Pirat's Sound Sistema - Rapataplam - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pirat's Sound Sistema - Rapataplam

Sóc com un arbre i tu fulla seca a la tardor,
I'm like a tree and you're a dry leaf in the fall,
Et deixo caure,
I let you fall,
Abans el sol i ara ets fredor
Before the sun and now you're cold
Tornar-te a veure ja no m'omple d'amargor,
Seeing you again doesn't fill me with bitterness anymore,
Sóc com un arbre i tu fulla seca...
I'm like a tree and you're a dry leaf...
Som peixos petits,
We are small fish,
Però junts ens menjarem el gran!
But together we will eat the big one!
Com una lleona defensem el clan!
Like a lioness we defend the clan!
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Rapataplam, ells cauran...
Rapataplam, they will fall...
Que vinguin, que vinguin,
Let them come, let them come,
Que no hi haurà color...
There won't be any color...
Ràbia, els uniformes no ens fan por!
Rage, the uniforms don't scare us!
Que vinguin que vinguin,
Let them come let them come,
Que ja hem trobat color...
We've already found the color...
La claror de les flames a la nit, el foc!
The brightness of the flames at night, the fire!
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Som peixos petits,
We are small fish,
Però junts ens menjarem el gran!
But together we will eat the big one!
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Els que teniu mans blanques
You who have white hands
Però tacades de sang
But stained with blood
Opinion makers
Senyalen culpables, dicten noves normes,
They point fingers, dictate new rules,
Ens disparen sense pistola
They shoot us without a gun
I ens acusen sense tenir cap prova.
And accuse us without any evidence.
Ens ataquen perquè som qui els destorba
They attack us because we are the ones who disturb them
I ens escupen perquè no ens poden pas fotre fora,
And they spit on us because they can't get us out,
Ens menyspreen perquè no som qui plora
They despise us because we are not the ones who cry
Està clar que pensen que fem nosa
It's clear that they think we are a nuisance
No cicatritza el temps, sinó que honra la ferida,
Time does not heal, but honors the wound,
No polititza el vent, sinó que ho fa la vida,
It is not the wind that politicizes, but life that does,
No estigmatitza el cant, sinó que ho fa la melodia
It is not the song that stigmatizes, but the melody
Qui criminalitza? eh?
Who criminalizes? huh?
Professionals de l'opinió
Professionals of opinion
De l'opinió del millor postor,
Of the opinion of the highest bidder,
L'opinòleg és ara el pastor...
The opinion maker is now the pastor...
I quan mori el ramat vindran els voltors!
And when the flock dies, the vultures will come!
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Som peixos petits,
We are small fish,
Però junts ens menjarem el gran!
But together we will eat the big one!
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Els que teniu mans blanques
You who have white hands
Però tacades de sang
But stained with blood
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Som peixos petits,
We are small fish,
Però junts ens menjarem el gran!
But together we will eat the big one!
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Som peixos petits,
We are small fish,
Però junts ens menjarem el gran!
But together we will eat the big one!
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Som peixos petits,
We are small fish,
Però junts ens menjarem el gran!
But together we will eat the big one!
Rapataplam, ells cauran,
Rapataplam, they will fall,
Rapataplam, ells cauran...
Rapataplam, they will fall...

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