Pil C feat. DeliK & SpecialBeatz - Faded (feat. Delik & Special Beatz) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Pil C feat. DeliK & SpecialBeatz - Faded (feat. Delik & Special Beatz)

Faded (feat. Delik & Special Beatz)
Faded (feat. Delik & Special Beatz)
Faded, stále sme faded ty geňo.
Faded, we're still faded, you genius.
Get it?.naaah
Nepýtaj sa ma ty na ďalší deň,
Don't ask me about the next day,
že čo som robil ja včera,
what I did yesterday,
Ja nepamätám si toho veľa,
I don't remember much,
V posteli ráno nahá žena
A naked woman in bed in the morning
A vedľa seba dve nahé telá,
And two naked bodies next to each other,
Berieme to tak, že teče z huby nám pena
We take it as if foam is flowing from our mouths
A sánky ma bolia
And my jaws hurt
Ja prežúvam veľa
I chew a lot
A ten prach bol biely jak stena.
And that dust was white as a wall.
Nepýtaj sa ma ty na ďalší deň,
Don't ask me about the next day,
že čo som robil ja včera,
what I did yesterday,
Ja nepamätám si toho veľa,
I don't remember much,
V posteli ráno nahá žena
A naked woman in bed in the morning
A vedľa seba dve nahé telá,
And two naked bodies next to each other,
Berieme to tak, že teče z huby nám pena
We take it as if foam is flowing from our mouths
A sánky ma bolia
And my jaws hurt
Ja prežúvam veľa
I chew a lot
A ten prach bol biely jak stena.
And that dust was white as a wall.
Chlapci hrajú role ako Brad Pitt,
Boys play roles like Brad Pitt,
V tom že budú dobrý som skeptik,
I'm skeptical that they'll be good,
Oni pôjdu dole ako bad bitch,
They'll go down like a bad bitch,
Punchline dať je pre nich prepych,(nahahah)
Punchline is a luxury for them,(nahahah)
Ich crew je ako Backstreet,
Their crew is like Backstreet,
Dufflebag plný smetí,
Dufflebag full of trash,
Debilkovia majú radi perník
Idiots love gingerbread
A nevidím rozdiel s nimi bez nich,
And I don't see the difference with them without them,
Moji belosi po nich besní (besní),
My white boys are mad at them (mad),
Všetci moji belosi verní (verní),
All my white boys are loyal (loyal),
A nehovorím že sme neni bez chýb (bez chýb),
And I'm not saying we're not without flaws (flaws),
Som high, lietam ako Čestmír (Čestmír),
I'm high, I fly like Čestmír (Čestmír),
Na Instagrame furt flexin (flexin),
On Instagram always flexin (flexin),
Videl si nás v hangári Backspin (Backspin),
You saw us in the Backspin hangar (Backspin),
Nadrbaný, nafúkaný debil (thaak),
High, arrogant idiot (thaak),
Sám doma na dojazdoch jak Kevin.
Home alone on the comedown like Kevin.
V klube sa ma pýtajú že kde spím (kde?),
In the club they ask me where I sleep (where?),
V pentflause spať je prestíž (tak),
Sleeping in the penthouse is prestige (so),
Bazén plný chlastu ako Kendrick (Kendrick)
Pool full of booze like Kendrick (Kendrick)
A hoes si zabúdajú u mňa šperky, whoop,
And hoes forget their jewelry at my place, whoop,
čupka je teen jak pervi (pervi),
That chick is teen like pervi (pervi),
Po tých nociach som vždy faded (faded),
After those nights I'm always faded (faded),
Frflem celý deň, mám nervy (nervy)
I grumble all day, I'm nervous (nervous)
A večer to robíme opäť, ver mi.
And in the evening we do it again, believe me.
Nepýtaj sa ma ty na ďalší deň,
Don't ask me about the next day,
že čo som robil ja včera,
what I did yesterday,
Ja nepamätám si toho veľa,
I don't remember much,
V posteli ráno nahá žena
A naked woman in bed in the morning
A vedľa seba dve nahé telá,
And two naked bodies next to each other,
Berieme to tak, že teče z huby nám pena
We take it as if foam is flowing from our mouths
A sánky ma bolia
And my jaws hurt
Ja prežúvam veľa
I chew a lot
A ten prach bol biely jak stena.
And that dust was white as a wall.
Nepýtaj sa ma ty na ďalší deň,
Don't ask me about the next day,
že čo som robil ja včera,
what I did yesterday,
Ja nepamätám si toho veľa,
I don't remember much,
V posteli ráno nahá žena
A naked woman in bed in the morning
A vedľa seba dve nahé telá,
And two naked bodies next to each other,
Berieme to tak, že teče z huby nám pena
We take it as if foam is flowing from our mouths
A sánky ma bolia
And my jaws hurt
Ja prežúvam veľa
I chew a lot
A ten prach bol biely jak stena.
