Pimp Flaco - Puto - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Pimp Flaco - Puto

Estais criticando pero no haceis na'
You're criticizing but you're not doing anything
Pa' mi lo que diga' e' una mierda pincha' en un palo
To me what you say is a piece of shit
Colega a mi eto' me da igual
Mate, I don't care
Vuestro' comentario' son risa al final
Your comments are a joke in the end
Mira esa puta que freca' que va
Look at that slut how cool she is
Me molan sus pintas le daba en verda'
I like her clothes, I'd really hit on her
Tiene toda la cara de estar mal folla'
She looks like she's not getting laid enough
En serio es tu novia?, presentamela
Is she your girlfriend? Introduce me to her
Estais tos' los tontos diciendo lila
You're all fools saying bullshit
Os falta un poquillo personalida'
You lack a little personality
Tu puedes subir
You can get up
Pero hay que suda
But you have to sweat
En la vida no existe la casualidad
Coincidences don't exist in life
Me pregunta la poli si se donde esta'
The police ask me if I know where he is
Me pide la calle, tu piso y portal
He asks me for the street, your flat, and the block
Y en verda' lo se to'
And I really know it all
Pero no digo na'
But I don't say a thing
Por que pa' eso' chivato' yo nunca se na'
Because I'll never be a snitch
No olvides que tu vida vale poco
Don't forget your life is worth little
Un tonto con un palo te abre el coco
An idiot with a stick will crack your head open
Se perdona renacuajo no a lo' sapo
We forgive tadpoles not toads
En la calle nadie quiere a lo' chivato'
In the street, nobody likes snitches
No olvides que tu vida vale poco
Don't forget your life is worth little
Que seas un retrasao' no es que este' loco
That you're a retard doesn't mean you're crazy
Que tu no tienes siete no ere' un gato
You're not seven, you're not a cat
Que a la primera que te den te dan por saco
The first time they hit you, it'll piss you off
Que no ere' alcapone puto subnormal
You're not Al Capone, idiot
Que aqui nadie e' gangster despierta chaval
Here, nobody's a gangster, wake up boy
Tu puedes mover kilo y gramo y tal
You can move kilos and grams
Pero luego al final ere' un jamon normal
But in the end, you're just a normal ham
Las niñas se van al centro comercial
The girls go to the mall
Se cogen las ropas mas cara al local
They steal the most expensive clothes in the store
No llevan un duro pero eso da igual
They don't have a dime but that doesn't matter
Porque forran el bolso con papel albal
Because they line their bag with aluminum foil
Aqui siempre nieva sin ser navida'
It always snows here even if it's not Christmas
Aqui todos hablan bla bla bla bla
Everybody here talks blah blah blah
Aqui habla to' dios sin saber la mita'
Everybody here talks without knowing half of it
Y que te rompan la boca no mola verda'?
And getting your mouth broken doesn't look cool
Put puto
Put put

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