Pikku G - Oon tullu takas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pikku G - Oon tullu takas

Oon tullu takas
I'm Back
Nyt pikku g on takas parempan ku koskaa
Now the little g is back, I'm better than ever
Mut kuka viel uskoo ja kuka viel ostaa
But who still believes and who still supports me
Kaikki hokee mite toka levy on vaikein
Everybody says that the second album is the hardest
Pit olla uudet tyylit, uudenlaisii aiheita
You have to have new styles, new topics
Ekaks oli vaa hyv tuuri mut ei paineit
At first it was just good luck, but no pressure
Nyt on mit puolustaa, myyntii ja mainet
Now I have something to defend, sales and reputation
Pakko vaa teh n biisit ja levytt
I have to make these songs and record them
Ja voitoo et kuulijat ei joudu pettym
And make sure that the listeners aren't disappointed
Pakko jaksaa, uskoo ja yritt
I have to keep going, believe and try
Vaikka sit kolmannen kerra jos m tyrin tn
Even if I fail this the third time
Nii moni ihminen haluu et mut kynit
So many people want to pick on me
Et oisin hukkunu jos jokaine niist sylkis plle
I would have drowned if each of them had spat on me
Oon sanu paljo rakkaut mut kui se kest
I've said a lot of love, but how long will it last
Se tuli helposti ja nii se voi mys menn
It came easily and it can go away just as easily
Ent jos hern joku aamu lilman tukee
What if I wake up one morning without any support
Ilman yleis ja mun biisit hukkuu tulee
Without the audience and my songs get lost and forgotten
Huukki x2
Chorus x2
M oon tullu takas vaik joskus pelottaa
I'm back, even if it sometimes scares me
Vlil oon arka ja sit taas helpottaa
Sometimes I'm shy and then it gets easier again
Se ei saa nkyy, pakko jatkaa
It mustn't show, I have to keep going
M oon tullu takas ja mun on pakko jatkaa
I'm back and I have to keep going
Silti en haluu pelaa tt varman plle
But I don't want to play it safe
Ku jotain saa ni aina jotai menett se
Because when you get something, you always lose something
On vaa elm se, kova joskus helppoo
That's just life, sometimes hard, sometimes easy
Joskus olin teini idoli mut joskus en oo
Sometimes I was a teen idol, sometimes I'm not
Halun antaa teille kaikkeni niin kauan
I want to give you all everything I have for as long as
Ku jotai annettavaa on ja sen m laulan
I have something to give and I sing about it
Jotai mik koskettas ja auttas
Something that touches and helps
Jatkamaa jaksamaa unelmissa kauas
To keep going, to keep believing in dreams
Nyt on jo paljo enemm taitoo ku ekal kerral
Now I have much more skill than the first time
Mut mun elm on vlil aika sekamelska
But my life is sometimes a bit of a mess
Ku kaiken maailman katsot ja seiskat
When all the world's magazines and tabloids
Painaa mielummin valheit ku tosi seikat
Prefer to print lies than the truth
Yritt teh musta jotai turhaa julkkista
Trying to make me some kind of useless celebrity
Hiritsee mun kavereita ja mutsin mutsia
Harassing my friends and gossiping about my mother
En tullu tnne asti vaa olee joku pelle
I didn't come this far just to be a clown
Vaa tekee positiivist musiikkia teist jokaiselle
I came to make positive music for each of you
Huukki x2
Chorus x2
M oon tullu takas vaik joskus pelottaa
I'm back, even if it sometimes scares me
Vlil oon arka ja sit taas helpottaa
Sometimes I'm shy and then it gets easier again
Se ei saa nkyy, pakko jatkaa
It mustn't show, I have to keep going
M oon tullu takas ja mun on pakko jatkaa
I'm back and I have to keep going

Writer(s): Pikku G

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