Plexo - Zatvor Dvere - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Plexo - Zatvor Dvere

Zatvor Dvere
Close the Door
Odvaha a strach ma delí od toho ju dostať
Courage and fears separates me from getting her
Tak poď sem žena a rýchlo to je rozkaz
So come over here woman and quickly, it's an order
Viem že by to zapadlo a cítim to v kostiach
I know that it would fit in and I feel it deep down
Zoberiem ťa ku mne či chceš v tejto diere ostať
I'll take you to my place, or do you want to stay in this hole?
Počkaj to chceš zostať tu? veď to je jak zostarnúť
Wait, you want to stay here? It's like getting old
Odkradnúť sa do skladu, zozadu a odpadnúť
Sneak into the warehouse, from behind and collapse
Filtrujem myšlienky čo končia iba v predstavách
I filter thoughts that end only in fantasies
Keby že z nich nemám strach o kúres sa nestarám
If I wasn't afraid of them, I wouldn't worry about a damn thing
Vravia my choď za ňou no ja mám v botách betón
They say I should go after her, but I have concrete in my shoes
A krčím sa jak vojak čo dal stopadesát drepov
And I'm cowering like a soldier who did a hundred and fifty squats
Vyzerám jak lúzer čo podlieza pod kalčetom
I look like a loser who's hiding under his hat
Myslím že ju poznám ale čo keď som sa sekol
I think I know her, but what if I'm wrong?
Povedz mi prečo sa hanbím a ty detto
Tell me why you're embarrassed, and you too
Nemáš chuť na sex? ináč ja som peťo
Don't you feel like having sex? By the way, I'm Peter
Prajem si len aby si na sekundu bola ja
I just wish you could be like me for a second
Toto je peklo tak zober si ma do raja
This is hell, so take me to paradise
Možno by som dáko uspel možno dostal facku
Maybe I'd succeed somehow, maybe I'd get slapped
Možno chlapca v sbs a možno tu matku
Maybe she has a boyfriend in the secret service, or maybe her mother is here
čo si blázon? to je aká šanca
Are you crazy? What are the chances?
Ja neviem ak futbalistu je tu celý manšaft
I don't know if she has a soccer player, there's a whole team here
Asi som tragéd je to márne čo ste vraveli?
I guess I'm a tragedy, it's useless, what did you say?
Vždy keď som v dave tak som namotaný na ženy
Whenever I'm in a crowd, I get turned on by women
Len cecky a zadky, barmanka nemá gaťky
Just boobs and butts, the barmaid has no panties
štvoritého kapitána, kámo toto plať ty
A four-foot captain, dude, you pay for this
vidím jak sa na mňa usmieva vzadu
I can already see her smiling at me from the back
Chlapci ma battlia ako za čias bombakladu
The boys are battling me like in the days of the bomb
Som mimo jak keby som dostal hák na bradu
I'm out of it as if I got hit in the jaw
A toto bude dlhšie jak blokáda leningradu
And this will be longer than the blockade of Leningrad
Veď je to jednoduché vieš že je najlepšia
It's simple, you know she's the best
A netvár sa jak keby že máš zemegulu na pleciach
And don't act like you have the world on your shoulders
čakal som celú noc že skončíš v mojom náručí
I've been waiting all night for you to end up in my arms
Tak zatvor dvere dievča poďme sa niečo naučiť
So close the door, girl, let's learn something

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