Pete Seeger - Queen Anne Front (Remastered) - traduction des paroles en russe

Paroles et traduction en russe Pete Seeger - Queen Anne Front (Remastered)

Queen Anne Front (Remastered)
Фасад в стиле королевы Анны (ремастеринг)
When Great Grandfather was a gay young man
Когда мой прадед был молод и весел,
And Great Grandmother was his bride
А прабабушка его невестой,
They found a lot, a jolly little spot
Они нашли участок, славный уголок,
Over on the old North Side
На старом Северном берегу.
It sloped down toward the river, from River Avenue
Он спускался к реке от Ривер-авеню,
Great Grandma said that it would give her
Прабабушка сказала, что оттуда открывается
Such a lovely view
Чудесный вид.
So they took a look in Godey's Ladies Book
Они заглянули в «Женскую книгу Годи»,
To see what they could find
Чтобы посмотреть, что там можно найти,
And they found a house, a jolly little house,
И нашли дом, славный домик,
With a Queen Anne front
С фасадом в стиле королевы Анны
And a Mary Anne behind.
И задней частью в стиле Мэри Энн.
Now, Great Grandfather was a handy man
Прадед был мастером на все руки,
Who never wasted any time
Который никогда не терял времени зря.
He found a crew that knew just what to do
Он нашел бригаду, которая знала, что делать
With white pine, common brick, and lime.
С белой сосной, обычным кирпичом и известью.
He said, "I'll build a big veranda, where Amanda can perch.
Он сказал: «Я построю большую веранду, где Аманда сможет сидеть,
"And I'll sit there myself on Sunday mornings
А я сам буду сидеть там по воскресеньям,
"When everybody else has gone to church."
Когда все остальные пойдут в церковь».
The neighbors said, "He's crazy in the head
Соседи говорили: «У него не все дома,
"He's surely lost his mind."
Он точно сошел с ума».
But he built that house, that jolly little house,
Но он построил этот дом, славный домик,
With a Queen Anne front
С фасадом в стиле королевы Анны
And a Mary Anne behind.
И задней частью в стиле Мэри Энн.
Now, Great Grandpa at last was laid to rest
Прадед, наконец, упокоился с миром,
With Great Grandmother at his side.
Рядом с прабабушкой.
Old Aunt Amanda said, "My land, an
Старая тетя Аманда сказала: «Боже мой,
"Empty house I can't abide.
Пустой дом я не вынесу.
"I'll start a ladies' seminary, it will be very select.
Я открою женскую семинарию, она будет очень избранной.
"Of course, it will be very necessary
Конечно, будет очень важно,
"That all my girls be circumspect."
Чтобы все мои девочки были благоразумны».
As you may guess, it was a big success
Как вы можете догадаться, это был большой успех,
Those girls were so refined
Эти девушки были такими изысканными
In that self-same house, that jolly little house,
В том же самом доме, славном домике,
With a Queen Anne front
С фасадом в стиле королевы Анны
And a Mary Anne behind.
И задней частью в стиле Мэри Энн.
Now, Aunt Amanda's work at last was done
Работа тети Аманды, наконец, была завершена,
And she passed on to her reward.
И она отправилась за своей наградой.
Appeared a sign that bore the line
Появилась вывеска с надписью,
Announcing simply, "Room and Board."
Которая просто гласила: «Комната и стол».
The house was soon filled with roomers, of every degree
Дом вскоре был заполнен жильцами всех мастей,
Red flannel underwear and bloomers
Красное фланелевое белье и панталоны
Hung out for everyone to see.
Висели на всеобщее обозрение.
The old porch stoop had started in to droop
Старое крыльцо начало проседать,
The house looked so resigned
Дом выглядел таким смирившимся,
That self-same house, that jolly little house,
Тот же самый дом, славный домик,
With a Queen Anne front
С фасадом в стиле королевы Анны
And a Mary Anne behind.
И задней частью в стиле Мэри Энн.
Now that old house was looking worse and worse
Старый дом выглядел все хуже и хуже,
And so was River Avenue.
Как и Ривер-авеню.
Wooden shacks across the tracks
Деревянные лачуги по другую сторону путей
Spoiled Great Grandma's lovely view.
Испортили прекрасный вид прабабушки.
A group of very pretty ladies moved in there one day.
Однажды туда въехала группа очень хорошеньких дам.
The were such pretty Sues and Sadies
Они были такими милыми Сью и Сэди,
But a wagon came and took them all away.
Но приехал фургон и забрал их всех.
Said one old dame, "Now isn't it a shame
Сказала одна старушка: «Ну разве не стыдно,
"My girls were so refined."
Мои девочки были такими изысканными».
But they closed that house, that jolly little house,
Но они закрыли этот дом, славный домик,
With a Queen Anne front
С фасадом в стиле королевы Анны
And a Mary Anne behind.
И задней частью в стиле Мэри Энн.

