Pil C feat. Laris Diam - Deň Za Dňom (feat. Laris Diam) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pil C feat. Laris Diam - Deň Za Dňom (feat. Laris Diam)

Deň Za Dňom (feat. Laris Diam)
Day After Day (feat. Laris Diam)
Že som to neni ja - Čo na tom?
That it's not me - So what?
Veď ľudia mýlia sa často,
People make mistakes often,
Teraz si na opačnej strane, je-je-je,
Now you're on the other side, yeah-yeah-yeah,
Ver že som neovplyvnená.
Believe me, I'm not influenced.
Nevidíš do mňa, nevidím do teba,
You don't see through me, I don't see through you,
Dobre vieme čo to ticho znamená,
We both know what this silence means,
Myslíš si že mi to ubližuje,
You think it hurts me,
Nie si to ty kto každý večer do seba nalieva alkohol.
You're not the one pouring alcohol into yourself every night.
Pohár za pohárom, pohár za pohárom,
Glass after glass, glass after glass,
Je zbytočné utápať, utopené skús chápať.
It's pointless to drown, try to understand the drowned.
Ja nie-som-tá, (ja nejsom ten há),
I'm not the one, (I'm not the one, huh),
Ja nie-som, nie-som tááá - akú ma chceš vidieť.
I'm not, I'm not the one you want me to be.
Znovu sme spolu do toho padli, ah yeah, ah yeah
We fell back into it together, ah yeah, ah yeah
Možno sme to len zle odhadli, ah yeah, ah yeah,
Maybe we just misjudged it, ah yeah, ah yeah,
Povedz mi čo budeš teraz robiť sám,
Tell me what you're going to do alone now,
Keď máš zo mňa stále pomotanú hlavu jak pán.
When you still have your head all messed up from me, like a sir.
Ja pokračujem v tom čo nechcel si, mám plán,
I'm continuing what you didn't want, I have a plan,
Neľutujem nič čo sa stalo nám,
I don't regret anything that happened to us,
Všetko čo mááám - som ja - bez teba,
Everything I have is me - without you,
Všetko čo mááám - som ja - bez teba.
Everything I have is me - without you.
Nikdy predtým som sa lepšie necítila...
I've never felt better...
Vstávam a za oknom je jeseň,
I wake up and it's autumn outside the window,
Voláš mi čo budem robiť, odpovedám neviem,
You call me asking what I'm going to do, I say I don't know,
Hovorím že budem písať album, ale ty hovoríš ne-e,
I say I'm going to write an album, but you say no-oh,
Ne-e, teraz každý uzavretý v tom svojom svete.
No-oh, now everyone is closed off in their own world.
Nechodil som domov, čakala si každý večer,
I wasn't coming home, you waited every night,
Milióny chýb ktoré spravil som, nesmiem, ne-e,
Millions of mistakes I've made, I can't anymore, no-oh,
Mali by sme ísť von, voláš mi či nepôjdem sa stretnúť,
We should go out, you call me to see if I'll come meet you,
Dobre vieš aký som, dobre vieš že stojíme na opačnom brehu.
You know well how I am, you know well that we're already on opposite shores.
Oni jak káble na iPhone - meníme ich často,
They're like iPhone cables - we change them often,
Odchádzam von, yeah, volám mojím chlapcom,
I'm going out, yeah, I'm calling my boys,
Opúšťam tvoj svet, ja som roztrhal ten passport,
I'm leaving your world, I tore up that passport,
Sledujem jak strácaš sa za sklom...
I watch you disappear behind the glass...
Pamätám si ako bolo nám dvom, úplný blázon,
I remember how it was for the two of us, complete madness,
Stratili sme od seba ten návod,
We lost the instructions for each other,
Nemyslíme na budúcnosť, nevieme či príde,
We don't think about the future, we don't know if it will come,
Prečo by som na ňu vôbec myslel?
Why would I even think about it?
Nevieme jak dopadne ten príbeh,
We don't know how the story will end,
Topíme sa v záplave tích tiel,
We're drowning in a flood of those bodies,
Týždeň čo týždeň ---
Week after week ---
A deň za dňom...
And day after day...
Znovu sme spolu do toho padli, ah yeah, ah yeah
We fell back into it together, ah yeah, ah yeah
Možno sme to len zle odhadli, ah yeah, ah yeah,
Maybe we just misjudged it, ah yeah, ah yeah,
Povedz mi čo budeš teraz robiť sám,
Tell me what you're going to do alone now,
Keď máš zo mňa stále pomotanú hlavu jak pán.
When you still have your head all messed up from me, like a sir.
Ja pokračujem v tom čo nechcel si, mám plán,
I'm continuing what you didn't want, I have a plan,
Neľutujem nič čo sa stalo nám,
I don't regret anything that happened to us,
Všetko čo mááám - som ja - bez teba,
Everything I have is me - without you,
Všetko čo mááám - som ja - bez teba.
Everything I have is me - without you.
Nikdy predtým som sa lepšie necítila...
I've never felt better...

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