And that dust was white as a wall.
Aa v pohári lean, aa,
Aa lean in the glass, aa,
V papuli joint, aa,
Joint in the mouth, aa,
Snažíš sa žiariť jak zafír,
You try to shine like sapphire,
No všetko, čo spravíš je flop, aa,
But everything you do is a flop, aa,
Nádherná bitch, aa,
Beautiful bitch, aa,
Mám na ňu kód, aa,
I have the code for her, aa,
Zvrátené myšlienky v hlave
Perverted thoughts in my head
A všetkým je jasné,
And it's clear to everyone,
Ten chlapec je cvok,
That boy is crazy,
Vraj sa neviem správať,
They say I don't know how to behave,
Texty bez témy o sračkách,
Texts without a theme about bullshit,
Na stage skáčem jak pankáč,
On stage I jump like a punk,
Zubami sťahujem tangá,
I pull thongs with my teeth,
Flow ako brazílska Samba,
Flow like Brazilian Samba,
Chalankovia hrajú Ramba,
Guys play Rambo,
Ich rap je skurvená hanba,
Their rap is a fucking shame,
Padajte do kúta kľačať, aa,
Fall down on your knees, aa,
čerstvý jak detský smiech,
fresh like a child's laughter,
Vždy keď prídem zacítiš Amsterdam,
Whenever I come you smell Amsterdam,
Skinny jeans,
Skinny jeans,
Oversized mikina s motívom z talianskych katedrál,
Oversized hoodie with a motif from Italian cathedrals,
Panák za panákom vždy
Shot after shot always
Keď ich dopijem, hádžem ich za seba,
When I finish them, I throw them behind me,
šampanské za liter,
Champagne by the liter,
Päť gramov v ponožkách pálim jak Arsenal,
Five grams in my socks I burn like Arsenal,
Nie si jak ja nikdy nebudeš,
You're not like me, you never will be,
Kurva tučný flow stále nechudne,
Fucking fat flow still not losing weight,
Idem tak tvrdo je to nechutné,
I go so hard it's disgusting,
Drinky, veľké linky, biele pičky necudné,
Drinks, big lines, white pussies obscene,
Tak to byť, tak to mám rád,
That's how it should be, that's how I like it,
štyridsať cíg, pľúca čierne jak tma,
forty cigarettes, lungs black as darkness,
Nik z vás nie jak ja,
None of you are like me,
Nik z vás nejde jak ja,
None of you go like me,
Ty si dement krát dva,
You're a moron times two,
Pustím si tvoj track
I'll play your track
A po jednej minúte netuším,
And after one minute I have no idea,
čo si mám o tom myslieť,
what to think about it,
Mám nové flowy,
I have new flows,
Aj outfit je nový
The outfit is new too
A na nohách nové sneakers,
And new sneakers on my feet,
čakám kým sa niekto z debilov ozve,
I'm waiting for some idiot to speak up,
Poď, utekaj, nahraj disstrack,
Come on, run, record a diss track,
Vybuchnú hlavy, mám nemocné bary
Heads will explode, I have sick bars
A mc's skončia na intenzívke,
And mc's will end up in intensive care,
Drogy a sex, to je všetko, čo sme,
Drugs and sex, that's all we are,
Chlast, nikotín, všetko, čo sme,
Booze, nicotine, that's all we are,
Všetko to máme, nech sa páči,
We have it all, here you go,
Realitu nechceme, sme stále v rauši, drogy a sex, to je všetko, čo sme,
We don't want reality, we're always high, drugs and sex, that's all we are,
Chlast, nikotín, všetko, čo sme,
Booze, nicotine, that's all we are,
Všetko to máme, nech sa páči,
We have it all, here you go,
Realitu nechceme, sme stále v rauši,
We don't want reality, we're always high,
Nepýtaj sa ma ty na ďalší deň,
Don't ask me about the next day,
že čo som robil ja včera,
what I did yesterday,
Ja nepamätám si toho veľa,
I don't remember much,
V posteli ráno nahá žena
A naked woman in bed in the morning
A vedľa seba dve nahé telá,
And two naked bodies next to each other,
Berieme to tak, že teče z huby nám pena
We take it as if foam is flowing from our mouths
A sánky ma bolia
And my jaws hurt
Ja prežúvam veľa
I chew a lot
A ten prach bol biely jak stena.
And that dust was white as a wall.
Naah, biely jak stena, biely jak stena,
Naah, white as a wall, white as a wall,
Biely jak stena, ten prach bol biely jak stena,
White as a wall, that dust was white as a wall,
Biely jak stena, biely jak stena,
White as a wall, white as a wall,
Biely jak stena... naaah
White as a wall... naaah

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