Writer(s): Robert Schmertz

Pete Seeger - Legends Gold Collection (Remastered)
Legends Gold Collection (Remastered)
date de sortie

1 Ballad of Barney Graham (Remastered)
2 Skip to My Lou (Remastered)
3 Tina Singu (Remastered)
4 Roll On Columbia (Remastered)
5 Great Getting Up Morning (Remastered)
6 Teachers Blues (Remastered)
7 Poisoning the Student's Mind (Remastered)
8 Drink's Song (Remastered)
9 The Dodger Song (Remastered)
10 There Is Mean Things Happening in (Remastered)
11 John Riley (Remastered)
12 She Moves Through the Fair (Remastered)
13 Hold On (Keep Your Hands On the Plow - Remastered)
14 Reuben James (Remastered)
15 The Ladies Auxiliary (Remastered)
16 The Butcher Boy (Remastered)
17 Theme from Goofin' Off Suite / Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring / Duet from Symphony No 7 (Remastered)
18 We Are Moving On to Victory (Remastered)
19 Five Fingers (Remastered)
20 The Dove (Remastered)
21 There's Better Thing to Do (Remastered)
22 The Many Colored Paper (Remastered)
23 Horizontal Lines (Remastered)
24 Travelin' (Remastered)
25 Seek and You Shall Find / Fare Well, Little Fishes / Where Have All the Flowers Gone? / Fu-Ru-Sato (Never Again Shall We Allow Another Atom Bomb to Fall) / Step By Step / Joe Hill's Last Will [Remastered]
26 On Ikley Moor Baht At (Remastered)
27 Bourgeouis Blues (Remastered)
28 Green Corn (Remastered)
29 Los Quatros Generalas (Remastered)
30 Hey Zhankoye (Remastered)
31 Twelve Gates to the City (Remastered)
32 Open the Door / Road to Athay / Why Do Scotsmen? / Hold Up Your Petticoat / Oh, There's Two On My Back (Remastered)
33 Colorado Trail / Spanish Is the Loving Tongue / From Here On Up / Texas Girls / Swarthmore Girls / We Pity Our Bosses Five / The Scabs Crawl In (Remastered)
34 Bard of Armagh (Remastered)
35 Conversation With a Mule (Remastered)
36 The Country Fiddle C (Remastered)
37 The Country Fiddle B (Remastered)
38 The Country Fiddle a (Remastered)
39 Indian Summer (Remastered)
40 Gypsy Davy (Remastered)
41 The Three Butchers (Remastered)
42 Jay Goulds Daughter (Remastered)
43 Buffalo Gals (Remastered)
44 Jesse James (Remastered)
45 Down in Carlisle (In Castyle There Lived a Lady - Remastered)
46 St James Hospital (Remastered)
47 Treat My Daughter Kindly (Remastered)
48 Hoedown's - Leather Britches / Sally Goodin (Remastered)
49 The Wreck of Ol' 97 (Remastered)
50 Farmer's Curst Wife (Remastered)
51 Let Me Take a Ride (Remastered)
52 The Wagoners Lad (Remastered)
53 Arkansas Traveler (Remastered)
54 Old Dan Tucker (Remastered)
55 Let's All Join In (Remastered)
56 Oh Mary Don't You Weep (Remastered)
57 Kumbaya (Remastered)
58 So Long It's Been Good to Know Yo (Remastered)
59 I Ride an Old Paint (Remastered)
60 Sinner Man (Remastered)
61 On Top of Old Smokey (Remastered)
62 Clean-O (Remastered)
63 Home On the Range (Remastered)
64 The Demi Song (Remastered)
65 Queen Anne Front (Remastered)
66 Careless Love (Remastered)
67 Don't You Weep After Me (Remastered)
68 Abiyoyo (Remastered)
69 Oh, Had I a Golden Thread (Remastered)
70 Letter to Eve (Remastered)
71 To Everyone in All the World (Remastered)
72 The Wabash Cannonball (Remastered)
73 Frankie & Johnny (Remastered)
74 The Golden Vanity (Remastered)
75 Fair Margaret and Sweet William (Remastered)
76 John Henry (Remastered)
77 The Titanic Disaster (Remastered)
78 John Hardy (Remastered)
79 Pretty Polly (Remastered)
80 Barbara Allen (Remastered)
81 Down in the Valley (Remastered)
82 The Blue Tailed Fly (Remastered)
83 Yankee Doodle (Remastered)
84 Cielito Lindo (Remastered)
85 The Big Rock Candy Mountain (Remastered)

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