Plexo - Víkend - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Plexo - Víkend

Chcem aby bol piatok, môže byť tak 16: 30,
I want it to be Friday already, maybe about 4:30 PM,
život je zázrak povedal by Emir Kusturica,
Life is a miracle, as Emir Kusturica would say,
Nemusím plánovať ho, postačí mi uklúdniť sa,
I don't have to plan it, I just need to calm down,
Dva dni voľna je mi jedno kde, klúdne aj v Biskupiciach.
Two days off, I don't care where, even in Biskupice.
Milujem jedlo, preto dal by som si strašný biftek,
I love food, so I would have a huge steak,
Keby ma teraz vidíš dáš mi asi strašný výsmech,
If you saw me now, you would probably laugh at me,
čakám na telefonát, po sprche som holý v izbe,
I'm waiting for a phone call, naked in my room after a shower,
Čau, ideme vypiť? Nemusíme, ale mohli by sme.
Hey, let's go for a drink? We don't have to, but we could.
No a, ja sa viem pobaviť aj s alkoholom,
Well, I know how to have fun with alcohol too,
A keby nie, aj ja sa bavím kámo zas to bol on,
And if not, I'll still have fun, buddy, it was him again,
Tie piatkové večery vždy bývajú tak za sto bodov,
Those Friday nights are always worth a hundred points,
Kým tam nie vyrývači podporený nandrolonom.
As long as there are no brawlers on nandrolone.
Dnes je mi jedno mám to na háku,
Today I don't care, I have it on a hook,
Na takom velikánskom čo visí na plaváku,
On such a huge one that hangs on a float,
V ruke mám kapitána, v ústach chuť tataráku,
I have a captain in my hand, a taste of tartare in my mouth,
Neni nič vác jak toto, možno afterka na baráku.
There is nothing more than this, maybe an after-party at the house.
Refrén: Dajte mi víkend a to ihneď,
Chorus: Give me a weekend, right now,
Zasa raz sa cítim ako dvojtýždňový BigMac,
Once again, I feel like a two-week-old BigMac,
Nech rýchlo zmiznem, všetci pri mne,
Let me disappear quickly, everyone with me,
Snáď ste si o mne nemysleli že nepôjdem nikde.
You didn't think I wouldn't go anywhere, did you?
Víkendy nech ako na Hromnice o deň viac a,
Weekends should be like Candlemas, one more day,
Sobota mala by byť aspoň sto krát do mesiaca,
Saturday should be at least a hundred times a month,
Rána vendeta za piatkovú preliatu krv,
Mornings are revenge for Friday's spilled blood,
Cez srdce do mozgu a do pečene na útlm.
Through the heart into the brain and into the liver to suppress it.
Ak je to detské, nikdy nechcem byť dospelý,
If that's childish, I never want to be an adult,
Plexo a ženské, tak to sa nedá rozdeliť,
Plexo and women, that's inseparable,
Raňajšie postrehy a do pol piatej v posteli,
Morning reflections and in bed until half past four,
Pohľady do steny a strašná chuť sa zostreliť.
Looking at the wall and a terrible desire to shoot myself.
Nechcem to plánovať, no keď to chceš, tak máš to mať,
I don't want to plan it, but if you want it, you can have it,
Môžme isť stanovať, alebo spraviť bankomat,
We can go camping or rob a bank,
Kúpiť si Astona, koňa a možno aj slona,
Buy an Aston, a horse and maybe even an elephant,
Vianočku s maslom, ale hlavne neostať doma.
Christmas cake with butter, but most importantly, don't stay home.
to len dva dni, poďme vychutnať si to smelo,
It's only two days, let's enjoy it boldly,
Oči nezavri, lebo raz dva je tu pondelok,
Don't close your eyes, because Monday will be here in no time,
To slovo nehovor, je zlé kamarát hrozne moc,
Don't say that word, my friend, it's terribly bad,
Nebudem klamať, je to horšie ako Voldemort.
I won't lie, it's worse than Voldemort.
Refrén: Dajte mi víkend a to ihneď,
Chorus: Give me a weekend, right now,
Zasa raz sa cítim ako dvojtýždňový BigMac,
Once again, I feel like a two-week-old BigMac,
Nech rýchlo zmiznem, všetci pri mne,
Let me disappear quickly, everyone with me,
Snáď ste si o mne nemysleli že nepôjdem nikde.
You didn't think I wouldn't go anywhere, did you?

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Peter Plecho

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