Peter Reber - Stürmischi Zyte - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Peter Reber - Stürmischi Zyte

Stürmischi Zyte
Stormy Times
I weis ned wien es aafaht
I don't know how it started
Ned wies z'ändi geit
Not how it's going to end
Jede erläbts u mues derdür
Everyone experiences it and has to go through it
Wöu eim käne die Burdi treit
Because no one is spared the burden
Mängs esch doch für d'Chatz gsi
Sometimes it was just for the cat
Bisch gschtange wie vorere Wand
You stood there like a wall
Hesch tröimt, vonere Tube uf em Dach
You dreamed of a pigeon on the roof
Anstatt em Spatz i dr Hand
Instead of the sparrow in your hand
Stürmischi Zyte uf em länge Wäg vo geschter bis nach hüt
Stormy times on the long path from yesterday to today
Stürmischi Zyte wo Chraft hei bruucht und glich luegsch öppe zrügg
Stormy times that need strength and yet you always look back
Stürmischi Zyte u jede trifft se aa uf sire Walz
Stormy times and everyone meets them on their pilgrimage
Stürmischi Zyte u gäb se ned, fählti i dere Suppe ds Salz
Stormy times and don't let them go, they add salt to the soup
Hesch bättet u hesch gfluechet
You prayed and you cursed
U glich hets alls nüt gnützt
And yet nothing helped
Hesch dr Muet verlore
You lost your courage
U de weder d'Ärmel hingere glitzt
And then your sleeves rolled up again
U wes di tüecht het jetzt sigs de gnue
And if you think it's enough now
U Geduld scho lang verbruucht
And patience has long been exhausted
Ja de ischs erscht richtig cho
Yes, then it's only just begun
U het die zäme gschtuucht
And it has shaken you together
Stürmischi Zyte uf em länge Wäg vo geschter bis nach hüt
Stormy times on the long path from yesterday to today
Stürmischi Zyte wo Chraft hei bruucht und glich luegsch öppe zrügg
Stormy times that need strength and yet you always look back
Stürmischi Zyte u jede trifft se aa uf sire Walz
Stormy times and everyone meets them on their pilgrimage
Stürmischi Zyte u gäb se ned fählti i dere Suppe ds Salz
Stormy times and don't let them go, they add salt to the soup
Zwe Schritt wod hesch vorwärts gmacht
Two steps forward
Besch eine fürsi cho
You came one step too far
Langsam hets der dämmeret
Slowly it dawned on you
Es sigi halt im Läbe eso
It's just like that in life
Hesch versuechts mit Aastand znäh
You tried to approach with decency
U hätsch die fascht driigschickt
And you almost sent them packing
Hesch di plötzlich weder gwehrt
Suddenly you defended yourself again
Und am Universurm ume gflickt
And patched up the universe
Stürmischi Zyte uf em länge Wäg vo geschter bis nach hüt
Stormy times on the long path from yesterday to today
Stürmischi Zyte wo Chraft hei bruucht und glich luegsch öppe zrügg
Stormy times that need strength and yet you always look back
Stürmischi Zyte u jede trifft se aa uf sire Walz
Stormy times and everyone meets them on their pilgrimage
Stürmischi Zyte u gäb se ned fählti i dere Suppe ds Salz
Stormy times and don't let them go, they add salt to the soup
U we de mal Sturm sich leit
And when the storm subsides
U du ziesch di Bilanz
And you draw up your balance sheet
De wünsch i der du luegisch zrügg
Then I hope you look back
U sigsch sogar e chli stolz
And see even a little bit of pride
Du heigsch versuecht so guet de chönntsch
You tried your best
De Chopf nach ufe zha
Your head up high
S'Gsicht im Wind u d'Ouge off
Your face in the wind and your eyes open
Dere Wält es Schnippli zschlah
To give this world a flick
Stürmischi Zyte uf em länge Wäg wo jede vo üs geit
Stormy times on the long path that each of us walks
Stürmischi Zyte u gäbs se ned fählti d'Hefe i däm Teig
Stormy times and if there were none, the yeast would be missing in this dough
Stürmischi Zyte u jede trifft se aa uf sire Walz
Stormy times and everyone meets them on their pilgrimage
Stürmischi Zyte u gäb se ned fählti i dere Suppe ds Salz
Stormy times and don't let them go, they add salt to the soup
Stürmischi Zyte uf em länge Wäg vo geschter bis nach hüt
Stormy times on the long path from yesterday to today
Stürmischi Zyte wo Chraft hei bruucht und glich luegsch öppe zrügg
Stormy times that need strength and yet you always look back
Stürmischi Zyte u jede trifft se aa uf sire Walz
Stormy times and everyone meets them on their pilgrimage
Stürmischi Zyte u gäb se ned fählti i dere Suppe ds Salz
Stormy times and don't let them go, they add salt to the soup

Writer(s): Peter Reber

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