Pokáč feat. Jakub Ondra - Hrdinský Čin - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pokáč feat. Jakub Ondra - Hrdinský Čin

Hrdinský Čin
Heroic Act
řeknu vám příběh, který se stal
Let me tell you a story that happened
A sním klidně svůj klobouk, kdybych vám lhal
I swear by my hat I won't lie
Jak zpívá pan Tučný a snad to není
Like Mr. Tučný sings, and hopefully it's not
Autorského práva porušení
A copyright infringement
Tak si to hasim po václaváku
So, I'm walking down Wenceslas Square
Nahoře pod koněm jdu z hlaváku
Under the statue of the horse heading out of town
Když na rameni ucítím ruku něčí
When I feel a hand on my shoulder. A man I don't know
A neznámý muž spustí cizí řečí
Starts to talk to me in an unknown tongue
Hello my friend i think i am lost
Hello my friend, I think I'm lost
You know how i could get to "Karlův most"
Do you know how I can get to "Charles Bridge"
I've never been here and my phone is dead
I've never been here and my phone is dead
Could you please help me 'cause i've got no map
Could you please help me because I don't have a map
Chvíli jen je zírám - nevěřícně
I stare at him for a moment - in disbelief
Co-se-to ten podivín snaží říct mně
What is this weirdo trying to tell me
Pak povídám hele nerozumim
Then I say, "Look, I don't understand"
tou tvojí hatmatilkou nemluvim
"I don't speak your gibberish"
Laj-lalala laj-lalala laj-lalala laj-laj-laj
Lah-lah-lah lah-lah-lah lah-lah-lah lah-lah-lah
Sorry i don't speak czech not a single word
Sorry, I don't speak Czech, not a single word
Or maybe just one - the one i just heard
Or maybe just one - the one I just heard
From this nice young man that i passed by
From this nice young man that I passed by
I think he said "nečum" and i guess that means "hi"
I think he said "nečum" and I guess that means "hi"
Jak to se mnou mluvíš ty zmetku cizí
How dare you speak to me like that, you foreign scum
říkám - uděláš nejlíp když vodsaď zmizíš
You'd best get out of here," I say
Jsem na výsost pohoršen a smutno je mi
I'm extremely offended and sad
Co za lůzu běhá po naší zemi
What kind of scum runs around in our country
Okay i think that i'll try this way
Okay, I think I'll try this way
Thanks for your time and have a nice day
Thanks for your time and have a nice day
You know today it's the birthday of my lovely wife
You know today is my lovely wife's birthday
As a present i got her this beautiful knife
I bought her this beautiful knife as a present
V tu chvíli na ten cizí muž
At that moment, the stranger
Bez oka mrknutí vytasil nůž
Pulled out a knife without batting an eye
však zachoval klid a o zem švih s ním
But I stayed calm and swung it at the ground
A tak zatočil s cizákem násilnickým
And so, I dealt with the violent stranger
Laj-lalala laj-lalala laj-lalala laj-laj-laj
Lah-lah-lah lah-lah-lah lah-lah-lah lah-lah-lah
A tak končí příběh, který se stal
And so ends the story that happened
A přísahám že jsem vám fakt nekecal
And I swear, I'm not lying to you
Jednou se budou psát písně to teď vím
One day, songs will be written, I know it
Oslavující můj hrdinský čin
Celebrating my heroic act
A nejeden film jistě půjde do kin
And more than one movie will be made
Laj-lalala laj-lalala laj-lalala laj-laj-laj
Lah-lah-lah lah-lah-lah lah-lah-lah lah-lah-lah

Writer(s): Jan Pokorny

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