Pil C feat. Richard Muller - MALÝ KÚSOK NEHY - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pil C feat. Richard Muller - MALÝ KÚSOK NEHY

čo chceš teraz robiť
what do you want to do now
Bol raz jeden vzťah
There was once a relationship
Chlapec sa sklamal tisíckrát
The boy was disappointed a thousand times
Chlapec ostal sám chlapec povedal nikdy viac
The boy was left alone the boy said Never Again
Ani nev...
Not really...
Chlapec sa sklamal toľkokrát
The boy has been disappointed so many times.
Odišiel sklamaný, no vedel čo chce
He was disappointed, but he knew what he wanted.
Vedel čo ma očakávať, vedel čo dať
He knew what to expect, he knew what to give.
Vedel ako vyzerať ma vzťah
He knew what a relationship looked like.
Ani nevieš aký je to pocit
You don't know how it feels
Chlapec bral vinu na seba, za všetko čo sa stalo môže on,
The boy took the blame for everything that happened.,
Sústavne obviňoval sám seba
He constantly blamed himself.
Možno je k tomu predurčený,
Maybe he's destined for it.,
Možno trpieť aby vedel mať tie správne slová na perách
Maybe he has to suffer to have the right words on his lips.
Možno príde pravá fakt teraz
Maybe the truth will come now.
ľudia menia tváre jak farby Astera
people change their faces like the colors of Astera
Dávno je všetko done, škody colaterall
Long ago everything is done, damage colaterall
Možno je k tomu predurčený aby bol psychológ pre masy
Maybe he's destined to be a psychologist for the masses.
Hoduje týždeň, pak neje celé dni, odpadky v byte,
Feasts a week, then does not eat for days, garbage in the apartment,
Kruhy pod očami jazvy na srdci šedivé vlasy
Circles under the eyes scars on the heart gray hair
Chlapec sa zaprisahal, že nikdy viac
He swore he would never do it again.
Verí, že všetko, čo sa deje sa deje pre niečo a musí sa to diať
He believes that everything that happens is done for something and it must happen
Deň za dňom týždeň za týždňom ďalší mesiac
Day after day week after week another month
Nikoho nehľadal, čakal na osud, čakal na znamenie
He was not looking for anyone, waiting for fate, waiting for a sign
Dievča striedalo dievča, dievča striedalo dievča,
Girl turned girl, girl turned girl,
Dievča striedalo dievča na lásku zanevrel
Girl turned Girl On Love Forsaken
(Ale nie)
(But no)
No jak sa vraví nikdy nehovor nikdy
As they say, Never Say Never.
Chlapec spoznal dievča, dievča príde do izby
The boy met the girl, the girl comes into the room
Chlapec odíde z izby príde domov no stále na dievča myslí
The boy leaves the room comes home but still thinks of the girl
A vice versa, dievča mu posiela fotky, píše sms a
And vice versa, the girl sends him photos, writes sms and
Dievča si ho drží blízko pri sebe, chlapec dúfa,
The girl keeps him close to her, the boy hopes,
že nie je len položkou z jej bucketlistu,
she's not just an item on her bucket list.,
Fajka pri kolónke raper a
Blowjob in the box rapper a
Dievča blázni mu zmysly
Girl fools his senses
spolu na rande, jedia spolu gyozy,
They are together on a date, they eat gyoza together,
Pozerá ako sezamové semienka jej padajú za výstrih
She watches as the sesame seeds fall behind her neckline
Dievča nevie komunikovať
Girl cannot communicate
On to vie snaží sa predĺžiť pobyt nie odubytovať
He knows it trying to extend the stay not to move out
Chlapec píše o len svojom živote, je rok 2021
The boy writes about only his life, it's 2021
Opakujem chlapec píše len o svojom živote chlapec sa nehanbí za city
I repeat the boy writes only about his life the boy is not ashamed of feelings
Kludne ho môžete ukameňovať no aj tak stále bude písať to, čo cíti
You can stone him, but he'll still write what he feels.
Chlapec sa nehanbí pred svetom
The boy is not ashamed of the world.
Chlapec dáva do hudby všetko,
The boy puts everything into the music,
Vraví sa, že múdrosť príde s vekom
They say wisdom comes with age.
