Phoenix Rdc feat. GSON - Ciclo Thug - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Phoenix Rdc feat. GSON - Ciclo Thug

Ciclo Thug
Ciclo Thug
Movimento no block fraco
Movement here on the block is weak
E quem tomava conta agora de saco
And who took care now is a bag
Pra quem depende dela é massacre
For those who depend on it is massacre
Tipo que ataque, todo traficante no ataque
Type that gives attack, every dealer is on the attack
A tentar comer a boca de quem fechado
Trying to eat the mouth of one who is closed
Agora o bairro é tipo Bagdad
Now the neighborhood is like Baghdad
Chegou a época de derramar blood
The time has come to shed blood
Todos querem a banca mais fresh
Everyone wants the freshest stall
A rede que pesca mais peixe
The net that catches the most fish
Ganância do cash
Cash greed
Querem o block nos pés
They want the block on their feet
Como alguém fez ahhh
How did someone do ahhh
Repete-se mais uma vez
Repeat once more
O business do kilo e das g's
The business of the kilo and the G's
que a dica é tomada de pose
Only the tip is taken pose
Todos vão inverter os papeis
Everyone will reverse the roles
A derrota do real nigga é quando a bófia detém
Real nigga's defeat is when the cops stop
Nigga cala a boca ta calado não fala com ninguém
Nigga shut up ta shut up don't talk to nobody
Arranja um bom advogado tem que ser
Get a good lawyer has to be
Tás arrependido fuck fuck fuck
You're sorry fuck fuck fuck
deus sabe como te safar agora
God only knows how to get away with it now
Hum hum hum
Hum hum hum
Motherfucker é thug life, life, li-li-life
Motherfucker is thug life, life, li-li-life
Thug life, life, li-li-life
Thug life, life, li-li-life
Motherfucker é thug life, life, li-li-life
Motherfucker is thug life, life, li-li-life
Thug life, life, li-li-life
Thug life, life, li-li-life
Boy tinhas um bimmer agora nem bina
Boy did you have a bimmer now nor bina
Na cana és faxina ninguem se empina
In the cane you're cleaning no one sticks
A mulher que pensavas ser fina hoje vende a vagina
Woman you thought was thin today sells her vagina
Queres continuar a ter visita não opina
Do you want to continue to have a visit
O preço da marmita é dar um clima
The price of Marmite is to give a mood
Habitua-te a rotina thugsina
Get used to the thugsina routine
Na escola da vida dão a pussy na esquina sem esquema
In the school of life they give pussy on the corner without a scheme
Os niggas pagam propinas
Niggas pay tuition
as bitches não dão-se de finas
Here the bitches do not give themselves fine
My nigga imagina
My nigga imagines
O q'é que se passa atrás da cortina
What goes on behind the curtain
Teu filho lagrima com nexo
Your child tears with Nexus
Quem te sustenta é maquina do sexo
Who supports you is a sex machine
A vida de sonho viraram do avesso
Dream life turned inside out
Saiste da lama mas karma tem preço
You came out of the mud but karma has a price
Bullshit, agora és um troxa
Bullshit, now you're a troxa
Tua mulher faz broche, e concha
Your wife gives blowjob, and pussy
Na cana és o bobo da corte porque todos sabem da new shit
In the cane you are the jester because everyone already knows the new shit
Tu é que és o marido da buquete, a rainha do putedo
You're the husband of the bouquet, the Queen of the whore
Era para te dizer que foi morta, por um arrego
It was just to tell you that she was killed, by a sting.
A derrota do real nigga é quando a bófia detém
Real nigga's defeat is when the cops stop
Nigga cala a boca ta calado não fala com ninguém
Nigga shut up ta shut up don't talk to nobody
Arranja um bom advogado tem que ser
Get a good lawyer has to be
Tás arrependido fuck fuck fuck
You're sorry fuck fuck fuck
deus sabe como te safar agora
God only knows how to get away with it now
Motherfucker é thug life, life, li-li-life
Motherfucker is thug life, life, li-li-life
Thug life, life, li-li-life
Thug life, life, li-li-life
Motherfucker é thug life, life, li-li-life
Motherfucker is thug life, life, li-li-life
Thug life, life, li-li-life
Thug life, life, li-li-life
Cumpriste pena ok, mas agora tás de volta a zona yeah
You did time ok, but now you're back in the zone yeah
Antigamente eras rei, agora és mais uma ratazana
Once you were king, now you're just another rat
Perdeste tudo aye, mas esse tudo é fruto da vida fora da lei
You lost everything aye, but that everything is the fruit of life outside the law
Querias o mundo né? Como todos querem aqui na L.A
You wanted the world, didn't you? As everyone wants here in L. A.
Quando foste detido eras king como os kids que sentam no teu muro
When you were arrested you were king like the kids that sit on your wall
Mas agora o jogo invertido
But now the game is reversed
Eles é que são puros, eles é que são duros
They're the ones who are pure, they're the ones who are hard
Como antes foste
Like you were before
na hora
It's time
De mudar de posto
Change of rank
Cumpriste pena ok, que agora tás de volta ao block
You did time okay, only now you're back on the block
A comissão roubou-te a family, o teu filho agora vive num CAT
The commission stole your family, your son now lives in a CAT
Vais tentar te reinserir num sistema que diz fuck (vais?)
You're going to try to reinsert yourself into a system that says fuck (are you?)
Daqui a nada estás no game
You're in the game in no time
E a menos de um ano estás de saco
And less than a year you're out of luck
Motherfucker thug life
Motherfucker thug life
Thug life
Thug life

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