Plexo feat. Celph Titled - Noa (feat. Celph Titled) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Plexo feat. Celph Titled - Noa (feat. Celph Titled)

Noa (feat. Celph Titled)
Noa (feat. Celph Titled)
Som trochu márnotratný viem, v poslednej dobe,
I know I've been a bit of a spendthrift lately,
Možno je to tým, že sa všade točia love.
Maybe it's because money seems to be everywhere.
Občas si nemám ani začo kúpiť obed
Sometimes I don't even have enough money to buy lunch,
A keby to spočítam, tak mohol som byť na ostrove.
And if I add it all up, I could have been on an island.
No a, ja na ňom nejsom, lebo sedím doma,
But, I'm not there because I'm sitting at home,
S obsahom peňaženky môžem ísť do Trebišova.
With the contents of my wallet, I could go to Trebisov.
Treba mi sex a možno treba trochu prevychovať,
I need sex and maybe I need to re-educate myself a little,
Bude to tou dobou, ja sa pred životom, neviem schovať.
It's probably the times, I don't know how to hide from life.
No a, a tak tu sedím, nechcem existovať,
So, here I am, I don't want to exist,
Načo robím kokotiny, asi že som bežný Slovák.
Why do I do such stupid things, I guess I'm a typical Slovak.
Počúvam hudbu, lutujem, že som ju nevypol
I'm listening to the music, regretting that I didn't turn it off,
A napomínam zvery, čo sa vraždia za tým tenkým sklom.
And scolding the animals that are killing each other behind that thin glass.
Volaj ma plexisklo, ja verím v to, že raz ma ženy uštvú,
Call me Plexiglas, I believe that one day women will hound me to death,
Vypijem si s Palom Demitrom.
I'll have a drink with Pal Demitra.
Som celý život lenivý jak Lebowski, neverím v boha,
I've been lazy all my life like Lebowski, I don't believe in god,
Muklujem a píšem, zháňam tenisky a vravím no a.
I go to the army and write, I get sneakers and I say no and.
Nemôžeme za chyby, mám pocit, že to takto malo byť,
We can't help our mistakes, I feel like it was meant to be this way,
Hovorím si no a, ak existujú náhody.
I say no and, if there are any coincidences.
Budú asi pre ludí, čo nemajú plán.
They'll probably be for people who don't have a plan.
Mám plán.
I have a plan.
Celph Titled:
Celph Titled:
Nemôžeme za chyby, mám pocit, že to takto malo byť,
We can't help our mistakes, I feel like it was meant to be this way,
Hovorím si no a, ak existujú náhody.
I say no and, if there are any coincidences.
Budú asi pre ludí, čo nemajú plán.
They'll probably be for people who don't have a plan.
Mám plán.
I have a plan.
Nejsom spotený a aj tak bývam spoko,
I'm not sweaty and I'm still satisfied,
Berú si ma do huby, jak keby som bol kokot.
They're bad-mouthing me, like I'm an idiot.
Lebo som za pár rokov preskočil sto plotov,
Because in a few years I've jumped a hundred fences,
Vidím tváre, nemé výčitky, čo chcú, aby som zdochol.
I see faces, silent reproaches, wishing I was dead.
No a, som si zvykol, že ten svet je vidiek,
But, I'm used to it, that the world is the country,
Nejsom nesmrtelný, ale zlá burina nevyhynie.
I'm not immortal, but a bad weed doesn't die out.
Každý problémy, aj keď ich občas neni vidieť,
Everyone has problems, even if you can't see them sometimes,
Spotreba sa dvíha a ja nespoznávam vôňu sliviek.
Consumption is rising and I don't recognize the scent of plums.
Fuj a to zas čo bolo?
Ugh, what was that?
Neviem čo som vypil, ale nebolo to Kofolou.
I don't know what I drank, but it wasn't Kofola.
Svet sa točí dáko rýchlejšie a ovláda ho ropa,
The world is spinning somehow faster and oil controls it,
Ja ním kráčam ako Krišot, ale robím viacej faux pas, no a.
I walk through it like Kristoff, but I make more faux pas, no and.
A vlastne no a čo, žijeme len raz,
And so what, we only live once,
Alebo jak povedal Gorbačov,
Or as Gorbachev said,
Len ten čo niečo dokáže, môže si niečo dovoliť,
Only those who can do something can afford something,
Mám právo žiť jak bohém a mám právo všetko skomoliť.
I have the right to live like a bohemian and I have the right to ruin everything.
Nemôžeme za chyby, mám pocit, že to takto malo byť,
We can't help our mistakes, I feel like it was meant to be this way,
Hovorím si no a, ak existujú náhody.
I say no and, if there are any coincidences.
Budú asi pre ludí, čo nemajú plán.
They'll probably be for people who don't have a plan.
Mám plán.
I have a plan.

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