Plexo - Toto Si Nečakal - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Plexo - Toto Si Nečakal

Toto Si Nečakal
You Didn't Expect This
Mugis, gombasecká klobása
Mugis, stupid ungodly sausage
čo si dal zas za beat
What kind of beat did you just drop
Toto je mŕtvy plexo do hudby od mugisa
This is dead plexo on mugis music
A ja sa pýtam všetkých živých, móre lúbi sa
And I am asking all the alive ones, I mean, do you like it?
Pohni tým krkom jak keby si ho chcel zlomiť
Move that neck as if you were trying to break it
Veď toto je jedna z vecí po ktorej môžeš byť chromý
This is one of the things that can make you lame
Plexo a mugis to podpaľači klubu
Plexo and mugis are the club arsonists
Všade kam donesú tu hudbu robia bum, bum
Every place this music is brought to, they make a big noise
Dúfam že dojdeš tam a radšej mi nesľubuj
I hope you get there and, please, don't promise me anything
Chcem ťa v tom dave vidieť baliť každú jednú lubňu
I want to see you grinding any honey in the crowd
Som ten čo vymyká sa vzorcu hip-hopovej scény
I am the one that does not fit the hip-hop scene
Ten čo bez podpory nie vždy vstáva z popola jak fénix
The one that does not always rise from the ashes like a phoenix without support
Preto pokým zhorím chcem aby ste vedeli že v cieli
That's why, before I burn, I want you to know that when I reach the goal
Ja vám ukážem môj prostredník a pošlem vás na tréning
I will show you my middle finger and send you to training
Za jeden deň zložím skladbu, za jeden mesiac mám album
I write a song in a day, and I have an album in a month
Zajebem jak boh kým čakáš na rep z mcdonaldu
I can drop some great bars while you are waiting for a McDonald's rap
Povedz pravdu to si nečakal inak ani ja predvčerom
Tell me the truth, you didn't expect this. Neither did I the day before yesterday
A tak posielam vlhkú pusu všetkým mojím haterom
So, I am sending a wet kiss to all my haters
Toto si nečakal že? (si nečakal)
You didn't expect this, did you? (didn't expect it)
Toto som nečakal ja (ani ja)
I didn't expect this either (neither did I)
Toto ste nečakali (čo?)
You didn't expect this (what?)
Je na čase aby ste to všetci pochopili
It is time for you all to understand this
Toto si nečakal že? (nečakal)
You didn't expect this, did you? (didn't expect it)
Toto som nečakal ja
I didn't expect this
Toto sme nečakali
We didn't expect this
Bodaj by všetky slabé repy pokapali
I hope all weak raps die
Toto je mŕtvy rap do korunovej hudby
This is some dead rap of the crown music
A čo to necítia musia byť asi buzny
And those who don't feel it must be faggots
A keď to furt nechápeš tak sprav si ďalší uzlík
And if you still don't get it, then make another knot
Chýbajú ti tučné hudby producenti asi schudli
You miss fat music producers. They must have lost some weight
A keď máš sto kíl tak sa začni aspoň kolísať
And if you are a hundred kilos, then, at least, start swinging
Nebuď mŕtvy všetci žijú čoho bojíš sa
Don't be dead. Everybody is alive. What are you afraid of?
Netvár sa prísne jak krpatý mestský policajt
Don't act tough like a little city cop
Keď každý tvrdý zmäkol asi stretol chucka norrisa
When every tough guy softened up, they must have met Chuck Norris
Jebem ti kolotoče nedrogujem, nevím nač
I don't give a fuck about wheels. I don't do drugs. I don't know why
Môžem byť kľudne celý od blata jak kvetináč
I can be muddy all over like a flower pot
Ja nemám sweg a nemajú ho moji kámoši
I have no swag, and neither do my friends
Stačí že vy ste top asi jak inzerát na bazoši
It is enough that you are top. It's probably like an ad on a second-hand website
V dobe keď frajer vždy odkusnuté z jablka
In times when a dude always has a bite of an apple
Kde všetci aj tak čakajú iba na double time
When everybody also expects a double time
Upni a vreskot ideme dvesto pre toto všetko si zaplatil vstup
Buckle up and scream. We are doing 200. You paid for this admission for this
Mugis a plexo jediným gestom rozbijú dneska ten spotený klub
Mugis and plexo will tear this sweaty club down with one single gesture
Toto je mŕtvy text na štvorkilové hoboje
This is a dead text for four-kilo oboes
A každý kto to nebude zdielať je kozojeb
And anybody who will not share this is a goat fucker
čakal si oboje no som nečitateľný
You expected both, but I am unreadable
A keď chceš tréning zavolaj a kľudne dám ti perník
And if you want a training, call me. I will happily give you a gingerbread
Mugis je král a ja sa bavím ako nikdy
Mugis is king, and I am having the time of my life
Keby mám koncert tak si naňho kúpim lístky
If I were to have a concert, I would buy tickets to it
Pred bránou porozdávam všetkým ľuďom prilby
I would hand out helmets at the gate
Lebo vnútri bude bordel ako keby hral limp bizkit
Because inside there will be a mess as if Limp Bizkit was here
Toto si nečakal čo? na také som špecialista
You didn't expect this, did you? I specialize in those
Odohrám koncert dáme beat von len ma nechaj vyšťať
I will play a concert. We will drop a beat. Just let me get out to take a piss
Do piče moralista s názormi jak komunista
Fuck you, moralist, with opinions like a communist
Je 2012 a si pomaly jak windows vista
It is 2012, and you are as slow as Windows Vista
A chcel som do tejto veci niekoho zavolať
And I wanted to call somebody to this thing
No kto by zajebal do mugisa tak ako ja
But who would drop a bar on mugis like I do
A ty čo hovoria že ja, keď sa neboja
And you who say I do, if you are not afraid
Na konci majú priestor na slohu tak nech sa zapoja
You have space for a verse at the end. So, join in

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Peter Plecho

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