Pil C - Inhale - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Pil C - Inhale

Ahh, Nobodylisten, Nobodylisten
Ahh, Nobodylisten, Nobodylisten
Dym, dávam si inhale
Kush, I'm taking hits of it
Ty, stojíš vedľa nás ako Big Ben
You, standing next to us like Big Ben
Sa pýtaš ma či nechcem byť friend, že rodičia ti odišli na víkend
Asking me if I want to be friends, your parents have left for the weekend
Som v zóne, lebo dostal som svoj prídel
I'm in the zone, because I got my supply
Ja neviem, čo mi hovorí som inde
I don't know what you're saying, I'm somewhere else
Mám unavené sánky ako Weeknd a dúfam, že to celé je len zlý sen
My mouth is tired like The Weeknd and I hope this is all just a bad dream
Som mimo aj keď neprišiel ten díler
I'm high even though the dealer didn't come
Ty nepýtaj sa furt, že čo pijem
Don't keep asking what I'm drinking
Ja po tej noci mávam vždycky zlý deň
I always have a bad day after that night
Vy po tej noci viete každý príbeh
You guys know every story about that night
Je mi jedno, že kde ty si
I don't care where you are
Môj rap je všade ako wi-fi
My rap is everywhere like Wi-Fi
A každá jedna kričí Pil C
And every girl screams Pil C
Je mi jedno, že kto ty si
I don't care who you are
Je mi jedno, že kto ty si
I don't care who you are
Môj rap je všade ako wi-fi
My rap is everywhere like Wi-Fi
A každá jedna kričí Pil C
And every girl screams Pil C
Je mi jedno, že kto ty si
I don't care who you are
Váš rap je basic, ne, ty talent nejsi
Your rap is basic, no, you ain't got no talent
Hocikedy, keď prídem do toho backstagu, tak vidím ako šňupete ten Persil, heeej
Whenever I come to that backstage, I see you guys sniffing that Persil, heh
Debilko ty nejsi MC, ne
You idiot, you ain't no MC, nah
Jebem na Snape tie selfie
I don't care about those selfies on Snapchat
Unikám stále Jacques Mesrine
I keep escaping like Jacques Mesrine
Zarábam love brácho, nespím
I make mad cash bro, I don't sleep
Každý chce odo mňa stále iba termín
Everybody keeps asking me for a date
Za večer na bare rozjebem kľudne päť kíl
I blow five grand at the bar in one night
Daj mi tie love, no tak sem s tým
Give me that money, come on, give it to me
Zvykli sme bývať každý deň high ako vesmír
We used to be high as a kite everyday
V kine to pijem iba s Kendym a s Romeom
At the movies I only drink with Kendy and Romeo
Čiernobiela noc je ako Oreo
A black and white night is like an Oreo
Kričíme poďme home
We're shouting let's go home
Ona si myslí, že som potmehúd
She thinks I'm a scamp
Ja len hľadám kľúče idem domov dávno je po tme hood
I'm just looking for my keys, it's long past dark in the hood
Nádych, výdych, nasávam to do tých pľúc
Inhale, exhale, I'm taking it into my lungs
Ona chcela by ma spútať do jej pút
She wanted to tie me up with her restraints
Dior rúž, cítim jej dotyk rúk, chladná noc a tepla
Dior lipstick, I feel the touch of her hands, cold night and warmth
Ako půšt (dior růž)
Like a desert (dior lipstick)
Je mi jedno, že kde ty si
I don't care where you are
Môj rap je všade ako wi-fi
My rap is everywhere like Wi-Fi
A každá jedna kričí Pil C
And every girl screams Pil C
Je mi jedno, že kto ty si
I don't care who you are
Je mi jedno, že kde ty si
I don't care where you are
Môj rap je všade ako wi-fi
My rap is everywhere like Wi-Fi
A každá jedna kričí Pil C
And every girl screams Pil C
Je mi jedno, že kto ty si
I don't care who you are
Je mi jedno, že kde ty si
I don't care where you are
Môj rap je všade ako wi-fi
My rap is everywhere like Wi-Fi
A každá jedna kričí Pil C
And every girl screams Pil C
Je mi jedno, že kto ty si
I don't care who you are
Je mi jedno, že kde ty si
I don't care where you are
Môj rap je všade ako wi-fi
My rap is everywhere like Wi-Fi
A každá jedna kričí Pil C
And every girl screams Pil C
Je mi jedno, že kto ty si
I don't care who you are
Je mi jedno, že kde ty si
I don't care where you are
Môj rap je všade ako wi-fi
My rap is everywhere like Wi-Fi
A každá jedna kričí Pil C
And every girl screams Pil C
Je mi jedno, že kto ty si
I don't care who you are

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