Pil C - Peroxid 3 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pil C - Peroxid 3

Peroxid 3
Peroxide 3
Ťažký je život v krajine na ktorú z výšky pozerajú Tatry
Life is hard in a country watched over by the Tatra Mountains
Ľudia ľahostajní, arogantní
People are indifferent, arrogant
Inštitúcie to majú na háku
Institutions don't give a damn
Hlavne, že každý mesiac na konte každému zapípajú platy
The main thing is that every month everyone's salary pings in their account
Sledujeme, jak sa menia vlády
We watch governments change
Nik si nesype popol na hlavu za to, čo tu dojebali
No one takes responsibility for what they fucked up here
Ževraj to všetko fámy a polícia chráni ma
They say it's all rumors and the police protect me
Štát sa postará, keď budem starý, ah
The state will take care of me when I'm old, ah
Dlažobné kocky skryté pod kríkami
Paving stones hidden under bushes
Povedz mi, kedy naposledy ste boli na dovolenke z platu tvojej mamy
Tell me, when was the last time you went on vacation with your mom's salary
Pamätám, ako som čakal na pätnásty deň v kalendári
I remember waiting for the fifteenth day on the calendar
Povedal som si, že môžem jebať
I told myself I could fuck it
Šťastie prinášajú peniaze, nie kominári
Money brings happiness, not chimney sweeps
Tak, jak politici prinášajú lóve svojím známym, ah
Just like politicians bring money to their friends, ah
Je to mafia, kšeftuje sa s pozemkami, dotujú sa tu výrobné haly, ah
It's a mafia, they're dealing with land, subsidizing production halls here, ah
Len, aby sme neskončili jak Detroit,
Just so we don't end up like Detroit,
Keď všetky tie automobilky tam pokapali, preplnené kriminály
When all those car companies went bankrupt, prisons overflowing
Vrahovia behajú po svete zatiaľ,
Murderers are running around the world for now,
čo tvoj kamoš sedí v base kvôli pár gramom trávy, huh
While your friend is sitting in jail because of a few grams of weed, huh
Povedz kde, kde mám žiť, povedz kde
Tell me where, where should I live, tell me where
Nemáš prácu, nemáš nič, nemáš nádej, strácaš dych
You have no job, you have nothing, you have no hope, you're losing your breath
Povedz, aká sme my krajina, to, čo si nespravíš sám, tak není, ah
Tell me, what kind of country are we, what you don't do yourself, doesn't exist, ah
Asi som starý ja
I guess I'm old already
Povedz kde, kde mám žiť, povedz kde
Tell me where, where should I live, tell me where
Nemáš prácu, nemáš nič, nemáš nádej, strácaš dych (Ne)
You have no job, you have nothing, you have no hope, you're losing your breath (No)
Povedz, aká sme my krajina, to, čo si nespravíš sám, tak není, ah
Tell me, what kind of country are we, what you don't do yourself, doesn't exist, ah
Asi som starý ja
I guess I'm old already
ma to stálo veľmi veľa peňazí
It already cost me a lot of money
Mňa to bude stáť málo
It will cost me little
Teba to bude stáť uvidíš čo na konci
It will cost you, you'll see what in the end
Ty kokot, ty tupý chuj, ako ty môžeš vedieť, že neni?
You dick, you stupid fuck, how can you know that it doesn't exist?
Tak mi to vysvetli, tak mi povedz pravdu
So explain it to me, tell me the truth already
Nepýtaj sa ma, nič neviem
Don't ask me, I don't know anything
Nikomu, nikdy som ja tu neveril
I never believed anyone here
Do očí tak, ale inak na kamery
To their faces, yes, but otherwise on camera
Každý z nás stále správa sa jak debil (Haha)
Each of us still acts like an idiot (Haha)
A nepýtaj sa ma, nič nevím (Ja nič nevím)
And don't ask me, I don't know anything (I don't know anything)
Nikomu, nikdy, bratu, som ja tu neveril (Som neveril)
I never believed anyone here, brother (I didn't believe)
Do očí ták, ale inak na kamery
To their faces, yes, but otherwise on camera
A každý z nás stále správa sa jak debil (Čo? Čo?)
