Phunk B feat. Vlad Dobrescu - Peneve - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Phunk B feat. Vlad Dobrescu - Peneve

Se vede cu ochiul liber cu sufletul ascundeti
It can be seen clearly. You hide your souls
Si va futeti in cur pe bani cand puteti
And when you can, you screw yourselves for money
Spuneti... stou care-i?
Speak ... what is that?
Mesaju-n mainstream mi se pare ca-i departe de a transmite adevarata stare
I feel the mainstream message is far from conveying reality
De dragoste da dati tare piese trise, gangnam style
They play sad, gangnam style songs about love
Detest tare. cati dintre voi puteti face freestyle?
I hate it immensely. How many of you are real freestyle?
Furati idei cum se fura din LIDL fistic
You steal ideas like a thief stealing pistachios from Lidl
Fiti cinstiti... altfel n-o sa va mai ierte Cristi
Be honest ... or else Christie will cease to forgive you
Faceti fisting... va lingeti pe degete si
You fist ... you lick your fingers and
Din 10 degete doar 2 degete sus tin
Out of 10 fingers you only have 2 middle fingers
Funk eu nu te sustin, hai sa vad cum suspini
Funk, I don't support you; let me see how you sigh
Trandafire vezi ca-ti gasesc decesu-n spini
Trandafire, I'm going to find your death in the thorns
Si o fac cu stil! Nu cant pentru analfabeti
And I'll do it with style! I don't sing for illiterates
Raman real, langa ce e fals n-o sa ma vedeti voi
I remain real, I won't be seen next to the fake
Nu ne vedeti, noi va vedem, va vedem
You don't see us, we see you, we see you
Voi nu ne vedeti, noi va vedem
You don't see us, we see you
Nu ne vedeti noi va vedem, va vedem
You don't see us, we see you, we see you
Voi nu ne vedeti noi va vedem
You don't see us, we see you
Nu ne vedeti noi va vedem, va vedem
You don't see us, we see you, we see you
Voi nu ne vedeti noi va vedem
You don't see us, we see you
Nu ne vedeti noi va vedem, va vedem
You don't see us, we see you, we see you
Voi nu ne vedeti noi va vedem
You don't see us, we see you
Nu ne vedeti noi va vedem, va vedem
You don't see us, we see you, we see you
Voi nu ne vedeti noi va vedem
You don't see us, we see you
Numele e Vlad si n-am pe casa toata tigla
My name is Vlad, and I don't have all my tiles on the roof
Poet mai viclean n-a pupat nici Veronica Micle
No poet is more cunning, not even Veronica Micle
Asa ca daca le dau la microfon ca retardatu
So if I give it to the microphone like a retard
Simplu sau complicat tu aprecieaza ce ti-am dat
Simple or complicated, you like what I gave you
Ca sunt ca 4 7, omu nou intr-un fel
Because I'm like 4 7, a new man
Fiindca fac apel la rapari
Because I've asked rappers
Sa nu si-o mai ia la laba
To stop getting their pads
Cu diss-uri d′alea subliminale
With those subliminal disses
Coaie... ai vreo problema fii barbat si spune-mi-o cu voce tare
Cojones ... If you have a problem, be a man and tell me about it out loud
Daca vrei s-o dam,sa rezolvam
If you want to go, let's settle it
Putem sa ne batem cu bate de baseball pe spate
We can beat ourselves up with baseball bats on our backs
Sau sa stam jos la conversatie c-as vrea sho s'te intreb "De ce
Or sit down and talk because I want to ask you "Why
Esti frustrat pe alti frati cand pentru propriul esec
Are you frustrated with other people when you're the one to blame
Defapt tu porti vina?" si singurul mod de a-ti spala rusinea
For your own failure? ”And the only way to wash away your shame
Ar fi sa bei inalbitor ca Madalina
Would be to drink bleach like Madalina
Si-am sa vin inapoi ca sa verific rezultatul
I'll come back to check the result
Esti mort, sunt de acord, rece te-a pupat baiatu
You're dead, I agree, the boy greeted you coldly
Si am iesit
And I went out
Nu ne vedeti noi va vedem, va vedem
You don't see us, we see you, we see you
Voi nu ne vedeti noi va vedem
You don't see us, we see you
Nu ne vedeti noi va vedem, va vedem
You don't see us, we see you, we see you
Voi nu ne vedeti noi va vedem
You don't see us, we see you
Giani bitu e tare tare, nu-i pentru orice fraer
Gianni bitumen is tough, not for any loser
Are prea multe coaie daia cred ca tre sa incaier
Has too many balls because I think he has to be tied up
Droaie de oameni ce vin sa-si dea cu parerea
A lot of people come to give their opinions
Ca-i prea complicat textu meu "da stii ce? piesa nu-i rea"
That my writing is too complex "but you know what? The song isn't bad"
Cuvinte simple lumea simte, voi chiar nu intelegeti?
Simple words people feel, don't you get it?
Ca ce simt face lege in ce scriu, va arat un deget!
Because what I feel creates a law in what I write, I show you a finger!
Nu cant pentru fegheti, nu cat pentru analfabeti
Not singing for fegheti, not singing for illiterates
Raman real, langa ce e fals n-o sa ma vedeti, noo
I remain real, I won't be seen next to the fake, noo

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