Pepet I Marieta - Somnis d'un Che - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pepet I Marieta - Somnis d'un Che

Somnis d'un Che
Dream of the Returning Che
Eu quero viver a vida
I want to live life
A menina ri e vive
The girl laughs and lives
Somnis d'un Che Guevara revenut
Dreams of a Returned Che Guevara
Que aixeca el cap mirant amunt
Who lifts his head looking up
Buscant la que dóna calma
Searching for a hand that gives peace
Al neguit dels seus sesuts
To his troubled mind
Un cadellet que es vol fer adult
A puppy that wants to become an adult
Amb la mateixa claror als ulls
With the same bright eyes
Que ja sap que el món que l'envolta
That already knows that the world around him
Cada cop està més brut
Is getting dirtier every day
I un pare que li vol donar
And a father who wants to give him
Mil i una raons per somiar
One thousand and one reasons to dream
I tots los drets pels que son pare
And all the rights that his father
Tant va haver de guerretjar
Had to fight so hard for
Però cada dia ho veu més clar
But every day he sees it more clearly
Ha arribat l'hora d'actuar
The time has come to act
Sortir al carrer i unir les forces
To go out into the streets and join forces
Junts podrem guanyar
Together we can win
I lluitarem, volem ser lliures com lo vent
And we will fight, we want to be free like the wind
I vencerem la por a deixar-nos portar per lo vent
And we will overcome the fear of letting ourselves be carried away by the wind
Un crit fort i valent
A loud and courageous cry
Ara o mai
Now or never
Serem un poble intel·ligent
We will be an intelligent people
Ara o mai
Now or never
Serem un poble valent
We will be a brave people
Somnis d'un Che Guevara ben mogut
Dreams of a Resurrected Che Guevara
Que diu les coses sense embuts
Who speaks his mind without hesitation
Lo més valent davant la mamà
The bravest in front of his mother
I a les fosques tan poruc
And so afraid in the dark
Un terremoto agotador
An exhausting earthquake
Insoportablement bufó
Insufferably buffoonish
Que ja sap que el secret del món
Who already knows that the secret of the world
És saber rebre i donar molt
Is to know how to receive and give much
I un pare que li vol donar
And a father who wants to give him
Mil i una ales per volar
One thousand and one wings to fly
Per sobre totes les fronteres
Above all the borders
Que li han volgut imposar
That have been imposed on him
Però cada dia ho veu més clar
But every day he sees it more clearly
Ha arribat l'hora de cridar
The time has come to shout
Sortir al carrer i unir les forces
To go out into the streets and join forces
Junts podrem guanyar
Together we can win
I lluitarem, volem ser lliures com lo vent
And we will fight, we want to be free like the wind
I vencerem la por a deixar-nos portar pel moment
And we will overcome the fear of letting ourselves be carried away by the moment
Liurtarem, volem ser lliures com lo vent
We will fight, we want to be free like the wind
Vencerem, la por a deixar-nos portar pel moment
We will overcome, the fear of letting ourselves be carried away by the moment
Lluitarem, volem ser lliures com lo vent
We will fight, we want to be free like the wind
I vencerem la por a deixar-nos portar pel moment
And we will overcome the fear of letting ourselves be carried away by the moment
Liurtarem, volem ser lliures com lo vent
We will fight, we want to be free like the wind
I vencerem, la por a deixarnos portar pel moment
And we will overcome, the fear of letting ourselves be carried away by the moment
Quiero vivir la vida
I want to live life

Writer(s): Josep Enric Bordes Vidal

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