Pikku G - Kyynelist hymyks - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Pikku G - Kyynelist hymyks

Kyynelist hymyks
From tears to smiles
Odota parast, varaudu pahimpaan
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst
Ain ei ky, ku haluut, se on luonnon yks laki vaan
It doesn't always go your way, that's just a law of nature
Riitele taas mutsis kaa, samaa marinaa
You've argued with your mom again, the same old thing
Sen mielest kapinaa, mut s tiedt puhuvas asiaa
She thinks it's rebellion, but you know what you're talking about
Tulee tehtyy tyhmyyksii, luotettuu rystysii
You make stupid mistakes, and you fight
Sit reksi erottaa sut koulust koko syksyksi
Then the principal takes you out of school for the whole fall
Kyynelist hymyks, sit taas hymyst takas
From tears to smiles, then back to tears again
S oot viel nuori ja tuut menett mont rakast
You're still young and you will lose many loves
Ehk paras frendis kuolee auto-onnettomuudes
Maybe your best friend dies in a car accident
Tai tytt, jota rakastat jtt ja ottaa uuden
Or the girl you love leaves you for someone new
Ja tuntuu mahottomalt ees ajatel uut suhdet
And it seems impossible to even think of a new relationship
Ku haistat sen tuoksun ja maistat sen huulet
When you smell her perfume and taste her lips
Tai frendis kytt huumeit ja pyyt sua mukaan
Or your friend does drugs and asks you to join him
Se nhn sun kaa, eik suhun luota kukaan
He hangs out with you because nobody else trusts you
Tai perhees on kyh, faija juo ja s raadat
Or there's trouble in your family, your dad drinks and you work
Malta mieles vaan, aika parantaa haavat
Just be patient, time heals all wounds
Odota parast, varaudu pahimpaan
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst
Ain ei ky, ku haluut, se on luonnon yks laki vaan
It doesn't always go your way, that's just a law of nature
Kyynelist hymyks, sit taas hymyst takas
From tears to smiles, then back to tears again
Malta mieles vaan, aika parantaa haavas
Just be patient, time heals all your wounds
Odota parast, varaudu pahimpaan
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst
Ain ei ky, ku haluut, se on luonnon yks laki vaan
It doesn't always go your way, that's just a law of nature
Kyynelist hymyks, sit taas hymyst takas
From tears to smiles, then back to tears again
Malta mieles vaan, aika parantaa haavas
Just be patient, time heals all your wounds
Mieti muit asioit, ihmisii, joit rakastat
Think about other things, people you love
Kaikel on kaks puolta, lyd hyv pahasta
Everything has two sides, find the good in the bad
Ku mutsis ottaa phn, haluu aina komentaa
When your mom takes your phone, she always wants to boss you around
Se vlitt sust, kelaa, jos sit ei ois ollenkaan
She cares about you, think about what if she wasn't there at all
Ja tyypilt, jota lit phn vlkl, vaan phn
And the guy you called so many times, just a call
Voit aina pyyt anteeks, ei ne luokalle sua jt
You can always apologize, they won't fail you
Ei ht, se on vaan elm
No matter what, it's just life
Eik tl kukaan oo tydellinen, et skn
No one is perfect, and you are not either
Mieti frendis omaisii, sen lht oli aikane
Think about your friend's family, his loss was untimely
Viems kynttilit nyt onnettomuuspaikalle
Let's take some candles to the accident site now
S et tuu olee se, joka itteens syytt
You're not going to be the one to blame yourself
Oma perhe rakastaa ja frenditkin tykk
Your family loves you and your friends like you
Tytti tulee ja menee, turha pern itkee
The girl comes and goes, there's no point in crying
Tuut saamaan parempaa, kuha oot vaan sitkee
You'll get better, just be patient
Ja auta frendis eroon huumeist, jos vaan saatat
And help your friend out of drugs, if you can
Ja malta mieles vaan, aika parantaa haavat-ac
And just be patient, time heals all wounds-ac

Writer(s): Ezkimo, Pikku G, Yor123

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