Pil C feat. Ektor - Povedz dosť - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pil C feat. Ektor - Povedz dosť

Povedz dosť
Say Enough
Povedz dosť
Say Enough
Povedz vtedy, keď máš dosť
Say it when you've had enough
Povedz stop, zmením deň, príde noc
Say stop, I'll change the day, night will come
Tancujem, vossi bop
I'm dancing, vossi bop
Chalani so mnou majú sig, majú glock
The guys with me have a sig, they have a glock
Daj mi piť, daj mi bozk
Give me a drink, give me a kiss
Diamanty na zuboch
Diamonds on my teeth
Povedz dosť
Say Enough
Povedz vtedy, keď máš dosť
Say it when you've had enough
Povedz stop, zmením deň, príde noc
Say stop, I'll change the day, night will come
Tancujem, vossi bop
I'm dancing, vossi bop
Chalani so mnou majú sig, majú glock
The guys with me have a sig, they have a glock
Daj mi piť, daj mi bozk
Give me a drink, give me a kiss
Diamanty na zuboch
Diamonds on my teeth
Povedz dosť
Say Enough
Povedz vtedy, keď máš dosť
Say it when you've had enough
Povedz stop, zmením deň, príde noc
Say stop, I'll change the day, night will come
Tancujem, vossi bop
I'm dancing, vossi bop
Chalani so mnou majú sig, majú glock
The guys with me have a sig, they have a glock
Daj mi piť, daj mi bozk
Give me a drink, give me a kiss
Diamanty na zuboch
Diamonds on my teeth
Cítiš chlad, mega deal, Adidas
Feeling the chill, mega deal, Adidas
Žiaden snitch, ani raz
No snitch, not once
Krysa je, vždy len rat
A rat is always just a rat
Ježko bol vždy len brat
Ježko was always just a brother
Šikovným patrí svet
The world belongs to the clever
Chceš patriť medzi nás
You want to belong with us
Titulky v novinách
Headlines in the newspapers
Moje Yeezy na nohách
My Yeezys on my feet
Glow in the dark
Glow in the dark
Môj itinerár
My itinerary
Mám to, čo nemáš
I have what you don't
Dnes večer sme vo Vegas
Tonight we're in Vegas
Môj život je cinema
My life is a cinema
Večer idem do neba
Tonight I'm going to heaven
Všetko mi to prines, ah
Bring it all to me, ah
Objednávajú sa rundy, kričia zaplať
Rounds are being ordered, they're shouting "pay up"
Šoférovi limo kričím: "Bro, tu mi zastav"
I yell to the limo driver: "Bro, stop here for me"
Dve čúzy okolo krku, to bude jazda
Two chicks around my neck, it's gonna be a ride
Kričím prvej špine: "Júj, prvá špina bust down"
I scream to the first bitch: "Ouch, first bitch bust down"
Bust down
Bust down
Oči mi svietia ako lampa
My eyes shine like a lamp
Peniaze padajú na stôl vo forme dažďa
Money falls on the table in the form of rain
Sme fucked up
We're fucked up
Horí mi kreditná karta
My credit card is burning
Shit, nechcem zobudiť sa zajtra
Shit, I don't want to wake up tomorrow
Bust down
Bust down
Oči mi svietia ako lampa
My eyes shine like a lamp
Peniaze padajú na stôl vo forme dažďa
Money falls on the table in the form of rain
Sme fucked up
We're fucked up
Horí mi kreditná karta
My credit card is burning
Shit, nechcem zobudiť sa zajtra
Shit, I don't want to wake up tomorrow
Povedz dosť
Say Enough
Povedz vtedy, keď máš dosť
Say it when you've had enough
Povedz stop, zmením deň, príde noc
Say stop, I'll change the day, night will come
Tancujem, vossi bop
I'm dancing, vossi bop
Chalani so mnou majú sig, majú glock
The guys with me have a sig, they have a glock
Daj mi piť, daj mi bozk
Give me a drink, give me a kiss
Diamanty na zuboch
Diamonds on my teeth
Povedz dosť
Say Enough
Povedz vtedy, keď máš dosť
Say it when you've had enough
Povedz stop, zmením deň, príde noc
Say stop, I'll change the day, night will come
Tancujem, vossi bop
I'm dancing, vossi bop
Chalani so mnou majú sig, majú glock
The guys with me have a sig, they have a glock
Daj mi piť, daj mi bozk
Give me a drink, give me a kiss
Diamanty na zuboch
Diamonds on my teeth
Řekni dost, prosím řekni dost
Say enough, please say enough
Nadechni se, dej mi do života nevinnost
Take a breath, bring innocence into my life
Ty reflektory pálej, je toho moc
Those spotlights are burning, it's too much
A sám nedokážu zastavit ten kolotoč
And I can't stop this carousel alone
Ani nevím jestli chci, možná na chvíli
I don't even know if I want to, maybe for a while
Zatím jedu Grand Prix, než mi vezmou papíry
For now I'm driving the Grand Prix until they take my license
Napínáme strunu, odmítáme tlak
We're stretching the string, rejecting the pressure
Zabijíme nudu, popíráme fakt
We kill boredom, we deny the fact
Že to, co bude, bude brzo to, co bylo
That what will be will soon be what was
Ale zatím je to tady, takže přistavte to Limo
But for now it's here, so bring that Limo
Ještě nekončíme (Teď né), abeceda (pět P)
We're not finished yet (Not now), the alphabet (five Ps)
Pussy, pussy, pokoj, postel, pití, je to nefér
Pussy, pussy, peace, bed, drink, it's not fair
Chtěli by taky party, chtěli by prachy Breitling
They would also like a party, they would like Breitling money
Duši za Givenchy
Soul for Givenchy
Mám sny o tom, že mám 24 hodin pro sebe
I have dreams of having 24 hours to myself
Probouzím se, skáčou mi dvě princezny do postele
I wake up, two princesses jump into my bed
Povedz dosť
Say Enough
Povedz vtedy, keď máš dosť
Say it when you've had enough
Povedz stop, zmením deň, príde noc
Say stop, I'll change the day, night will come
Tancujem, vossi bop
I'm dancing, vossi bop
Chalani so mnou majú sig, majú glock
The guys with me have a sig, they have a glock
Daj mi piť, daj mi bozk
Give me a drink, give me a kiss
Diamanty na zuboch
Diamonds on my teeth
Povedz dosť
Say Enough
Povedz vtedy, keď máš dosť
Say it when you've had enough
Povedz stop, zmením deň, príde noc
Say stop, I'll change the day, night will come
Tancujem, vossi bop
I'm dancing, vossi bop
Chalani so mnou majú sig, majú glock
The guys with me have a sig, they have a glock
Daj mi piť, daj mi bozk
Give me a drink, give me a kiss
Diamanty na zuboch
Diamonds on my teeth

Writer(s): Michal Vanysek, Patrik Kosa

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