Play69 - Champions League - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Play69 - Champions League

Champions League
Champions League
Me puse esta canción antes de que comenzara
I put this song on before it started
En el vestuario previo a que el entrenador diera su charla
In the locker room before the coach gave his speech
La pizarra señala cada jugada
The board points out each play
Un trago de agua, subo mis medias, zapas apretadas
A sip of water, I pull up my socks, shoes tight
Me comulgo ya que debe ser como unión
I take communion because it must be like union
Aunque no crea en la comunión creo dar puntos en comunio
Although you don't believe in communion, I think I give points in fantasy football
El equipo y yo; yo y el equipo seremos uno
The team and I; you and the team will be one
Si tienes un problema pues lo asumo
If you have a problem, I'll take care of it
Subo las escaleras que dan paso al campo
I climb the stairs that lead to the field
Escucho el canto de la grada, el himno argrada a los que animan tanto
I listen to the singing of the stands, the anthem pleases those who cheer so much
Saludo y sonrió al rival, se que millones se ojos nos miran
I greet and smile at my rival, I know millions of eyes are watching us
Al que gana admiran y al que pierde olvidaran
They admire the winner and forget the loser
Es mi responsabilidad, tengo el brazal capitan
It's my responsibility, I have the captain's armband
Y a la capital con expectativas
And to the capital with expectations
Hay un fuego artificial, suena el pitido inicial
There's fireworks, the initial whistle blows
Rueda el balón por verdes millas
The ball rolls for green miles
Una victoria te pone entre los mejores de la historia
A victory puts you among the best in history
¡Oh! La liga de campeones
Oh! The Champions League
De eliminatorias pasan damas que fueron peones
From the knockout stages come ladies who were pawns
Fuera de casa hay remontadas que valen el doble
Away from home, there are comebacks that are worth double
Fútbol, vida, gloria, sangre, barro, lluvia, esfuerzo, alarde,
Football, life, glory, blood, mud, rain, effort, boast,
Botas, cami, escudo y carne; voy a dejarme la voz
Boots, jersey, shield, and flesh; I'm going to leave my voice
Con sudor, césped, grada aplaude, quiebros, robos, pases al pie
With sweat, grass, the crowd applauds, dribbling, steals, passes to the feet
Regates, remates, rebátelo con un gol si dice
Dribbling, shots, counter it with a goal if it says
Fútbol, vida, gloria, sangre, barro, lluvia, esfuerzo, alarde
Football, life, glory, blood, mud, rain, effort, boast
Botas, cami, escudo y carne; voy a dejarme la voz
Boots, jersey, shield, and flesh; I'm going to leave my voice
Con sudor, césped, grada aplaude, quiebros, robos, pases al pie
With sweat, grass, the crowd applauds, dribbling, steals, passes to the feet
Regates, remates, rebátelo con un gol si dice
Dribbling, shots, counter it with a goal if it says
Veras jugar aquí jugar a los más grandes
You'll see the greatest play here
Lo primero es clasificarme
The first thing is to qualify
Pasar de fase de grupos y eliminarles
Pass the group stage and eliminate them
Como Robin Van Persie si apunta, el cañón del Arsenal va a darles
Like Robin Van Persie if he aims, the Arsenal cannon will hit them
¡Boom! Si llevamos la cami del Bayern
Boom! If we wear the Bayern jersey
Recordamos los triunfos de ayer se Beckenbauer
We remember Beckenbauer's triumphs of yesterday
Fútbol 24 horas es un after hour que no cierra
24-hour football is an after-hours that doesn't close
Los goles se celebran con un baile
Goals are celebrated with a dance
Hay heridas que duelan y no suturan
There are wounds that hurt and don't heal
Messi contra Boateng 3 semanas se rutura, partiose la rótula
Messi against Boateng, three weeks of rupture, kneecap split
Thuram defiende, Nedved la mueve, Del Piero apura
Thuram defends, Nedved moves it, Del Piero presses