No chlapec robí stále tie isté chyby nepotrebuje kalendár,
But the boy keeps making the same mistakes he doesn't need a calendar,
Rata čas len na ročné obdobia
Rata time only for the seasons
Zima strieda zimu leto strieda leto
Winter alternates winter summer alternates summer
Z vonku to môže vyzerať, že mu nič nechýba, že chlapec všetko
From the outside it may seem that he lacks nothing, that the boy has everything
No chlapec pocit, že mu slon leží na hrudníku a ďalší deň neprežije
Well, the boy feels that the elephant lies on his chest, and the next day he will not survive
Chlapec ma úzkosti, depresie
Boy ma anxiety depression
Môže zavolať, alebo zavolá ona alebo môže zavolať?
Can she call, or will she call, or can she call?
Napíše dnes? alebo dnes zas správa nepríde?
Will he write today? or is there no news today?
Jeden deň je sám
One day he is alone
Druhy deň je za boha
Types of day is for God
Nevieš aký je to pocit
You don't know how it feels
Ku každému sa snaží byť fér, na každého bere ohľad
He tries to be fair to everyone, he takes care of everyone.
Ale potom všetkom,
But after all,
čo sme si povedali včera o štvrtej ráno dnes dievča nezavolá
what we said yesterday at four in the morning today the girl does not call
Luki ako sa cítiš? Je všetko fajn?
Luke, how are you feeling? Is everything okay?
Toľkokrát som sa ti prihováral, prečo si ma nevaroval!
I've told you so many times why you didn't warn me.
Deň striedal deň,
Day alternated day,
Mal pocit, že hádže perly do válova
He felt like he was throwing pearls into a cylinder.
Deň strieda deň, deň strieda deň, čas ukáže,
Day turns day, day turns day, time will tell,
čas vylieči všetko, dúfal, že skôr, než príde staroba
time will cure everything, hoping that before old age comes
Udržiaval som teplo našich sŕdc jak alobal
I kept the warmth of our hearts like foil
Bol raz jeden kráľ, mal kráľovstvo a s kráľovnou v ňom kraľoval
Once Upon a time there was a king, he had a kingdom, and with a queen he reigned in it.
Chlapec keď je veselý rozdáva nádej úsmev všade naokolo
A boy when he is cheerful gives out hope smile all around
si ani nepamätá kedy naposledy veselý bol,
He can't remember the last time he was happy.,
ťarcha ho ťahá ku dnu jak olovo
The weight is pulling him down like lead.
Nadej mu dodávajú len fotky,
They just give him pictures.,
Ktoré mu pripomínajú aké dobré to vie byť, a ako dobre bolo
That remind him how good it can be, and how good it was
čo z toho?
so what?
Pozerajú všetci iba po ňom
Everyone is looking at him.
Pozerajú po ňom všetci naokolo
Everyone around is looking at him.
No v poslednej sekunde možno našli k sebe cestu,
But at the last second, they might have found their way.,
Dievča vidí zmysel, chlapec chápe obetu
The girl sees the meaning, the boy understands the sacrifice
A dúfa, že dievča vidí obetu a chlapec dúfa, že chápe zmysel
And he hopes that the girl sees the victim, and the boy hopes that he understands the meaning
čo si myslel...
what was he thinking?..
Sme každý na inej strane rieky
We're all on different sides of the river.
A mosty spálené
The bridges are burned.
To platí na večné veky
This is true for ever and ever
Drahá, ale nie
Dear, but no
Sme každý na inom brehu
We are all on different shores
To je márna sláva
This is vain glory
Ustali sme z rýchleho behu
We stopped from fast running
A nechceme vedieť plávať
We don't want to be able to swim
Prečo ľudia pália mosty?
Why do people burn bridges?
Prečo len takí sprostí?
Why are they so stupid?
Stačí iba malý kúsok nehy
Just a little bit of tenderness
Rieka predsa musí mať dva brehy
The river has two banks.
Prečo ľudia pália mosty?
Why do people burn bridges?
Prečo len takí sprostí?
Why are they so stupid?
Stačí iba malý kúsok nehy
Just a little bit of tenderness
Rieka predsa musí mať dva brehy
The river has two banks.
A to chlapec nepovedal skoro nič, mohol by, no nechce
And the boy said almost nothing, he could, but he doesn't want to
Chráni ju,
Protects her,
Tak ako vždy
As always

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