Phunk B feat. Samurai - La Revedere - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Phunk B feat. Samurai - La Revedere

La Revedere
La Revedere
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Sa stii ca arati bine, si sora-ta arata bine
You know you look good, and your sister looks good
Parca pari mai luminata cand e pace in familie
You seem to shine brighter when there's peace in the family
Ne vedem maine
We'll see each other tomorrow
Nu ne vedem, de fapt am mintit
We won’t see each other, actually I lied
Asa e in tenis... si nu uita, zambeste cu dintii
That's how it is in tennis... and don't forget, smile with your teeth
Mai suna-ti parintii din cand in cand
Call your parents every now and then
Intreaba-i ce fac
Ask them how they're doing
Oricum o sa-ti ascunda de ceva s-a intamplat
They'll hide the fact that something happened anyway
Ca sa nu-ti bati capul, stiu
So that you don't have to worry, I know
E complicat si te da peste cap
It's complicated and it upsets you
Da-i parte din viata, trebuie sa cresti de-acum
But it's part of life, you have to grow up now
Nu mai da ochii peste cap, nu putem comunica
Stop rolling your eyes, we can't communicate
Stai cu bratele incrucisate si te uiti asa
You sit with your arms crossed and you look like that
Picor peste picior, judecatoreasa
Crossing your legs, judgemental
Nu stii un′ ti-e inima, gaseasca
You don't know where your heart is, find it
Cine-o s-o gaseasca, s-o incalzeasca
Whoever finds it will warm it up
In esenta esti un om bun
In essence, you are a good person
Dar vreau sa stii ca-ti dau la muie oricum
But I want you to know that I’ll beat you up anyway
Pentru ca oricum as fi vrut sa fie totul
Because I would have wanted everything to be different
In final, faptul ca nu-mi permiteam totul, a dat peste cap totul
In the end, the fact that I couldn't afford everything, messed everything up
Respectul trebuie sa primeze si nu prea a fost cazul
Respect must come first and it wasn't really the case
Poate-l simti, dar daca nu il manifesti faci nazuri
Maybe you can feel it, but if you don't show it, you're just being difficult
Ceea ce nu halesc, deaia plec fara sa anunt
Which I don't accept, that's why I'm leaving without telling you
Asa scot eu in evidenta ca ai fost stres
That's how I highlight that you have been stress
Sunt subtilitati, nu le prind toti, insa
There are subtleties, not everyone gets them, though
Eu specific tot, ca pe viitor tu sa abordezi totul altfel
But I'm specifying everything so that in the future you will approach everything differently
Fara harfe, vorbele filtrate aduc 0 episoade, stii
Without letters, filtered words bring 0 episodes, you know
Ma bucur ca ne-am revazut
I'm glad we saw each other again
Si parca a fost mai bine ca n-am mai vorbit de mult
And I think it was better that we hadn't spoken for a long time
Parca a fost mai bine ca nu ne-am vazut de mult
I think it was better that we hadn't seen each other for a long time
Acum restul nuantelor a prins contur
Now the rest of the shades have taken shape
Am pictat cu ochii inchisi fara sa stiu unde ma duc
I painted with my eyes closed without knowing where I was going
Si abia acum restul nuantelor au prins contur
And only now the rest of the shades have taken shape
Am calatorit orbeste nestiind unde ma duc
I traveled blindly without knowing where I was going
Si abia acum restul nuantelor au prins contur
And only now the rest of the shades have taken shape
Mereu mi-nchipuiam cum ar fi sa ne reintalnim
I always used to imagine what it would be like to meet again
Oare mai exista chimie, sau numai venin
Is there still chemistry, or just poison
Adrenalina intr-un seif, geana sa nu pierd cheia
Adrenaline in a safe, be careful not to lose the key
Abia asteptai sa-l deschid, ma intrebai "cand te ia?"
You couldn't wait to open it, you asked me "when will you take it?"
Desi deja pluteai, te pierdeai in priviri
Although you were already floating, you were lost in stares
Imi placea cum zambeai, mereu purtai in ochi sclipiri
I liked the way you smiled, you always had a twinkle in your eyes
Da' timpul a devenit hain, ne vedeam tot mai rar
But time became cruel, we saw each other less and less
Poti sa-l numesti destin, as vrea sa ne vorbim macar
You can call it destiny, I just wish we could talk at least
Da′ nu-i asa de simplu, ca eu-s cam vicios
But it's not that simple, because I'm pretty ruthless
Mi-e teama ca daca te vad, o sa vreau iarasi tot
I'm afraid that if I see you, I'll want everything again
Mai bine uita-ma, te rog, esti cel mai tare drog
You'd better forget me, please, you're the strongest drug
Si stii exact ce pot, mai ales ca m-ai ales mort, ah
And you know exactly what I can do, especially since you chose me dead, ah
In barul ala blestemat, mai bine nu ne cunosteam
In that cursed bar, we'd better not have met
De ce m-am ridicat din pat? Ah
Why did I get out of bed? Ah
Mi-ai bagat numai filme-n cap
You only put movies in my head
Oricat am cautat pe urma a fost in zadar sau mult prea vag, ah
No matter how much I searched afterwards, it was in vain or too vague, ah
Si nu stiu ce-o sa ma fac
And I don't know what I'm going to do
Da' pana la ultima suflare stiu sigur ca o sa te caut iar, ah
But until my last breath I know that I'll be looking for you again, ah
Stiu ca de mult nu ne-am intersectat
I know we haven't seen each other for a long time
Dar vreau sa stii ca sunt interesat, chiar insetat
But I want you to know that I'm interested, even thirsty
Au trecut anii sedat, am alergat dupa bani
Years have passed in sedation, I've been running after money
Am auzit ca tu te-ai maritat, deja au trecut 4 ani
I heard you got married, it's been 4 years now
Oare-ai uitat cum visam? Sau ai uitat unde stau?
Did you forget how we dreamed? Or did you forget where I live?
Oricum ar fi, sper ca acum esti bine, ai fugit intr-un final
Anyway, I hope you're doing well now, you finally escaped

Writer(s): Phunk B

Phunk B feat. Samurai - La Revedere
La Revedere
date de sortie

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