Plexo - Len Jedinej - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Plexo - Len Jedinej

Len Jedinej
Only One Fear
Bojím sa na svete len jedinej,
I'm afraid of only one thing in the world,
Veci, že keď odídem, sa nikdy nestretneme,
The thought that when I'm gone, we'll never meet again,
A moja ďalšia správa cez email,
And my next email,
Stratí sa kdesi ako poslaná do inej zeme.
Will be lost somewhere, like it was sent to another planet.
A aj keď práve teraz nemám čas,
Even if I don't have time right now,
Chcem, aby vedel a vedela si to, že nechcem,
I want you to know that I don't want,
Nikdy ťa stratiť a nehnevám sa,
To ever lose you, and I'm not angry,
Keď sme sa náhodou aj pohádali, to je bežné.
If we happen to argue, it's normal.
Často si nenecháme poradiť,
We often don't take advice,
A neberieme rady od nikoho, ani vlastnej hlavy,
And we don't listen to anyone, not even our own heads,
Robíme chyby jak aj vojaci,
We make mistakes like soldiers,
A rozkazy proti vôli, nie sme naprogramovaní.
And orders are against our will, we're not programmed.
A keďže stratili sme času mnoho,
And since we've wasted so much time,
Zbytok nášho času nemôžeme zabiť hlúposťami,
The rest of our time can't be killed with stupid things,
Preto som opustil to kocúrkovo,
That's why I left that crazy place,
Ty to urob tiež a ja ťa nestratím jak kľúč od brány.
You do it too, and I won't lose you like a key to the gate.
Nechcem stratiť ani jedného z vás,
I don't want to lose any of you,
Pretože bez vás to tu nespoznám,
Because without you I won't recognize this place,
Ide mi len o vašu bezpečnosť, mám,
I only care about your safety, I have,
Pocit, že je to tak a nie som sám.
A feeling that it's true, and I'm not alone.
Nechcem stratiť ani jedného z vás,
I don't want to lose any of you,
Pretože bez vás to tu nespoznám,
Because without you I won't recognize this place,
Ide mi len o vašu bezpečnosť, mám,
I only care about your safety, I have,
Pocit, že je to tak a nie som sám.
A feeling that it's true, and I'm not alone.
Bojím sa na svete len jedinej,
I'm afraid of only one thing in the world,
Veci, že keď odídeš ty, stratíš sa kdesi tam,
The thought that when you leave, you'll get lost out there,
Vonku a či to vôbec prežijem,
Outside, and whether I'll even survive it,
Keď neviem čo sa stalo a sa ťa to nespýtam.
When I don't know what happened, and I can't ask you anymore.
Prečo nás obklopuje faloš,
Why are we surrounded by falsehood,
Daj mi šancu ti to vysvetliť, problém mi nie je ľahostajný,
Give me a chance to explain it to you, the problem isn't indifferent to me,
A ten náš problém je tak primitívny,
And our problem is so primitive,
Tvrdohlaví barani a boje s veternými mlynmi.
Stubborn rams and fights with windmills.
Cítim, že sa vzďaľujeme, unáša nás voda preč,
I feel we're drifting apart, the water's carrying us away,
Ja plávam proti prúdu, ale teba ťahá opačne,
I'm swimming upstream, but you're being pulled the opposite way,
A čo sa týka nálady, viem hocikedy zdolať svet,
And as for mood, I can conquer the world anytime,
Len kvôli tebe začať hneď, no tvoja je jak počasie.
Just to start frowning for you, but yours is like the weather.
Preto mám strach, strach, a aspoň raz, raz,
That's why I'm afraid, afraid, and at least once, once,
Sa nechcem hádať o tom, kto pravdu,
I don't want to argue about who's right,
Vraj chce to čas, čas, nechci ma naštvať,
They say it takes time, time, don't make me angry,
Beží jak gepard, keby zbadal pandu.
It runs like a cheetah if it saw a panda.
Nechcem stratiť ani jedného z vás,
I don't want to lose any of you,
Pretože bez vás to tu nespoznám,
Because without you I won't recognize this place,
Ide mi len o vašu bezpečnosť, mám,
I only care about your safety, I have,
Pocit, že je to tak a nie som sám.
A feeling that it's true, and I'm not alone.
Nechcem stratiť ani jedného z vás,
I don't want to lose any of you,
Pretože bez vás to tu nespoznám,
Because without you I won't recognize this place,
Ide mi len o vašu bezpečnosť, mám,
I only care about your safety, I have,
Pocit, že je to tak a nie som sám.
A feeling that it's true, and I'm not alone.
Často konáme impulzívne,
We often act impulsively,
Nikdy nevieš, čo sa stane a niekto zmizne,
You never know what will happen, and someone disappears,
Tie rany nezatvoríš ako stehy,
You can't close those wounds like stitches,
Nikdy nevieš koho a kedy vidíš naposledy,
You never know who you're seeing for the last time, and when.
A ja vás preto nechcem stratiť,
And that's why I don't want to lose you,
čo ak vaše hlasy rozplynú sa bohvie kam,
What if your voices fade away, vanish who knows where,
Fotky vyblednú jak menčestráky,
Photos will fade like corduroys,
A vaše tváre uvidím len v spomienkach.
And I'll only see your faces in memories.
Sme ako zvieratá, často konáme impulzívne,
We're like animals, often acting impulsively,
Nikdy nevieš, čo sa môže stať a niekto zmizne,
You never know what might happen, and someone disappears,
A také rany nič nezatvorí ako stehy,
And such wounds nothing can close like stitches,
Nikdy nevieš koho a kedy vidíš naposledy.
You never know who you're seeing for the last time, and when.
Ste moja rodina a ja vás preto nechcem stratiť,
You are my family, and that's why I don't want to lose you,
čo ak vaše hlasy stíchnu, rozplynú sa bohvie kam,
What if your voices fall silent, vanish who knows where,
Všetky tie fotky časom vyblednú jak menčestráky,
All those photos will fade with time like corduroys,
Vaše tváre uvidím len vo svojich spomienkach.
I'll only see your faces in my memories.
Nechcem stratiť ani jedného z vás,
I don't want to lose any of you,
Pretože bez vás to tu nespoznám,
Because without you I won't recognize this place,
Ide mi len o vašu bezpečnosť, mám,
I only care about your safety, I have,
Pocit, že je to tak a nie som sám.
A feeling that it's true, and I'm not alone.
Nechcem stratiť ani jedného z vás,
I don't want to lose any of you,
Pretože bez vás to tu nespoznám,
Because without you I won't recognize this place,
Ide mi len o vašu bezpečnosť, mám,
I only care about your safety, I have,
Pocit, že je to tak a nie som sám.
A feeling that it's true, and I'm not alone.
...navždy v našich srdciach, Saška, dávajte na seba pozor.
...forever in our hearts, Sasha, take care.

Writer(s): plexo

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