Peter Lipa - Prosperita - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Peter Lipa - Prosperita

Včera som sa opýtal mojej mladej ženy
Yesterday I asked my young wife
Kam sa podel kapitál v našej láske uložený
Where did the capital in our love that was saved go
Kam sa beťár schoval asi devalvoval
Where did the rogue hide out, it must have devalued
Zdá sa že náš vzťah čaká krach
It seems that our relationship is heading for a crash
Mladá mlčí ako hrob iba krúti hlavou
The young girl is silent as a grave but shakes her head
V našich citoch nastal stop a sme pod nútenou správou
In our emotions there is a stop and we are under receivership
Negatívne trendy žiadne dividendy
Negative trends, no dividends
Zdá sa že náš vzťah čaká krach
It seems that our relationship is heading for a crash
Ako vidím tak si nás vybrala
As I see it, it has chosen us
Neúprosná inflačná špirála
The relentless inflationary spiral
Žena na mne visí a žiada dlhopisy
My wife hangs on to me and asks for bonds
Stále žobre či sa dobre vydala
Always begging if she married well
Je to omyl ak si je istá starým kurzom
It's a mistake if she is sure of the old rate
Klesajú akcie zmráka sa nad našou burzou
Shares are already falling, it's getting dark over our stock market
Krehká prosperita nie je ničím krytá
Fragile prosperity is not covered by anything
Zdá sa že náš vzťah čaká krach
It seems that our relationship is heading for a crash
Myslím na to každý deň od rána
I think about it every day from morning
Láska moja vytunelovaná
My love has been defrauded
Zúfalstvo ma chytá a prosperita
Desperation seizes me and that prosperity
ma máta ako fatamorgána
It bewilders me like a mirage
Tak som zašiel do banky zlikvidovať účet
So I went to the bank to liquidate my account
Kúpil som jej topánky žltých ruží asi tucet
I bought her a dozen shoes in the color of yellow roses
Teraz v autobuse myslím v jednom kuse
Now on the bus I think ceaselessly
Na tie časy keď sme boli hmm keď sme boli v pluse
About the times when we were hmm when we were in the black

Writer(s): Andrej šeban, Milan Lasica, Peter Lipa

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