Pil C feat. Alan Murin - ŽIVOT JE ZVLÁŠTNY - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pil C feat. Alan Murin - ŽIVOT JE ZVLÁŠTNY

Mám skoro všetko jediné čo mi chýba je asi spánok
I have almost everything, the only thing I miss is maybe sleep
Chodím behať skoro ráno
I go for a run early in the morning
Sedím pri bazéne, pijem Chianti a Carmignano
I sit by the pool, drinking Chianti e Carmignano
Sushi tak čerstvé je teplé, arigato
Sushi so fresh, it's warm, arigato
Shinkansenom z Tokia do Osaky
Shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka
Dávaš mi pusu pod rozkvitnutými sakurami
You kiss me under the blossoming cherry blossoms
Prišla si nečakane rozohnala oblaky
You've come unexpectedly, driving away the clouds
Dvaja cudzí ľudia s rovnakými náturami
Two strangers with the same nature
Nebavím sa s nikým
I don't talk to anyone
No tebe odpoviem kludne na všetky otázky
But I'll answer all your questions calmly
Kludne ti dám heslo od wifi
I'll give you the wifi password
Kludne dneska večer ostaň ty
Stay tonight, you can stay
Pri tebe sa hanbím aj keď nehanbím sa pri ostatných
I get shy with you, even though I don't get shy with others
Pochádzam z prostredia kde motivácia je mat "ICED OUT"
I come from an environment where "ICED OUT" is the motivation
Kde keď chceš preraziť musíš vedieť punchline
Where if you want to break through, you need to know the punchline
Z prostredia kde chlapci nepoznajú "WHITE TIE"
From an environment where boys don't know "WHITE TIE"
Keď sa vozím s tebou jazdím pomaly
When I drive with you, I drive slowly
Jak keby ideme dať "DRIVE BY"
As if we're going to do a "DRIVE BY"
A to všetko preto len aby sme boli dlhšie spolu babe
And all that just so we could be together longer baby
ťažko sa mi vraví bye bye
It's hard to say goodbye
ľahko hľadám metaforu ey
I easily search for a metaphor hey
Nič neni ako predtým nie
Nothing is like before, no
Niektoré veci bez chýb yea
Some things are flawless, yeah
Život je zvláštny ver mi
Life is strange, trust me
(Ver mi)
(Trust me)
Život je zvláštny ver mi
Life is strange, trust me
Život neni ako predtým nie
Life is not like before, no
Niektoré veci bez chýb yea
Some things are flawless, yeah
Aj tak časy ktoré by som vrátil ver mi
Still, there are times I'd like to go back, trust me
Ale svet sa točí bez nich
But the world turns without them
Život je zvláštny,
Life is strange,
(Bez nich)
(Without them)
Kamarátovi ženy robili vrásky
My friend's wife made wrinkles
Smiali sme sa cvičili sme spolu nepovedal by si,
We laughed, we worked out together you wouldn't say,
že ho to tak moc trápi
That it bothers him that much
Odišiel som po polroku z Bratislavy cca na týždeň preč
I left Bratislava for about a week, six months later
Telefonovali sme spolu v sobotu,
We talked on the phone on Saturday,
V pondelok sa zabil, bolo MDŽ
On Monday, he killed himself, it was Women's Day
Život je zvláštny
Life is strange
Lebo presne vtedy som tam spoznal dievča z prvej slohy
Because that's exactly when I met the girl from the first verse
Vravím ti to popritom ako sa dívam hore do nebies
I tell you this as I look up to the sky
Nebo je plne hviezd
The sky is full of stars
Každé jedna bodka, ktorá svieti je tam za každého,
Every single dot that shines is there for everyone,
Kto tu s nami nie je dnes
who is not here with us today
Nič neni ako predtým nie
Nothing is like before, no
Niektoré veci bez chýb yea
Some things are flawless, yeah
Život je zvláštny ver mi
Life is strange, trust me
(Ver mi)
(Trust me)
Život je zvláštny ver mi
Life is strange, trust me
Život neni ako predtým nie
Life is not like before, no
Niektoré veci bez chýb yea
Some things are flawless, yeah
Aj tak časy ktoré by som vrátil ver mi
Still, there are times I'd like to go back, trust me
Ale svet sa točí bez nich
But the world turns without them

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