Plexo feat. Momo - Vravel Si Niečo? (feat. Momo) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Plexo feat. Momo - Vravel Si Niečo? (feat. Momo)

Vravel Si Niečo? (feat. Momo)
Did You Say Something? (feat. Momo)
Vravel si niečo? Nejak som ťa nepočul,
Did you say something? I didn't hear you,
Nešikovné reči, asi ako Gretzky bez korčúľ.
Your clumsy speech, like Gretzky without skates.
Počkaj, čo?, že hip hop nežije?
Wait, what? Hip hop is dead?
Vyber si to žlté z ucha, kecáš jak náš premiér.
Get that yellow stuff out of your ear, you're talking like our Prime Minister.
Prečo si kurva každý myslí,
Why does everyone think,
že to čo tvrdí on, je ako svätá pravda, neviem.
That what they say is the gospel truth, I don't know.
Vonia to, ako keď sa vyštím,
It smells like when I take a leak,
No toto nebol Gretzky, ale skôr Mario Lemieux.
No, this wasn't Gretzky, this was more like Mario Lemieux.
Maj si hrdinov, oblep si nimi celý byt
Have your heroes, plaster your whole apartment with them
A povedzme si pravdu kámo, toto neni letný hit.
And let's face it, buddy, this isn't a summer hit.
Že vraj si predtým hovoril, že dávam zlé rýmy,
You said before that my rhymes were terrible,
Preto ťa majú za blázna, no mohol si sa pomýliť.
That's why you're considered a fool, but you could have been mistaken.
Vravel si niečo? Porád, že som komerčný,
Were you saying something? Blah, blah, that I'm commercial,
Hučí mi tu vrtuľník a štyri krásne Slovenky.
There's a helicopter buzzing here and four beautiful Slovak girls.
S tým tvojim príbehom si môžeš max tak vyfajčiť,
With your story, you can do nothing but smoke,
Tieto reči sú, jak keby si nepovedal nič.
This talk is like saying nothing at all.
Refrén: 2x
Chorus: 2x
Stále mám taký pocit, že ste niečo vraveli no,
I still feel like you said something, but,
Robím veci z kevlaru a vy ste našli bakelit.
I'm making Kevlar stuff and you've found some bakelite.
Ste posadnutí rečami, že kto je umelý
You're obsessed with talk, about who's fake
A pritom, vy ste prirodzení ako cecky Pamely.
And yet, you're as natural as Pamela's boobs.
Čo mám písať povedz, o tom ako sa mám zle?
What do you want me to write about, how bad I'm doing?
Cez špinavé okuláre kukať sa na svet?
Looking at the world through dirty glasses?
Potrebujem svetlo, sľuby, niečo není dobré, mám,
I need light, promises, something's wrong, I have,
Svoje som povedal, a to sa iba rozbieham.
I've already said my piece, and I'm just getting started.
Vravel si o chlapcovi, že je strašne slabý,
You said about the boy, that he is terribly weak,
že nevie robiť hudbu a nevie hrať na klavír.
That he can't make music and can't play the piano.
Vravel si kamarátom, že on neni pravý,
You told your friends that he's not real,
A pred cudzím sa chváliš, že poznáš ho, si zdravý?
And you brag to foreigners that you know him, are you sane?
Nevieš jak sa bavím, na tých veciach, ktoré čítam,
You don't know how much fun I'm having,
Niečo také smradľavé mi ide z konečníka.
Reading the stuff you're putting out.
Toto je ďalšia z vecí, ktoré dáš si do priečinka,
This is just another one of those things you'll put in a folder,
Lebo tvoj život je krivda a ten môj je Dolce Vita.
Because your life is wrong and mine is Dolce Vita.
Vravel si niečo? Lebo tu hore ťa nepočuť.
Did you say something? Because you can't be heard up here.
Je tu riedky vzduch a dokopy to dáva všehochuť.
The air is thin and it all adds up to a hodgepodge.
Aby si vedel toto, musíš prestať fúkať kveto čuch,
To know this, you have to stop sniffing flowers,
Ja píšem nové riadky, zatiaľ čo si ideš pre koku.
I'm writing new lines while you're going for some coke.
Refrén: 2x
Chorus: 2x
Stále mám taký pocit, že ste niečo vraveli no,
I still feel like you said something, but,
Robím veci z kevlaru a vy ste našli bakelit.
I'm making Kevlar stuff and you've found some bakelite.
Ste posadnutí rečami, že kto je umelý
You're obsessed with talk, about who's fake
A pritom, vy ste prirodzení ako cecky Pamely.
And yet, you're as natural as Pamela's boobs.
Vravel si niečo? Momo sám, Plexo, nejak ťa tu neni počuť, aha, počuješ?
Did you say something? Momo, only Plexo, you can't be heard here, ah, can you hear me?
Stále niečo vravíš, potichu si len tak v duchu,
You keep saying something, quietly to yourself,
čítam tvoju reč tela, ty tela spomedzi tých sukup.
I read your body language, you body from among those carpet.
Lepšie jak včera od včera večera,
Better than yesterday, from yesterday evening,
Som s tebou spojený jak Bluetooth.
I'm connected to you like Bluetooth.
Je to jak input, output,
It's like input, output,
Neskryje čo nosí v hlave, týchto pár trúb.
Doesn't hide what's in his head, these few trumpets.
Nevedia, že niektorí im vidia do obydlia
They don't know that some can see into their dwelling
že nejsu najmúdrejší, aj keď papulu svoju zamknú.
That they're not the smartest, even when they shut their mouths.
Chápem, neni od každého dobre nakúpiť ten nákup,
I understand, it's not easy to buy that shopping,
Dať slabiny do placu, viesť splodiny na vákuum
To put weaknesses on the line, to lead the fumes into a vacuum
A dať im na zákernú zradu ešte dátum, viem.
And to give them a date for their treacherous betrayal, I know.
No nebaví ma byť v tvojej spoločnosti
But I'm not having fun being in your company
A hrať tvoju dospelú hru mlčanlivosti, nie.
And playing your adult game of silence, no.
Nemôžem síce povedať, že zavri klapačku,
I can't tell you to shut up,
Aj keď nič nehovoríš, aj tak ti to čítam z pier.
Even though you're not saying anything, I can still read it on your lips.
Refrén: 2x
Chorus: 2x
Stále mám taký pocit, že ste niečo vraveli no,
I still feel like you said something, but,
Robím veci z kevlaru a vy ste našli bakelit.
I'm making Kevlar stuff and you've found some bakelite.
Ste posadnutí rečami, že kto je umelý
You're obsessed with talk, about who's fake
A pritom, vy ste prirodzení ako cecky Pamely.
And yet, you're as natural as Pamela's boobs.

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