Polemic - Dáma - traduction des paroles en anglais

Dáma - Polemictraduction en anglais

Sedel ako vždy, tam vzadu, na rohu,
Sitting as usual, in the back, in the corner,
Cigaretka, kávička, zvädnuté fúze.
With a cigarette, coffee, withering mustache.
Prelistoval noviny, aj prílohu,
Flipped through newspapers, and the supplement,
Zrazu vošla šťávička v priesvitnej blúze.
Suddenly, a hottie walked in with a see-through blouse.
Dych sa mu zastavil - bola to dáma,
His breath caught in his throat - she was a lady,
Nevšímala si starého pána.
Didn't notice the old gentleman.
Oproti, pri konferenčnom stolíku,
At the opposite table, a conference table,
Objednala s citrónom klasickú sódu.
She ordered a classic soda with lemon.
Nevedel, že akú zvolí taktiku,
He didn't know what strategy,
Všetko dať na počasie, alebo módu?
To switch to the weather, or to fashion?
Nechcel to pokaziť - bola to dáma,
He didn't want to mess it up - she was a lady,
Všimla si oproti starého pána.
She noticed the old man opposite.
Nechcel to pokaziť - bola to dáma,
He didn't want to mess it up - she was a lady,
Všimla si oproti starého pána.
She noticed the old man opposite.
Začal teda na úrovni debatu,
So he started to talk to her on a serious level,
Chytala sa perfektne, na každú tému.
She was a perfect catch, on every topic.
Fajčila mentolovú cigaretu,
She smoked a menthol cigarette,
Pohľadom ho zvádzala - mal trochu trému.
She seduced him with her gaze - he was a bit nervous.
Srdce mu búchalo - bola to dáma,
His heart was pounding - she was a lady,
Tešil ju záujem starého pána.
She enjoyed the attention of the old man.
Srdce mu búchalo - bola to dáma,
His heart was pounding - she was a lady,
Tešil ju záujem starého pána.
She enjoyed the attention of the old man.
Odišli spoločne - aj to sa stáva,
They left together - it happens sometimes,
Keď príde vo filme do baru dáma...
When a lady walks into a bar in a movie...

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