And each of us still acts like an idiot (What? What?)
A nepýtaj sa ma, nič nevím (Pil C)
And don't ask me, I don't know anything (Pil C)
Vidím vás, vy hyeny (Nový album)
I see you, you hyenas (New album)
Nikomu z vás ja neverím (Vy kurvy)
I don't trust any of you (You bitches)
A stále správam sa jak debil (Tomu ver)
And I still act like an idiot (Believe that)
A nepýtaj sa ma, nič nevím (Počuješ?)
And don't ask me, I don't know anything (Do you hear?)
Vidím vás, vy hyeny (Nový album)
I see you, you hyenas (New album)
Nikomu z vás ja neverím (Ne, ne)
I don't trust any of you (No, no)
A stále spravám sa jak debil (Tomu ver)
And I still act like an idiot (Believe that)
Národ plače, obsadzuje námestia
The nation cries, occupies squares
Ich tváre spia, ich svedomie je dávno v piči, asi odletelo na Mesiac
Their faces sleep, their conscience is long gone, probably flew to the Moon
Alebo do Karibiku na Belize
Or to Belize in the Caribbean
Toľko veľa náhod, kto vám to veriť, že
So many coincidences, who's supposed to believe that
A preto kričím iba R.I.P. (R.I.P.)
And that's why I only scream R.I.P. (R.I.P.)
Pre všetkých, ktorí umreli tu v tejto krajine
For all who died here in this country
Zatínam päste pre všetkých, čo ostali
I clench my fists for all who remained
Lebo je veľmi ľahké sklopiť zrak a odísť preč
Because it's very easy to look down and walk away
Zavrieť pred všetkým oči, povedz mi, aký je pocit
Close your eyes to everything, tell me what it feels like
Určite budíš sa v noci, tak povedz mi, že ty kto si
You must wake up at night, so tell me who you are
Vidím hore tie nosy, štátu studený dotyk (Yah)
I see those noses up, the state's cold touch (Yah)
Po tme z nej a po tme do roboty
In the dark from it and in the dark to work
Vyjebané manžetové gombíky, hodinky Philippe Patek
Fucked up cufflinks, Philippe Patek watches
Dúfam, že každý skorumpovaný politik zhnije v base
I hope every corrupt politician rots in jail
Tak, jak v pekle každý kňaz ktorý pred Bohom
Just like in hell every priest who before God
Sľúbil život v celibáte a v zákrsti padli gate
Promised a life of celibacy and in secret dropped their pants
Čo tie malé deti, zničil si im život
What about those little kids, you ruined their lives
Jebal som ti mater (Kurvu)
Fuck your mother (Bitch)
Pedofilný fater, vybavím papiere na kvér
Pedophile father, I'll get papers for a gun
Strelím ťa do hlavy, jak Ray Donovan
I'll shoot you in the head like Ray Donovan
Polejem benzínom, zapálim pochodeň
I'll pour gasoline, light a torch
Čert to ber, žiadna vec tu nemá víziu
To hell with it, nothing here has a vision
Všetko sa tu robí na štyry roky, nová vláda zruší ju
Everything here is done for four years, the new government will cancel it
NAKA spraví jednu raziu
NAKA will do one raid
Temnota sa rozťahuje u nás jak atrament, keď rozleješ na papyrus
Darkness is spreading here like ink when you spill it on papyrus
A nepýtaj sa ma, nič nevím (Nič nevím)
And don't ask me, I don't know anything (I don't know anything)
Nikomu, nikdy, bratu, som ja tu neveril (Som neveril)
I never believed anyone here, brother (I didn't believe)
Do očí ták, ale inak na kamery
To their faces, yes, but otherwise on camera
A každý z nás stále správa sa jak debil (Čo? Čo?)
And each of us still acts like an idiot (What? What?)
