Pil C - ODSÚDENÍ NA ÚSPECH - INTRO - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pil C - ODSÚDENÍ NA ÚSPECH - INTRO

Stále jeme rožky s maslom aj keď máme love,
We still eat bread rolls with butter even though we have money,
Stále takí istí ako keď sme boli dole
Still the same as when we were down
Keď si dole každému si ukradnutý,
When you're down, nobody cares about you,
No keď žiariš každý chce byť s tebou, každý chce podávať ruky
But when you shine, everyone wants to be with you, everyone wants to shake your hand
Školstvo nefunguje, od detstva nás učia ambície zaduste,
The education system doesn't work, they teach us to stifle our ambitions from childhood,
Z kaluže do blata a z blata naspäť do kaluže,
From the puddle to the mud and from the mud back to the puddle,
Národ sa ako nikto zomri ako nikto nula na účte,
Die like nobody, zero in the account, like nobody else,
To ešte nevedeli, že sme odsúdení na úspech
They didn't know yet that we were sentenced to success
Teraz trpíme za úspech
Now we suffer for success
Pred prvým trackom som sa modlil k bohu,
Before the first track, I prayed to God,
Býval som v podnájme s bývalou sluchátka na ušiach chodil kolo domu
I used to live in a rented apartment with my ex, headphones on my ears, walking around the house
Prosil som ho o šancu, všetko podriadim tomu
I asked him for a chance, I will subordinate everything to it
Prvý track bol hit
The first track was a hit
Druhý track bol hit
The second track was a hit
Tretí track bol hit
The third track was a hit
Takto by som mohol pokračovať kým track neskončí
I could go on like this until the track ends
A oni aj tak stále povedia, že ma pretlačil refresher
And they'll still say that Refresher pushed me through
To presne ti isti čo všade vidia konšpirácie od Soroša
Those are exactly the same ones who see conspiracies from Soros everywhere
Presne ti isti čo stále aj dnes stále počúvajú Mo...
Exactly the same ones who still listen to Mo... today
Nefajčím alkohol nepijem nikotín a
I don't smoke, I don't drink alcohol, nicotine and
Pustime tracky a nastáva svalová dystrofia
We play tracks and muscular dystrophy sets in
Písala mi Sára aj Sofia, nejak si vysoký a, poď do kina
Sára and Sofia wrote to me, you're kind of tall and, come to the cinema
Kurvy napiču na jak sushi z ...
Bitches are fucking on like sushi from ...
Mama mi volá na telefón kúpila noviny,
Mom calls me on the phone, she bought newspapers,
že vraj píšu o mne v tých novinách
that they're writing about me in those newspapers
Super mami dávaj bacha na svojho syna
Great mom, watch out for your son
Stokári mi vonku chcú púšťat ich rapy väčšinou je to vždy "pfuuuuu"
Wannabe rappers outside want to play me their raps, it's usually always "pfuuuuu"
Vravím im, dajte mi pokoj ja podopíjam,
I tell them, leave me alone, I'm having a drink,
Keď ma náhlite tak stojí to za piču
If you rush me, it's fucking worth it
Naposledy keď ste ma náhlili rozjebal som auto o zvodidla
The last time you rushed me, I smashed the car on the guardrails
Moja vina
My fault
Všetko je určite moja vina
Everything is definitely my fault
Raperi prídu odídu a aj tak je väčšina pantomíma,
Rappers come and go and most of it is still pantomime,
Väčšina znie ako cez kopírak
Most of them sound like carbon copies
Robia sa chutnučkí a
They make themselves look delicious and
Každému posielam lásku a karafiát
I send everyone love and a carnation
žiari mi papula bary z plutónia
my face shines, bars are made of plutonium
Nečakaj odo mňa Al Pacina,
Don't expect Al Pacino from me,
De Nira, DiCapria
De Niro, DiCaprio
Môj život je síce film no stále som to ja
My life is a movie, but it's still me
V tráve šuští každá zmija
Every viper rustles in the grass
Preto trávnik kosím nízko
That's why I mow the lawn low
Nepriateľov všade priateľov mám blízko
Enemies everywhere, I have friends close
Skoro 36 no aj tak stále ballin ako Chris Paul
Almost 36 but still ballin like Chris Paul
Stokári počúvajú album kričia si cvok
Wannabe rappers listen to the album, yelling they're crazy
Ty si chodíš na pár sadnúť,
You go to sit for a couple,
Poznám ľudí čo si pôjdu kludne na pár, rokov sadnúť
I know people who will calmly go to sit for a couple of years
Poznám ľudí, ktorí žijú ako v bavlnke
I know people who live in cotton wool
No poznám ľudí, ktorí keď chcú prežiť musia kradnúť
But I know people who have to steal if they want to survive
čím si vyššie tým horší je pád
the higher you are, the worse the fall
No keď chceš vystúpať vysoko musíš vedieť padnúť
But if you want to climb high, you have to know how to fall
štvrtý track bol hit
the fourth track was a hit
Piaty track bol hit
The fifth track was a hit
Mohli by ste sa odo mňa učiť ako sa to robiť
You could learn from me how to do it
Viacnásobná platina za každý album chod do pii
Multiple platinum for every album, go to pii
Prinieslo to slávu, sláva peniaze a tie zas starosti
It brought fame, fame brought money, and that brought worries
Milionár ešte predtým než oslávil "..." narodky
Millionaire even before he celebrated "..." birthday
Aj tak som radšej v úzadí
I'm still rather in the background
Po celom Československu som vypredával kluby aj bez albumu
I sold out clubs all over Czechoslovakia even without an album
Napriek aj vďaka tomu stále o mňa utrú papulu
Despite and thanks to that, they still wipe their mouths on me
To je mindset
That's the mindset
Nocujeme zakotvení v lagúne
We spend the night anchored in the lagoon
Raňajky na jachte
Breakfast on the yacht
Sex na jetski
Sex on a jet ski
Sledujem sunset
I watch the sunset
Ano sex na jetski
Yes, sex on a jet ski
Modré Dior plavky jej vejú vo vetri
Her blue Dior swimsuit flutters in the wind
To je mindset
That's the mindset
Nečakám na letisku, nečakám v obchode, nečakám v banke
I don't wait at the airport, I don't wait in the store, I don't wait at the bank
Nepotrebujem refrény, toto je umenie,
I don't need choruses, this is art,
Toto nie je klasický rapový album, toto nie je pamflet
This is not a classic rap album, this is not a pamphlet
Pamätám si ako učiteľky nám tlačili do hlavy potrebuješ
I remember how teachers used to hammer into our heads that you need
Takú a takú školu také a také zamestnanie
Such and such a school, such and such a job
Musíš sa zaradiť, musíš byť v dave
You have to fit in, you have to be in the crowd
Neverili nám
They didn't believe in us
Chlapec z dediny ma zrazu bilboardy po celej Bratislave
A boy from the village suddenly has billboards all over Bratislava
Chlapec je zrazu generál,
The boy is suddenly a general,
Chlapec neni kadet
The boy is no longer a cadet
Chlapec ma stvrtý album v rade
The boy has his fourth album in a row
Chlapec sa nebojí ísť v noci sám do lesa, chlapec vie kade
The boy is no longer afraid to go into the forest alone at night, the boy already knows where

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