Pesado - Ramiro Sierra - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pesado - Ramiro Sierra

Ramiro Sierra
Ramiro Sierra
La nieve estaba cayendo los pinos se congelaban
The snow was falling, the pines were freezing
En el risco del madroño unas armas apuntaban
At Madroño's cliff some weapons were pointing
Solo las brumas de nieve aquellas miras nublaban
Only the snow mists clouded those gazes
Se oyo mugir un novillo, que venia con la manada
A steer was heard bellowing, coming with the herd
Y los cascos del caballo del señor que las arriaba
And the horse's hooves of the gentleman who was rounding them up
Ramiro dejo la bestia mientras el risco rodeaba
Ramiro left the beast while he went around the cliff
El caballo era un criollito, pero muy bien arrendado
The horse was a Creole, but very well leased
Por eso sin su jinete supo rialar el ganado
That's why without its rider he knew how to round up the cattle
Ramiro estaba orgulloso de su requinto dosalvo
Ramiro was proud of his double-neck requinto
Les dijo Ramiro Sierra, aqui no se engaña a nadie
Ramiro Sierra told them, "You don't fool anyone here
Yo solo vine a cobrarles la muerte de mi compadre
I only came to collect for my friend's death
Y a recojer el ganado, que le robaron cobardes
And to collect the cattle, which you cowardly stole
Eran 600 novillos, tambien ganado lechero
They were 600 steers, also dairy cattle
Por eso lo codiciaban esos malditos cuatreros
That's why those damned rustlers wanted it so much
Mas no sabian que Ramiro, les iba a rajar el cuero
But they didn't know Ramiro would skin them
Calibre 2.23 que bonito cacareabas
Caliber 2.23, how beautifully you crowed
Se confundian los quejidos
The moans were confused
Con el mugir de las vacas
With the cows' lowing
Y los ecos de la sierra estaba a la grababa
And the echoes of the mountains recorded it
Adios requinto dosalvo siempre seras el primero
Goodbye, double-neck requinto, you will always be the first
Ya murio Don Pablo Chavez aquel rico ganadero
Don Pablo Chavez, that rich rancher, is dead
Ojala y alla en el cielo sigas herrando becerros
I hope that up there in heaven you keep shoeing calves

Writer(s): Paulino Vargas Jimenez

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