A nepýtaj sa ma, nič nevím (Ja nič nevím)
And don't ask me, I don't know anything (I don't know anything)
Vidím vás, vy hyeny (Ja vás vidím)
I see you, you hyenas (I see you)
Nikomu z vás ja neverím (Ne, ne)
I don't trust any of you (No, no)
A stále spravám sa jak debil (Stále, stále, stále)
And I still act like an idiot (Still, still, still)
A nepýtaj sa ma, nič nevím (Ja nič nevím)
And don't ask me, I don't know anything (I don't know anything)
Vidím vás, vy hyeny (Ja vás vidím)
I see you, you hyenas (I see you)
Nikomu z vás ja neverím (Ne, ne)
I don't trust any of you (No, no)
A stále spravám sa jak debil (Počuješ?)
And I still act like an idiot (Do you hear?)
Pamätám, keď som s Radom hrával futbal
I remember playing football with Rado
Za pár mesiacov som videl v telke, ako sa z neho stal potkan
A few months later I saw on TV how he became a rat
Pamätám, ako sa chcel stretnúť so mnou Rišo
I remember how Rišo wanted to meet me
Aj keď som ich volil kedysi, som rád, že to nevyšlo, ayy
Even though I voted for them once, I'm glad it didn't work out, ayy
A dobrý deň pán Fico (Pekný deň)
And good day Mr. Fico (Nice day)
Aké je to nebyť premiér, aké je to byť skoro ticho (Huh)
How does it feel not to be prime minister, how does it feel to be almost silent (Huh)
Aké je to prichádzať, o mestá na mape (Fú)
How does it feel to lose cities on the map (Phew)
Aj tak je to jedno, vždy na konci predsa rozhoduje charakter
It doesn't matter anyway, in the end it's always character that decides
A mentalita voliť, čo sa staráš (Čo?)
And the mentality to vote, what do you care (What?)
Vôbec sa nečudujem,
I'm not surprised at all,
že chceš mať pri sebe ochranku,
That you want to have security guards with you,
Aj keď všetko klape a hrá do karát (Huh)
Even though everything is going well and playing into your hands (Huh)
Keď pôjde na teba ďalší infarkt, tak nešoféruj, odparkuj
When the next heart attack comes, don't drive, park
Slovák dávaj bacha, za každým rohom môže číhať Gašpar (Bacha, bacha)
Slovak be careful, Gašpar may be lurking around every corner (Careful, careful)
Slovák, Slovák, horí ti zas maštal
Slovak, Slovak, your stable is on fire again
A vlastne aj tak všetko prepáčia vám Slováci,
And actually, Slovaks will forgive you everything anyway,
Aj keď nepostará sa o to prokurátor Kováčik
Even if prosecutor Kováčik doesn't take care of it
Národu stačia nové štadióny (Huh)
New stadiums are enough for the nation (Huh)
Zatvoria oči, uši, ľuďom naši šampióni (Huh)
They close their eyes, ears, to the people our champions (Huh)
Vtedy politika ide bokom, že (Že)
Then politics goes aside, right (Right)
Chleba a hry je to, čo odjakživa tu národ chcel (Huh)
Bread and circuses is what the nation has always wanted here (Huh)
Vravia: "Prečo sa Lukáš zaujímaš o politiku?
They say: "Why are you interested in politics, Lukáš?
"Veď takí, ako ty o tom hovno píšu."
"After all, people like you don't write shit about it."
"Zarobil si, tak drž piču!"
"You made money, so shut the fuck up!"
"Prečo dávaš rozhovory do denníku, ha?"
"Why are you giving interviews to the newspaper, huh?"
Zavri piču, keď si tupý ako kýbel kitu
Shut the fuck up if you're as dumb as a bucket of cum
Ty si kokot
You're a dick
Ty si jeden nebetyčný kokot, kokot, kokot, kokotmi.
You're one incredible dick, dick, dick, dickhead.

Writer(s): Patrik Kosa, Pil C

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