Polemic - Dokonalý zločin - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Polemic - Dokonalý zločin

Dokonalý zločin
Almost Perfect Crime
Keď som zbadal ten úsmev a hĺbku jej očí
When I saw that smile and the depth of her eyes
Zatočil sa celý svet
The whole world turned around
Pozoroval som šelmu, čo chystá sa skočiť
I watched the beast that was about to jump
Moje hrdlo zovrel smäd
My throat was parched
Chcel som pod rúškom noci v jej pazúroch skončiť
I wanted to end up in her clutches under the cover of night
Stačilo len hodiť sieť
All I had to do was cast the net
Pochopil som ten pocit, že ma v moci
I understood that feeling that she had me in her power
Na to nemusím byť doktor vied
I don't have to be a doctor of science to understand that
Ukradla si mi srdce, no tak stoj!
You stole my heart, but stop!
Lenže ja ho stále nosím
But I still carry it
Ukradla si mi srdce, počkaj, stoj!
You stole my heart, wait, stop!
Takmer dokonalý zločin
Almost a perfect crime
Ešte nebola polnoc, keď náhle si zmizla
It wasn't midnight yet when you suddenly disappeared
A zostal som celkom sám
And I was left all alone
Spraviť rozruch aj dojem, to všetko si stihla
You managed to make a stir and an impression
Tak si to ja pamätám
That's how I remember it
Lenže bez tvojho smiechu to nedáva význam
But without your laughter it doesn't make sense
Ako more bez leta
Like the sea without summer
Nechcem celý svoj život len v nádeji čakať
I don't want to wait my whole life in hope
Či vráti sa mi kométa
Whether the comet will return to me
Ukradla si mi srdce, no tak stoj!
You stole my heart, but stop!
Lenže ja ho stále nosím
But I still carry it
Ukradla si mi srdce, počkaj, stoj!
You stole my heart, wait, stop!
Takmer dokonalý zločin
Almost a perfect crime
Ukradla si mi srdce, no tak stoj!
You stole my heart, but stop!
Lenže ja ho stále nosím
But I still carry it
Ukradla si mi srdce, počkaj, stoj!
You stole my heart, wait, stop!
Takmer dokonalý zločin
Almost a perfect crime

Writer(s): Peter Opet, Peter Sandor, Michal Novacky, Miroslav Baricic, Branislav Bajza, Andrej Juras, Lubomir Horak, Peter Huraj, Branislav Fejes

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