Polemic - Mesto - traduction des paroles en anglais

Mesto - Polemictraduction en anglais

Ó prečo v meste bývam
Oh why do I live in the city
Noviny nečítam
I don't read the newspaper
Dáme si čistého vína
Let's be honest
Svet okolo nás je klam
The world around us is a lie
Ó prečo v meste bývam
Oh why do I live in the city
Sídlisko to je raj
Housing estate is paradise
Gandža, džointy a samá špina
Weed, joints and a mess
Ja sa len pozerám
I just watch
Ó keď si do postele líham
Oh when I lie down to bed
S tou čo nepoznám
With the one I don't know
Rozpálim ju whiskou
I warm her up with whisky
Kamzík skáče sem a tam
Chamois jumps here and there
Ó ja o pokoji snívam
Oh I dream of peace
Keď v práci zaspávam
When I fall asleep at work
Večer moja duša žila
In the evening my soul lived
Cez deň sa pozviecham
During the day I become a drunkard
Ó prečo v meste bývam
Oh why do I live in the city
Neprídem na to sám
I won't figure it out myself
Chýba mi dobrá víla
I miss the good fairy
Do sveta sa vydám
I'll go out into the world
Ó prečo v meste bývam
Oh why do I live in the city
Veď mne stačí stan
A tent is enough for me
Ó ...
Oh ...

Writer(s): Branislav Bajza, Marek Hatar, Branislav Stancik

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