Petri Nygard - Oneandonly - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Petri Nygard - Oneandonly

[Joo. Siis, ei munlaisia enää vaan vittu tehdä.]
[Yeah. So, no more dudes like me are gonna be fucking made.]
I am the one and only. [Ei voi verrata edes vittu mihinkään.]
I am the one and only. [Can't even be fucking compared to anything.]
I am the one and only. [Joo mää oon jotain ihan vittu muuta.]
I am the one and only. [Yeah, I'm something fucking else entirely.]
I am the one and only. [Muut on mitä muut on, mutta mää oon niinku Petri.]
I am the one and only. [Others are what they are, but I'm like Petri.]
I am the one and only. [Mää on ihan vittu omissa vitun sfääreissä.]
I am the one and only. [I'm in my own fucking spheres.]
Tilipäivä, perjantaiporvari. Viikonlopussa poljen paskaks kolmen sadan Jordanit.
Payday, Friday bourgeois. I'll trash my three hundred dollar Jordans over the weekend.
Toiset räppärit pihtaa, mää vittu tuhlaan. Toiset mököttää, mul on vaan vittu juhlaa.
Other rappers are stingy, I fucking splurge. Others sulk, I just have a fucking party.
Teil ei oo linkkejä, Petri katko osat. Ootte surkeempia ku leffan jatko-osat.
You guys have no connections, Petri cut the parts. You're worse than movie sequels.
Oon ilmiö, perussonni. Pervo porho ku Silvio Berlusconi.
I'm a phenomenon, a basic bull. A perverted porcupine like Silvio Berlusconi.
[Tai siis en mää mitään politiikasta tiedä, mutta niinku...]
[Or like, I don't know anything about politics, but like...]
Nygård sun ämmäs perseeseen vissiin koski. Sul on nänni naamassa, oot tissiposki.
Nygård probably touched your girl's ass. You have a nipple on your face, you're a tit-cheek.
Teen kutukamaa eikä oo jutun lama. Kalsarikännissä kattelen Futuramaa.
I'm making hot stuff and there's no word slump. I watch Futurama in my underwear while drunk.
Huh, Nygård on pienessä. Äiti alkoholisti, isä Pitkässäniemessä.
Whew, Nygård is in a little trouble. Alcoholic mother, father in Pitkäniemi.
Ja mitä musta tuli, hullu? Tai no, en vajaa oo, mul on vaan rennot aivot.
And what became of me, crazy? Well, I'm not stupid, I just have a relaxed brain.
[No ainaki musta tuli vähän erilainen vittu, nonii.]
[Well, at least I became a little fucking different, alright.]
I am the one and only. [Mä oon ainoo, kuinka toista ois.]
I am the one and only. [I'm the only one, how could there be another?]
I am the one and only. [Kuka sanoilla tällee loistaa vois?]
I am the one and only. [Who could shine like this with words?]
I am the one and only. [Eihän Jumalakaan moista sois.]
I am the one and only. [Even God wouldn't want such a thing.]
I am the one and only. [Mä oon ainoo, kuinka toista ois.]
I am the one and only. [I'm the only one, how could there be another?]
Ei tää vauhti ees huimaa - Samara. Horot sanoo Petri on tuima, kamala.
This pace isn't even dizzying - Samara. Bitches say Petri is fierce, terrible.
Jotenki ihana, mutta nuiva samalla. Sun ämmäs pillu oli tosi kuiva - Sahara.
Somehow lovely, but also harsh. Your girl's pussy was really dry - Sahara.
Heikommat testaa, mut kuka tippu. Petri mestaa, kuka haluu spittaa, kuka vittu?
The weaker ones test, but who fell. Petri messes around, who wants to spit, who the fuck?
No huh, mikä startti. Jalluu vartti ja housuun shartti.
Whew, what a start. A quarter of Jallu and a shart in my pants.
[Tiäksää semmonen ovela vesipieru, hyi saatana.]
[You know, such a sneaky fart, yuck.]
Multa suihinotto on sulle kunnia. Oon niin lipevä, voisin nussia nunnia.
Getting a blowjob from me is an honor for you. I'm so smooth, I could fuck nuns.
Petri on niin sairaas, terveet lakoo. Nuole mun varpaanvälejä ja persevakoo.
Petri is so sick, the healthy ones go on strike. Lick my toe jam and ass crack.
Pillumagneetti on vähän niinku tunnari. Heitän raskasta läppää, tuo puntari.
Pussy magnet is kinda like my theme song. I throw heavy jokes, bring the scale.
Sul on ruusu, mul on ase, kunnari. Saan kolmee pesää illassa, kunnari.
You have a rose, I have a gun, a home run. I get three bases in the evening, a home run.
[Räpsät auki, horo. Tuosta.]
[Open your legs, whore. Right there.]
I am the one and only. [Mä oon ainoo, kuinka toista ois.]
I am the one and only. [I'm the only one, how could there be another?]
I am the one and only. [Kuka sanoilla tällee loistaa vois?]
I am the one and only. [Who could shine like this with words?]
I am the one and only. [Eihän Jumalakaan moista sois.]
I am the one and only. [Even God wouldn't want such a thing.]
I am the one and only. [Mä oon ainoo, kuinka toista ois.]
I am the one and only. [I'm the only one, how could there be another?]
I am the one and only. [Siis en mää tiiä. Ei kukaan vaan oo mun levelillä niinku.]
I am the one and only. [I mean, I don't know. Nobody's just on my level like.]
I am the one and only. [Siis mää oon niinku mää, ja enkä mää voi olla vittu mitään muuta]
I am the one and only. [Like, I am who I am, and I can't be fucking anything else.]
I am the one and only. [Siis oon aitoo, laitoo ja jonku mielestä laiton.]
I am the one and only. [Like, I'm real, raw and illegal according to some.]
I am the one and only. [Se on Petrii.]
I am the one and only. [That's Petri.]
I am the one and only.
I am the one and only.

Writer(s): aajee, petri nygård

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