Polemic - Pod S Nami - traduction des paroles en anglais

Pod S Nami - Polemictraduction en anglais

Pod S Nami
Pod S Nami
Chodím a zbieram železá po dedine
I walk and collect scrap metal in the village
Zmizol aj odkvap z kostola no v tom som nevinne
The gutter from the church is gone too, but I swear I'm innocent
S naloženú káričku tu brázdim ulice
With my loaded little cart, I roam the streets
Nekerí ma zdravia iní berú palice.
Some greet me, others grab their sticks.
Pod michalskou s klobúčikom sedím celkom sám
Under the Michal tower, I sit alone with my little hat
Keď niekto ide okolo no tak sa prežehnám
When someone passes by, I'll cross myself
Treba spraviť divadielko sem tam zakrívam
I have to put on a show, and sometimes I cry out
Keď zacinká mi pod nohami hneď to počítam
When the coins clink under my feet, I count them right away
Poď s nami
Come with me
Raz si hore raz si dolu
Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down
Poď s nami
Come with me
Netreba ti na to školu
You don't need a degree
Poď s nami
Come with me
Nemusis byt vierihodný
You don't have to be credible
Poď s nami
Come with me
Príspevok je dobrovoľný
The contribution is voluntary
Napichujem papieriky na paličku len
I stick little papers on a stick, that's all
Do roboty takto chodim každý druhý deň
I go to work like this every other day
Niekedy ma táto činnosť prudko nebaví
Sometimes I don't really enjoy this activity
Jedno pivko v tieni pod stromom to napraví
But a beer in the shade under a tree fixes that
Sníva sa mi že som niekam uletel
I dream that I've flown away somewhere
A sa sem nikdy viac nevrátim
And I'll never come back here again
Niekde v diaľke počujem ten známy hlas
Far away, I hear that familiar voice
Okamžite začni makať, začo ťa platím!!?
Get to work right now, what am I paying you for!!?
Poď s nami
Come with me
Raz si hore raz si dolu
Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down
Poď s nami
Come with me
Netreba ti na to školu
You don't need a degree
Poď s nami
Come with me
Nemusis byt vierihodný
You don't have to be credible
Poď s nami
Come with me
Príspevok je dobrovoľný
The contribution is voluntary

Writer(s): Peter Opet, Peter Sandor, Michal Novacky, Miroslav Baricic, Branislav Bajza, Andrej Juras, Lubomir Horak, Peter Huraj, Branislav Fejes

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