NIKØTIN - What? - traduction des paroles en anglais

What? - Plastictraduction en anglais

Ty smutný tracky o životě, nebo o uspačce
You sad tracks about life, or about a lullaby
Boa cejtíš v nejistotě
Bro you feel uncertain
Dej tomu tejden, pak děvka pošle k vodě
Give it a week, then a bitch will send you overboard
Páč ty vyjebaný kundy neví ani sami co chtěj
Because those fucking pussies don't even know what they want
Co chceš, když se chováš jako malej gay?
What do you want when you behave like a little gay?
Nic proti boy, nechci bejt na tebe zlej
Nothing against boy, I don't want to be mean to you
Ale když lakuješ nehty a maluješ face
But when you paint your nails and face
Tak nejspíš sám nevíš kde máš fuckin' place
So you probably don't know where your fuckin' place is
nejsem tvůj brat stivy jako had
I'm not your brother stivy like a snake
Na každýho cut, na krysy tu čeká past
For every cut, a trap awaits the rats
Boa jednou přijde tma, nikdo neví co je pak
Bro one day darkness will come, nobody knows what's next
Ale přesto nemam strach, přijmu svoje zlo
But I'm still not afraid, I'll accept my evil
Tak jsem pohřbil svoje sny, podzemí šest stop
So I buried my dreams, six feet underground
Spálil mosty bitch, tak se please nezlob
Burned the bridges bitch, so please don't be mad
Asi jsem chtěl klid, páč to víc nešlo
I guess I wanted peace, because it wasn't working anymore
Poslouchat ty shits, debile běž home
Listen to that shit, idiot go home
Máš deprese stejný asi jako Lukáš Kril
You have depression, just like Lukáš Kril
na to mam lék, na tadyhle máš pills
I have a cure for that, here you have pills
Lidé jsou bejvale, jistí to kdyžtak pes
People are exes, a dog is sure to do that
A brečíš na storíčkách a poli, že škemráš cash
And you cry on stories and field, that you beg for cash
No a co, je mi fuk, píčus stejný jako ty
Well, I don't care, you are a dick just like you
Stejný jako tvoje čubka, co fotí si svý kozy
Just like your chick, who takes pictures of her tits
No a co, je mi fuk, co o kom řiká se
Well, I don't care, what is said about whom
Nechci slyšet nic, malej boy si naser
I don't want to hear anything anymore, little boy, piss off
Serou slova boa, co mi lezou z tlamy
The words that come out of my mouth are pissing you off, bro
Všichni si za ty fuckupy stejně nejvíc můžou sami
Everyone is mostly to blame for those fuckups themselves
Dneska každý tupý děcko fetuje a žere xany
Today every stupid kid is taking drugs and eating xanys
Ale když pak pro jede rychlá, to neni tolik funny
But when the ambulance comes for them, it's not so funny anymore
Kluci chtěj taky na byt, děvky chtěj taky kalit
Boys also want an apartment, girls also want to party
jim řikám fuck off, se nechci bavit
I tell them fuck off, I don't want to have fun
Buchty by chtěli šukat, zmrdy co maj prachy
Pussies would like to fuck, bastards who have money
Zmrda co sveze bávem nechá šáhnout klidně na pysk
A bastard who takes a ride by the BMW can calmly touch her lip

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