Plan 4 - Enemigos Del Sol - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Plan 4 - Enemigos Del Sol

Enemigos Del Sol
Enemies Of The Sun
Justo en el ojo del huracán, ellos persisten
Right in the eye of the hurricane they persist
Y bajo un manto de oscuridad, ellos insisten
And under a cloak of darkness they insist
Quienes arrastran las cadenas en sus pies
Those who drag the chains at their feet
No corren, pero por milenios han seguido andando
Don't run, but for millennia they have continued walking
Entre penumbras marcharán con lucidez
In shadows they will march with lucidity
Su aullido nos espantará
Their howl will scare us
Pesadilla que augura un sueño
Nightmare that portends a dream
Fuego inmortal
Immortal fire
Son lobos y ovejas negras, no tienen ni quieren Dios
They are wolves and black sheep, they do not have nor do they want God
Nacidos, marcados, bastardos, enemigos del sol
Born, marked, bastards, enemies of the sun
Ven mas allá de su soledad, se sienten libres
They see beyond their solitude, they feel free
Conviven con una tempestad que no apaciguarán
They coexist with a storm that they will not appease
La vida ha sido siempre demasiado cruel
Life has always been too cruel
Pero si no quieren morir deben seguir andando
But if they don't want to die, they must keep walking
Y sin dudarlo avanzan otra vez, su grito nos despertará
And without hesitation they move forward again, their cry will awaken us
Pesadilla que augura un sueño
Nightmare that portends a dream
Fuego inmortal
Immortal fire
Son lobos y ovejas negras, no tienen ni quieren Dios
They are wolves and black sheep, they do not have nor do they want God
Nacidos, marcados, bastardos, enemigos del sol
Born, marked, bastards, enemies of the sun
No los aceptan, son rechazados
They are not accepted, they are rejected
Por eso es que deben seguir reaccionando
That's why they must keep reacting
Entre penumbras machacarán con lucidez
In shadows they will crush with lucidity
Su aullido los espantará
Their howl will scare them
Nacidos, marcados, bastardos, enemigos del sol
Born, marked, bastards, enemies of the sun
Nacidos, marcados, bastardos
Born, marked, bastards

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