels petits miracles que m'ha dut la vida al teu costat
[?] of the small miracles that life has brought me by your side
Se m'ha obert un món que m'ha fet vore
A world has opened up to me that has made me see
Que aquell superego ha deixat de ser el meu punt de gravetat
That that superego has ceased to be my center of gravity
I ara gira al teu voltant
And now it revolves around you
Alguna cosa està canviant
Something is changing

Writer(s): joan enric bordes

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