Fabio Capello otro éxito acumula
Fabio Capello accumulates another success
Y aunque juegue atrás anoto como Koeman
And even though I play in the back, I score like Koeman
Sergio Ramos sube, pero sube al cielo y ahí no hay quien lo cubra
Sergio Ramos goes up, but he goes up to heaven and there's no one to cover him there
Cuando escribo hago que ocurra, el boli curra
When I write I make it happen, the pen works
Soy la curva del balón si Giggs le pega con la zurda
I am the curve of the ball if Giggs hits it with his left foot
Es otro gol que narro y coreo
It's another goal I narrate and cheer
Yo vi a Fernando Hierro sacar de sus manos amañados los sorteos
I saw Fernando Hierro take rigged draws out of his hands
El Atleti siempre fue equipo internacional,
Atleti has always been an international team,
Que sin ganar la Champions ha lograo una Interconinental
That without winning the Champions League has achieved an Intercontinental
Fútbol, vida, gloria, sangre, barro, lluvia, esfuerzo, alarde
Football, life, glory, blood, mud, rain, effort, boast
Botas, cami, escudo y carne; voy a dejarme la voz
Boots, jersey, shield, and flesh; I'm going to leave my voice
Con sudor, césped, grada aplaude, quiebros, robos, pases al pie
With sweat, grass, the crowd applauds, dribbling, steals, passes to the feet
Regates, remates, rebátelo con un gol si dice
Dribbling, shots, counter it with a goal if it says
Fútbol, vida, gloria, sangre, barro, lluvia, esfuerzo, alarde,
Football, life, glory, blood, mud, rain, effort, boast,
Botas, cami, escudo y carne; voy a dejarme la voz
Boots, jersey, shield, and flesh; I'm going to leave my voice
Con sudor, césped, grada aplaude, quiebros, robos, pases al pie
With sweat, grass, the crowd applauds, dribbling, steals, passes to the feet
Regates, remates, rebátelo con un gol si dice
Dribbling, shots, counter it with a goal if it says
Se que yo no soy Freddie Mercury, ni que esto es Queen
I know I'm not Freddie Mercury, nor is this Queen
Yo soy Plaf, en un track, con un rap de la Champions League
I'm Plaf, on a track, with a Champions League rap
Esto no es swag, es swim
This is not swag, it's swim
El de Hazard en Chelsea o en Manchester City de Bruyne
Hazard's at Chelsea or De Bruyne's at Manchester City
Un último sprint que me haga llegar,
One last sprint to get me there,
El cuerpo de David Luiz, Luis Suarez bien ya lo sabe atravesar
David Luiz's body, Luis Suarez already knows how to get through it
Hay finales que duelen exagerar
There are finals that hurt to exaggerate
La del Milan contra el Liverpool tu-vo de líder a Steven Gerrard
Milan's against Liverpool was led by Steven Gerrard
Es recibir y dar, no olvido a mis seguidores
It's about giving and receiving, I don't forget my followers
En América la réplica está en la Libertadores
In America the replica is in the Libertadores
Para ellos mis bendiciones, pa' el tema el taconazo
For them my blessings, for the theme the heel
Le hizo Redondo un combo al rombo, que había en Old Trafford
Redondo did a combo to the chump who was at Old Trafford
¿Hay casos que te condicionan?
Are there cases that condition you?
Como las veces que coló de robote un gol Deco en el Barcelona
Like the times Deco snuck in a robot goal at Barcelona
Decepcionan directivas, pero vi cosas peores,
Directives disappoint, but I saw worse things,
La prensa directiva, el chiringuito de jugones.
The directive press, the players' beach bar.
Y aun así no evitan que esto me emocione y me haga ver la luz
And even so, they don't stop this from exciting me and making me see the light
Kaká celebró en 2007: "I belong to Jesus",
Kaká celebrated in 2007: "I belong to Jesus",
"¿Como no te voy a querer?", le dije al fútbol,
"How can I not love you?", I said to football,
Europa conquistada en 3 minutos, 50 segundos
Europe conquered in 3 minutes, 50 seconds

Writer(s): Play69, Muhamed Hamidoski

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