Peter Pann feat. Palermo, Mega M & Majself - Keby Bolo Keby (feat. Palermo, Mega M & Majself) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Peter Pann feat. Palermo, Mega M & Majself - Keby Bolo Keby (feat. Palermo, Mega M & Majself)

Keby Bolo Keby (feat. Palermo, Mega M & Majself)
If Only, If Only (feat. Palermo, Mega M & Majself)
Keby som sa narodil jak decko v bohatej rodine
If I was born a kid in a wealthy family,
Nemusel by som prežívať roky rokúce v spodine
I wouldn't have to spend years stuck at the bottom.
Keby nemám IQ venujem sa lopate a drine
If I didn't have IQ, I'd be using a shovel and working hard.
Všetko čo mi osud dal ma posunulo vpred jedine
Everything fate gave me only pushed me forward.
Keby som nepredával a nekradol, nesedel by som
If I didn't sell and steal, I wouldn't be sitting here.
Keby som sa s každým fajčil v živote sa vyhnem dissom
If I smoked with everyone, I'd avoid disses in life.
Keby som nedôveroval ľudom nestretnem sa s krysou
If I didn't trust people, I wouldn't meet a rat.
Keby som nedostal na pi*u všetkých by som len vypol
If I hadn't been beaten, I would have just shut everyone down.
Keby nemám rád kundy mal by som len jednu nafurt
If I didn't love pussies, I'd only have that one forever.
Keby nepočúvam svoj vnútorný hlas bol by som kaput
If I didn't listen to my inner voice, I'd be kaput.
Keby mi smrdnený chalan na krk nepoznám jej pachuť
If the stinky guy on my neck didn't know her taste,
Keby som žil v čínskom chráme nemusím tu čeliť strachu a v krachu
If I lived in a Chinese temple, I wouldn't have to face fear and ruin here.
Kde by som sa ocitol keby som neni biznismen
Where would I be if I wasn't a businessman?
Keby nebývam v Seredi mal by som
If I didn't live in Sereď, I would have...
Bol by som na odstrel keby očujem klik-klik bang
I would be shot if I heard click-click bang.
Osud je božia vôľa nemôže ťa istiť bang
Fate is God's will, it can't insure you from a bang.
(2 krát)
(2 times)
Keby bolo keby boli by sme homie
If only, if only, we would be homies,
Asi stále naivní a nikdy skromní
Probably still naive and never modest.
Pochopíš to keď budeš viacej oldies
You'll understand when you're more of an oldie.
Osud je božia vôľa no tak brácho zvoľni
Fate is God's will, so slow down, bro.
Ja v 15 som bol ten ko*ot ktorý nemal hranice nee
At 15, I was already the asshole with no boundaries, no.
Čistá zloba a to buzerantské správanie (yeah)
Pure anger and that faggoty behavior (yeah).
Výsledok toho že od mala mi zakázali jesť
The result of being forbidden to eat since I was young
Z jedného taniera jak čo pri mne v pi*i dnes
From the same plate as those who are screwed today.
Je toho toľko čo by som možno aj zmenil
There's so much I would probably change.
Možno keby som bol zbohatlík dnes nebol by som debil
Maybe if I was rich today, I wouldn't be an idiot.
Možno keby som mal deda čo by celý život šporil
Maybe if I had a grandpa who saved his whole life,
Nezažíval by som pády pre rap nikdy nič nespravil
I wouldn't experience falls, I never did anything for rap.
Možno keby som vychodil školy dnes je zo mňa právnik
Maybe if I finished school, I'd be a lawyer today.
Nemal by som o čom rapovať len doma kosil trávnik
I wouldn't have anything to rap about, just mowing the lawn at home.
Možno bol by zo mňa doktor a možno iba stolár
Maybe I'd be a doctor, or maybe just a carpenter.
Možno mal by som 8 žien, 300 detí jako Kolár
Maybe I'd have 8 wives, 300 kids like Kolár.
Možno by som fetoval a bol by zo mňa dobrý kuchár
Maybe I'd be a junkie and a good cook.
Zožraný jaj golfové loptičky pozbieral jak čurák
Eaten up like golf balls picked up like a jerk.
Čo by bolo je len veda dnes som Mega
What if is just science, today I'm Mega
M a ten čas sa vrátiť brácho nedá
M and that time, bro, can't be brought back.
(2 krát)
(2 times)
Keby bolo keby boli by sme homie
If only, if only, we would be homies,
Asi stále naivní a nikdy skromní
Probably still naive and never modest.
Pochopíš to keď budeš viacej oldies
You'll understand when you're more of an oldie.
Osud je božia vôľa no tak brácho zvoľni
Fate is God's will, so slow down, bro.
(2 krát)
(2 times)
Keby bolo keby boli by sme homie
If only, if only, we would be homies,
Asi stále naivní a nikdy skromní
Probably still naive and never modest.
Pochopíš to keď budeš viacej oldies
You'll understand when you're more of an oldie.
Osud je božia vôľa no tak brácho zvoľni
Fate is God's will, so slow down, bro.

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