Piter-G feat. Curricé - Sigo Perdido - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Piter-G feat. Curricé - Sigo Perdido

Sigo Perdido
Still Lost
Completamente perdido
Completely lost
Buscándole a la vida ese sentido
Searching for life's meaning
Si ella no me mira, yo no la miro
If she doesn't look at me, I won't look at her
Palizas que me ha dado y he resistido
Beatings she's given me, and I've resisted
He sido víctima de ella una y otra vez
I've been her victim time and time again
Eso de levantarme y volver a caer
This getting up and falling down again
Mi abuelo me decía que fiarse de quien
My grandfather told me to be wary of those
No está a su placer nos puede matar con él
Who are not at their ease, they can kill us with it
Algo a pasado cuando he crecido
Something happened when I grew up
Yo era feliz y uno se olvida de cómo lo a sido
I was happy, and one forgets how it was
Cada patada te deja mas aturdido
Each kick leaves you more dazed
Tal vez deba ser como todos aunque no tenga sentido
Maybe I should be like everyone else, even if it doesn't make sense
Pero lo tacho por que no es algo que yo tenga
But I cross it out because it's not something I have
Es lo que ocurre cuando señora inocencia se va
It's what happens when Mrs. Innocence leaves
Se aleja llega la verdad y te da de su lengua
She walks away, the truth arrives and gives you a taste of her tongue
Te lo cuenta todo y huye con tu felicidad
She tells you everything and flees with your happiness
A veces es mejor no saber
Sometimes it's better not to know
El retrasado mental vive bien
The mentally retarded person lives well
El listo se suicida
The smart one commits suicide
El filósofo se vuelve loco
The philosopher goes mad
Y es que la vida no es la casa donde el sabio moriría poco a poco
And that is because life is not the house where the wise man would die little by little
A pesar de todo consiguen ser felices
Despite everything, they manage to be happy
Por eso sigo buscando mis raíces
That's why I keep looking for my roots
Vivo pero sigo perdido
I'm alive, but I'm still lost
Seguiré buscándole a la vida sentido
I will keep searching for life's meaning
Sigo perdido entre la tierra y el cielo perdido
I'm still lost between the earth and the sky, lost
Buscando motivos (buscando motivos)
Searching for reasons (searching for reasons)
De por qué nada le veo sentido
Why I see no meaning in anything
Siendo tan frágil, tan pesado
Being so fragile, you so heavy
Yo tan armado de hormigón sincero
I, so armed with sincere concrete
El mundo entero
The whole world
Debe ser como hoy
It must be like today
Yo sigo buscándome siendo como soy
I keep searching for myself, being who I am
Sonrisa rota por el paso de los años
Smile broken by the passing of the years
Heridas, traiciones, mentiras, y un buen puñado de engaños
Wounds, betrayals, lies, and a good handful of deceptions
Hacen mas daño las palabras que los golpes
Words hurt more than blows
Cicatrices mentales harán que ya ni la vida soportes
Mental scars will make you unable to bear even life
¿Y cuántas veces he luchado y he perdido?
And how many times have I fought and lost?
Busca respuestas pero no tener motivo
Looking for answers but having no reason
He dado tanto a quienes no lo han merecido
I've given so much to those who didn't deserve it
Antes prefiero la muerte que una vida sin sentido
I prefer death to a meaningless life
Y no, yo ya no me creo nada
And no, I don't believe anything anymore
He sentido el veneno de tantas lenguas afiladas
I have felt the poison of so many sharp tongues
Que no, no me fío de la vida
That no, I don't trust life
Seguí sus consejos y me llevo a una calle sin salida
I followed its advice and it led me to a dead end
Querida vida, tienes que saber que
Dear life, you have to know that
Estando solo me dejaste caer
Being alone, you let me fall
Si no estás yo no soy pero no puedo más
If you're not here, I'm not me, but I can't take it anymore
Maldita vida, dame una razón para aguantar
Damn life, give me a reason to hold on
He sufrido tanto que no, ya no quién soy
I have suffered so much that no, I don't know who I am anymore
Y ni a dónde voy he sentido tanto dolor
And I don't even know where I'm going, I have felt so much pain
Que me falto el aliento para declarar mi último adiós
That I lack the breath to declare my last goodbye
Y el mundo sigue y yo solo sigo perdido
And the world goes on and I just keep being lost
Y si hay un Dios, espero que rece por
And if there is a God, I hope he prays for me
Ya ni recuerdo lo que quise o pude a ver sido
I don't even remember what I wanted or could have been
Solo somos un intento en vano por sobrevivir
We are just a vain attempt to survive
Sigo perdido, entre la tierra y el cielo perdido
I'm still lost, between the earth and the sky, lost
Buscando motivos (buscando motivos)
Searching for reasons (searching for reasons)
De por qué nada le veo sentido
Why I see no meaning in anything
Siendo tan frágil, tan pesado
Being so fragile, you so heavy
Yo tan armado de hormigón sincero
I, so armed with sincere concrete
El mundo entero debe ser como hoy
The whole world must be like today
Yo sigo buscándome
I keep searching for myself
Siendo como soy
Being who I am

Writer(s): Espinoza Jose Manuel Ramos

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