Pil C feat. Yojo & ConspiracyFlat - Pentflaus (feat. Yojo & Conspiracy Flat) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pil C feat. Yojo & ConspiracyFlat - Pentflaus (feat. Yojo & Conspiracy Flat)

Pentflaus (feat. Yojo & Conspiracy Flat)
Pentflaus (feat. Yojo & Conspiracy Flat)
Prilievam šampanské do Jägera,
Pouring champagne into my Jäger,
Veľa osôb, no žiadna triezva,
Lots of people, but none of them sober,
Pijeme po nociach ten nektár,
We drink this nectar all through the night,
Aa, stlm trochu tie svetlá,
Oh, turn those lights down low,
Drepuj, chcem vidieť stehná,
Drop down, I want to see your thighs,
Chyť ma za ruku a veď ma,
Grab me by the hand and lead me,
Vidím dopredu jak vedma,
I see ahead like a witch,
Preto vidím nás dvoch vedľa
That's why I see the two of us next to
Seba ráno jebať, áno sex, ámok,
Each other in the morning fucking, yes, an orgy,
Pokoj, spánok, krížom krážom handry,
Peace, sleep, clothes strewn about,
Predaj ich a kúpiš si Audi,
Sell them and you can buy an Audi,
Všetci moji belosi blázni,
All my white people are crazy,
S Adelom každú dobu Supreme,
With Adel every time Supreme,
Celý víkend v klube, tam patrím
All weekend at the club, that's where I belong
A celé dni si len tak flausím,
And all day long I just chill,
Som sadboy jak Yung Lean
I'm a sad boy like Yung Lean
A v pohári mám lean
And I've got lean in my cup
A na sebe mám čierny long sleeve,
And I've got a black long sleeve on,
Keď nahrávam belosi kričia "von s tým!",
When I record, the white people scream "Get it out!",
V spálni kričí hoe "von s ním",
In the bedroom that hoe screams "Get it out",
Som ... jak moslim.
I'm ... like a Muslim.
Comebackgang .
Nemôžeš povedať nič,
You can't say anything,
Děvko, bitch,
Girl, bitch,
Nemôžeš povedať nič,
You can't say anything,
Fajči, bitch,
Smoke it, bitch,
Nemôžeš povedať nič,
You can't say anything,
Fajči ty bitch, fajči ty bitch,
Smoke it you bitch, smoke it you bitch,
Oni v piči nepovedia nič,
They're in the pussy, they can't say anything,
Vedia že nemôžu lebo sme trill,
They know they can't because we're trill,
V Pentflause flausím tak zavolám im,
In the Pentflaus, I chill, so I call them,
čupky tam chodia že akoby nič,
The cunts walk in like it's nothing,
Každá z tých dievčat je akoby bitch,
Every one of those girls is like a bitch,
V tom klube som v piči akoby nič.
In that club I'm in the pussy like it's nothing.
Idem domov, idem broke,
I'm going home, I'm going broke,
Idem z klubu, idem s ňou,
I'm leaving the club, I'm going with her,
ťukám hopin, držím phone,
I'm tapping on my phone, holding it,
Idem domov, idem s hoe,
I'm going home, I'm going with a hoe,
Idem s hoe, idem s ňou,
I'm going with a hoe, I'm going with her,
A hoe chce furt blow,
And that hoe wants to blow all the time,
Ja kričím put in work,
I scream put in work,
Put in work .
Put in work.
Toto je Nightclub,
This is Nightclub,
Oblíž vajcia,
Lick my balls,
úzky štandard,
low standard,
Ahoj kar-, ahoj, ahoj karma,
Hello kar-, hello, hello karma,
Hoe mi píše meno na papier volám to -fuck- Starbucks
A hoe writes my name on paper, I call it -fuck- Starbucks
Cítim sa fajn,
I feel fine,
Aj keď tak nevyzerám,
Even though I don't look it,
Som fakt fakt high,
I'm really really high,
Mladnem a nepriberám,
I'm getting younger and I'm not gaining any weight,
Otvor sa Sezam,
Open sesame,
Pod zem zalézam, neumieram,
I go underground, I don't die,
Bang bang, Comebackgang,
Bang bang, Comebackgang,
Podzemgang slang, Pentflaus.
Underground slang, Pentflaus.
Zamknutý som v mojej mysli,
I'm locked in my mind,
Pijem ten kryštál a dýcham ten kyslík,
I drink that crystal and I breathe that oxygen,
Na nohách Rick Owens na triku Free Keef,
Rick Owens on my feet, Free Keef on my shirt,
Nenávidím ľudí, ja sa nebavím s nikým,
I hate people, I don't talk to anyone,
Oči jak Juicy J, ledva ťa vidim,
Eyes like Juicy J, I can barely see you,
Ledva ťa vidim, pozri sa kámo ja vôbec nevidím.
I can barely see you, look, buddy, I can't see anything at all.
Idem domov, idem broke,
I'm going home, I'm going broke,
Idem z klubu, idem s ňou,
I'm leaving the club, I'm going with her,
ťukám hopin, držím phone,
I'm tapping on my phone, holding it,
Idem domov, idem s hoe,
I'm going home, I'm going with a hoe,
Idem s hoe, idem s ňou,
I'm going with a hoe, I'm going with her,
A hoe chce furt blow,
And that hoe wants to blow all the time,
Ja kričím put in work,
I scream put in work,
Put in work .
Put in work.

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