Pil C - Pompeje - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pil C - Pompeje

Ta voda je horká jak grapefruit,
This water is bitter like grapefruit,
Som vysoko tak ako Neptún,
I'm high up like Neptune,
To dievča je činné jak Vezuv,
That girl is active like Vesuvius,
Pod posteľou vidím ten popol a pemzu,
Under the bed I see that ash and pumice,
Pred očami mám celé spektrum,
I have the whole spectrum before my eyes,
Nemyslím, kámo, telku,
I don't mean, bro, the TV,
Beriem paletu pestrú
I take that colorful palette
Sekunda vzťahu a burza sexu,
A second of relationship and a sex exchange,
Otec mi vravieval "nesúď",
My father used to tell me "don't judge",
Je to zbytočné jak Chuck Berry bez strún,
It's as useless as Chuck Berry without strings,
Každý deň vo vašich očiach vidím ja tu nechuť,
Every day in your eyes I see that disgust,
Celý život spútaný aj keď ruky mám bez pút,
My whole life is bound even though my hands are free of shackles,
Ty si bola moja najväčšia dám tomu mestu,
You were my biggest tribute to that city,
Vystrieľam ho celé na šupu tak jako Bejrút,
I'll shoot it all up in a flash like Beirut,
Vypálim jak Rím a vytesám jak Petru,
I'll burn like Rome and carve like Petra,
Prosím ťa nesmúť, nechoď túto cestu,
Please don't be sad, don't go down this road,
Na ktorej ľudí tlčú city jako Berkut,
Where people are beaten by feelings like Berkut,
Anexia od teba jak Krym, tak ber ju,
Annexation from you like Crimea, so take it,
Boli sme high no teraz sme dole jak ten klub,
We were high but now we're down like that club,
Pompeje, utápam ďalšiu spomienku,
Pompeii, I'm drowning another memory,
Klesám lebo toľko ľudí videl som klesnúť.
I'm sinking because I've seen so many people sink.
A stúpam, lebo toľko ľudí videl som vzlietnuť,
And I'm rising, because I've seen so many people take off,
Skláňam sa nad zrkadlo a cítim jej chuť,
I lean over the mirror and feel her taste,
Cez oči vidím do duše, je čierna jak smrť,
Through my eyes I see into her soul, it's black as death,
Ten osud je zajac a ja ho doháňam jak chrt
Fate is a rabbit and I'm chasing it like a greyhound
A stále díva sa po mne ten zmrd,
And that asshole is still looking at me,
Hádžem to zrkadlo o zem aj s tou tvárou,
I throw that mirror on the ground with that face,
Cez pol tváre maska ako Richard Harrow,
Half-faced mask like Richard Harrow,
Zatváram sa v aute a píšem tých 1000 bárov,
I lock myself in the car and write those 1000 bars,
V tom svete kde sneží popol a prší bahno,
In that world where ash snows and mud rains,
A né, to biele vážne neni párno,
And no, that white stuff is not really steam,
Film o mne vypísal Lovecraft a točil Burton,
The film about me was written by Lovecraft and directed by Burton,
Svet je chladný a cynický ako Fargo,
The world is cold and cynical like Fargo,
Daj mi samopal a ja ich vystrieľam jak Malvo,
Give me a submachine gun and I'll shoot them all like Malvo,
Pätnásť guliek do tela ako Malcolm,
Fifteen bullets in the body like Malcolm,
Do každého z tých démonov,
Into each of those demons,
Ktorých mal som vždy,
Which I always had,
Prebúdzam sa uprostred tej tmy
I wake up in the middle of that darkness
A nikto ma nemal tak rád ako ty
And no one ever loved me like you
A nikto ma nepoznal tak dobre ako vy,
And no one ever knew me as well as you,
Naah, a teraz mám piči,
Nah, and now I have nothing,
Prebúdzam sa sám a ja nič necítim,
I wake up alone and I don't feel anything,
Zobúdzam sa sám a kurva, kde si ty?
I wake up alone and damn, where are you?
Zostali nám dvom iba výčitky,
All we have left are reproaches,
Od teraz ani sme to neni my,
From now on, we're not even us anymore,
je to len môj svet a moje CBG.
It's just my world and my CBG now.
Prebúdzam sa sám a ja nič necítim,
I wake up alone and I don't feel anything,
Zobúdzam sa sám a kurva, kde si ty,
I wake up alone and damn, where are you,
Zostali nám dvom iba výčitky
All we have left are reproaches
A všetky naše fotky z rámov zmizli,
And all our photos have disappeared from the frames,
Predieram sa chladným svetom, bezcitným,
I wade through a cold world, emotionless,
Nič sa nedeje len tak bez príčin,
Nothing happens anymore just like that, without reasons,
Nech kameňom hodia čo bez viny,
Let them throw stones who are without sin,
Zostávam sám sebou no aj tak iný.
I remain myself but still different.

Pil C - Pompeje
date de sortie

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