Phunk B feat. DJ Sfera - Ruff Rugged Raw - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Phunk B feat. DJ Sfera - Ruff Rugged Raw

Ruff Rugged Raw
Ruff Rugged Raw
Privind cum noaptea se transforma-n zi
Watching the night turn into day
Nu ma simt obosit
I don't feel tired
Ma simt lihnit dupa hartii
I feel hungry for papers
Da' nu ma schimb ca-s bagabont, stii?
But I don't change because I'm a bum, you know?
Foamea de bani e chiar foame de bani
Hunger for money is really hunger for money
Puya stia ce zicea
Puya knew what I was saying
N-am butterfly am un briceag
I don't have a butterfly, I have a switchblade
Si-am uitat cam tot ce zicea (cine?)
And I've forgotten almost everything you said (who?)
Mama... sa fii bun
Mother... to be good
Sa nu furi, sa nu minti, sa fii un
Don't steal, don't lie, be a
Si-am fost pan cand am fost injunghiat de la spate de-un
And I was until I was stabbed in the back by a
Frate care m-a cam luat de fraier
Brother who took me for a sucker
Uneori ma-ntreb oare, oare?
Sometimes I wonder, oh dear?
A fost voit sau creieru' i-a dat o eroare mare?
Was it intentional or did his brain give him a big error?
Oare cum e sa pierzi si bani si-un frate
What's it like to lose money and a brother?
Ia zi frate?
Tell me, brother?
Da' prin fapte
But through actions
Lasa vorba lunga, de-aia se lipesc doar lasii, frate
Leave the long talk, that's why only cowards stick around, brother
Aberatii, lasitate
Absurdity, cowardice
N-ai pareri, doar lasi citate
You have no opinions, you just leave quotes
Vanitatea ta-i de vina si devine falsitate
Your vanity is to blame and it becomes falsehood
Te-am mirosit de mult
I smelled you a long time ago
O2, ai irosit cam mult...
O2, you wasted too much...
Te dai oropsit, simt
You pretend to be oppressed, I feel
Sper sa te simti, ce vrei sa-mi transmiti?! (n-aud)
I hope you feel it, what do you want to tell me?! (can't hear)
Simte ura din flow (flow)
Feel the hatred in the flow (flow)
Nu mai privi ca un bou (bou)
Stop looking like an ox (ox)
Io, io, o dau o dau
Me, me, I give it, I give it
Ruff, ruff, rugged, raaaaaaw!
Ruff, ruff, rugged, raaaaaaw!
Ruff, rugged, raw
Ruff, rugged, raw
Ruff,ruff, rugged, raw
Ruff,ruff, rugged, raw
Ruff, rugged, raw
Ruff, rugged, raw
Ruff,ruff, rugged, raw
Ruff,ruff, rugged, raw
O dau ruff, rugged raw
I give it ruff, rugged raw
Ruff ruff, rugged raw
Ruff ruff, rugged raw
Ruff, rugged, raw yeah
Ruff, rugged, raw yeah
Hei tu, nu ma supara
Hey you, don't upset me
Nu vreau sa te fac sa suferi, am
I don't want to make you suffer, I
Stat am suportat atatea doar ca-ntr-un final sa ma lasi cu par alb?
Stayed endured so much just to end up leaving me with gray hair?
Transa... ce pasa proasta...
Trance... what a bad joke...
Parca mintea-mi joaca o farsa
It's like my mind is playing a trick on me
Parca totu-i doar o gluma proasta
It's like it's all just a bad joke
Da-n final nici nu mai conteaza
But in the end it doesn't even matter
Torn, torn, torn, nu cumva s-adorm
Tear, tear, tear, don't fall asleep
Dac-ajung sa traiesc pe strazi nu mor c-am mai multe coaie decat duc in pantaloni!
If I end up living on the streets, I won't die because I have more balls than I can fit in my pants!
Nori... ii vad cand zbor
Clouds... I see them when I fly
Deseori visez ca mor
I often dream that I die
Sa-mi risc viata ca un cascador
To risk my life like a stuntman
Pentru ca noaptea-mi trebuie bani s-adorm?!
Because at night I need money to fall asleep?!
Hai zi ce sa fac daca-mi place ce fac si ma sparge, man
Come on, tell me what to do if I like what I do and it gets me high, man
Naaah, nu exageram, daca nu scriam infundam carcera
Nah, I'm not exaggerating, if I didn't write, I would be in jail
Ce-mi pasa mie?
What do I care?
Flou' meu sa fie ca o pandemie
My flou' should be like a pandemic
Cel mai bolnav stil, lumea tre' sa stie
The sickest style, the world needs to know
Ca nu ma vindeci nici cu apa vie
That you can't cure me even with living water
Da' e fucked up, ca tin minte ce spunea tata:
But it's fucked up, because I remember what my dad used to say:
"Ce pula mea te-mbraci larg?
"What the fuck are you wearing so loose?
Nu-ti incapi in piele, largesti haina?"
You don't fit in your skin, you're enlarging your clothes?"
Cam asa ceva, dar faima
Something like that, but fame
Io ma fut in ea, unii si-au dat
I fuck it, some people gave it
Ca sa poa' s-o aiba, la naiba
To be able to have it, damn
Sufletu' pe blituri si un Maybach
The soul on flashes and a Maybach
Raaaaw, stilu' meu e raw, yeah
Raaaaw, my style is raw, yeah
Ruff, rugged raw
Ruff, rugged raw
Raw, asta-nseamna crud
Raw, that means raw
Inseamna cam un stil pe care nimeni nu l-a mai avut
It means a style that no one has ever had before
Stilu' meu e ruff-ruff, rugged-rugged, asta-nseamna brut
My style is ruff-ruff, rugged-rugged, that means raw
Inseamna cam un flow pe care nimeni nu l-a mai avut
It means a flow that no one has ever had before

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