NIKØTIN - Adrenochrome - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction NIKØTIN - Adrenochrome

Jou Jou
Jou Jou
Tenhle track trhá prdel stejně jako sifredy
This track kicks ass just like Siffy
Takže to radši vypni jestli boy fakt nejsi ready
So its better to turn it off if your song is not ready man
Miluju to mrzačit, proto rap nesype mi
I love to mutilate that is why my rap does not flow
Ale kurva jsem tu zase, takže vemte si pleny
But I am here again get your diapers
Nechci kecy o tom jak tohle víc fitne mi
I don't want to hear your shit about how this fits me better
bary jsou jedovatý stejně jako yperid
My bars are poisonous just like yperid
A neřikej mi malej zmrde, že ty fakt nejsi faggit
And don't tell me faggot that you're not a real faggot
Páč kdyby jsi nebyl, tak mi teď nesuckuješ penis
Because if you weren't you wouldn't be sucking my dick now
Hoe, tvůj boy je citlivej jak klitoris
Hoe your boy is sensitive like a clitoris
Boy to je plynovka, to fakt neni pistole
Boy this is gas not a pistol
A neptej se na to, jak to malá pizdo vim
And don't ask me how I know that you little cunt
Něco jsem zažil, nechal jsem dost krys dole
I have been through some shit I have left many rats down there
Tak dám si gin & tonic na tvojí shit story
So I will have a gin & tonic for your shit story
Kolik píčovin ti vypadlo z huby
How many stupid things have you said
Řikám si ty vole, musim se zhulit
I tell myself you must get high
Abych to vydržel, vynesu v zubech
To endure this I will carry you out in my teeth
Řikej mi Plastic, nebo mi řikej Nikotin
Call me Plastic or call me Nikotine
Ale neřikej mi, že jsem stejnej jako ty
But don't tell me that I am the same as you
Tady chybí harmonie, nepadls mi do noty
There is no harmony here you don't fit my notes
V báglu mám půl večerky a jinak samý dobroty
I have half a grocery store in my bag and otherwise only good stuff
sekám dobrotu, pak jdu do hospody
I pretend to be good then I go to an inn
Pak jdu zase domu, páč tu vidim kokoty
Then I go home because I see idiots here
Pak dám flašku rumu a mrdnu sebou o schody
Then I drink a bottle of rum and go down the stairs
Další den jdu zas a zas, neni mi pomoci
The next day I go again and again there is no help for me
Pulapuju stage do lidí řvu kurva je tu kdo
I rush the stage screaming at people who is there
Anís běží za mnou a řiká: Kurva je mu moc
Annis runs after me and says: He has had to much
Sundejte ho z stage asi kurva jeblo mu
Get him off the stage he has gone mad
A kde kurva Simonu, odveďte si ho domu
And where is Simona, take him home
Odveďte si domu, dejte mi kazajku
Take me home get me a straitjacket
Vyjebanej čůrák zase plodí mrdku na majku
Fucked up dickhead is making shit again about his mother
A furt mi jde o rap, tobě zas o lajky
And I am only interested in rap you are only interested in likes
Proto mam tak v píči, píčo mi tu píčo posaj dick
That is why I don't care suck my dick you little cunt

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