Pirat's Sound Sistema - Digues que faràs - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pirat's Sound Sistema - Digues que faràs

Digues que faràs
What will you do
Quan ningú t'escolti digues què fara's
When no one hears you, what will you do?
Quan ningú et suporti de què et disfressaras
When no one can stand you, what will you pretend to be?
Quan la penya s'empani de quin pal vas
When the crowd is confused about your side
On t'amagaras, on t'amagaras
Where will you hide, where will you hide?
Escolta, cuida la gent que realment t'importa
Listen, take care of the people who really matter to you
I tanca la porta a qui no es comporta
And close the door to those who misbehave
Si vas del pal però t'és igual
If you're being stubborn but you don't care
Ara per ara ni la familia no et suporta
Right now, even your family can't stand you
Escolta, canvia d'actitud i dona-li la volta
Listen, change your attitude and turn it around
Canvia per dins i després fem la revolta
Change from within and then we'll revolt
Txapa la boca, calla i escolta
Shut your mouth, shut up and listen
Quan ningú t'escolti digues què fara's
When no one hears you, what will you do?
Quan ningú et suporti de què et disfressaras
When no one can stand you, what will you pretend to be?
Quan la penya s'empani de quin pal vas
When the crowd is confused about your side
On t'amagaras, on t'amagaras
Where will you hide, where will you hide?
Quan no siguis ningú, quan ja no pintis res
When you're nobody, when you're nothing
Quan ningu ja no et pari més pel carrer, no
When no one stops you on the street anymore, no
Quan les teves paraules no vulguin dir res
When your words mean nothing
El teu missatge ha perdut tot el eh
Your message has lost all its eh
Les teves passes ja no saps perquè no et porten enlloc
Your steps no longer know why they are not leading you anywhere
Has perdut el caché
You have lost your cachet
Si totes les mentides se'n van per la totxa
If all the lies go up in smoke
I ets incapaç de rèconeixer que t'equivoques
And you're unable to acknowledge that you're wrong
Si totes les mentides se't mengen per dintre
If all the lies eat you up inside
I al final tothom estara cansat de tu i del teu joc brut
And in the end everyone will be tired of you and your dirty game
Quan ningú t'escolti digues què fara's
When no one hears you, what will you do?
Quan ningú et suporti de què et disfressaras
When no one can stand you, what will you pretend to be?
Quan la penya s'empani de quin pal vas
When the crowd is confused about your side
On t'amagaras, on t'amagaras
Where will you hide, where will you hide?

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