Pirat's Sound Sistema - Pel teu bé - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pirat's Sound Sistema - Pel teu bé

Pel teu bé
For Your Own Good
Pel teu
For Your Own Good
Ho fan pel teu
They do it for your own good
Pel teu
For your own good
Ho fan pel teu
They do it for your own good
Pel teu
For your own good
Ja no hi ha músics tocant pel carrer
No more musicians playing in the street
Trenca el silenci, brama el formiguer
Silence breaks, the anthill roars
Soroll de cotxes, ho sents tu també?
Car noises, can you hear them too?
Veus i merder d′un veí cridaner
Voices and mess of a shouting neighbor
Una sirena, tots els tafaners
A siren, all the onlookers
Ja no hi ha colors, no hi ha grafiters
No more colors, no more graffiti artists
Per no haver-hi no hi ha ni caganer
There's not even a "caganer" to be found
Aquest pessebre és un bon paripé
This nativity scene is a good charade
Ho fan pel teu
They do it for your own good
Pel teu
For your own good
Ho fan pel teu
They do it for your own good
Pel teu
For your own good
Pel teu
For your own good
Ho fan pel teu
They do it for your own good
Pel teu
For your own good
Pel teu
For your own good
Dins el teu barri ara et sents foraster
In your own neighborhood, you now feel like a stranger
Pel teu bé, ara has de mossegar l'esquer
For your own good, now you have to bite your tongue
I donar l′esquena als que exploten pel teu
And turn your back on those who exploit for your own good
Ara tot és mort, ara tot és pols,
Now everything is dead, now everything is dust,
Ara tot són plors però ho fan pel teu
Now everything is tears but they do it for your own good
Ells saben molt el que convé,
They know very well what's best,
Seguretat ciutadana el primer
Citizen security comes first
L'imperi de la por a la nit és més fort
The empire of fear at night is stronger
Quan la ciutat dorm, la ciutat de la son
When the city sleeps, the city of sleep
La fan pel teu
They make it for your own good
Es trenca la calma, sona l'alarma,
The calm is broken, the alarm sounds,
Posar-se de peu per la ciutat que calma
Standing up for the city that calms
La força de la gent contra la força de les armes,
The strength of the people against the strength of arms,
Colpejar, qui no plora no mama
To strike, who does not cry does not suckle
Ho fan pel teu
They do it for your own good
Qui busca l′enfrontament?
Who seeks confrontation?
Qui busca el manteniment
Who seeks the maintenance
De la seva quota de poder?
Of their share of power?
I qui és el valent que tira pilotes de goma a la gent?
And who is the brave one who throws rubber balls at people?
Eh? Ho fan pel teu
Huh? They do it for your own good
Ho fan pel teu
They do it for your own good
Ho fan pel teu
They do it for your own good
Qui dorm al carrer
Who sleeps on the street
Qui és sempre el darrer
Who is always the last
(Ho fan pel teu bé)
(They do it for your own good)
Qui és qui la veu per dir-te
Who has the voice to tell you
Que això és pel teu
That this is for your own good
(Ho fan pel teu bé)
(They do it for your own good)
Qui fa el ploraner
Who plays the crybaby
Qui ensenya les dents
Who shows their teeth
(Ho fan pel teu bé)
(They do it for your own good)
Qui és qui t′estomaca tot dient que és pel teu
Who is it that bothers you by saying it's for your own good
Pel teu bé, ara has de mossegar l'esquer
For your own good, now you have to bite your tongue
I donar l′esquena als que exploten pel teu
And turn your back on those who exploit for your own good
Ara tot és mort, ara tot és pols,
Now everything is dead, now everything is dust,
Ara tot són plors però ho fan pel teu
Now everything is tears but they do it for your own good
Ells saben molt el que convé,
They know very well what's best,
Seguretat ciutadana el primer
Citizen security comes first
L'imperi de la por a la nit és més fort
The empire of fear at night is stronger
Quan la ciutat dorm, la ciutat de la son
When the city sleeps, the city of sleep
La fan pel teu
They make it for your own good
Es trenca la calma, sona l′alarma,
The calm is broken, the alarm sounds,
Posar-se de peu per la ciutat que calma
Standing up for the city that calms
La força de la gent contra la força de les armes,
The strength of the people against the strength of arms,
Colpejar, qui no plora no mama
To strike, who does not cry does not suckle
Ho fan pel teu
They do it for your own good
Qui busca l'enfrontament?
Who seeks confrontation?
Qui busca el manteniment
Who seeks the maintenance
De la seva quota de poder?
Of their share of power?
I qui és el valent que tira boles de goma a la gent?
And who is the brave one who throws rubber balls at people?

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